Why are threads moved


Well-Known Member
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Why would a post be moved and when it is can you tell us where its moved to?
I only come on here to post, is there other forums that are a part of CZ to go to? Thanks
Why would a post be moved and when it is can you tell us where its moved to?
I only come on here to post, is there other forums that are a part of CZ to go to? Thanks
Click on main forums and you'll see a list. Your post might not have been moved it might have been deleted for erroneous content. Threads are moved to the correct forum.
Why would a post be moved and when it is can you tell us where its moved to?
I only come on here to post, is there other forums that are a part of CZ to go to? Thanks
Your thread was moved to the Sports Zone forum because it's not Cowboys related which is required for the Fan Zone.

You already knew this though because you posted in your moved thread AFTER it was moved 5 minutes before creating this thread.
No Reality I didn't know, why would I ask? I received an e mail that someone replied to post and answered from there. Than logged on forum and saw it was moved. But thanks anyway for letting me know why
No Reality I didn't know, why would I ask? I received an e mail that someone replied to post and answered from there. Than logged on forum and saw it was moved. But thanks anyway for letting me know why
There are several sticky threads in the Members Zone forum that will likely answer many of the questions you have, especially the .. ***** Posting tips for posting threads on Cowboys Zone ***** .. thread.

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