Why are you a Cowboys fan?

Cause I'm a masochist.

Seriously though, born in Dallas and my Dad has hated them my entire life. Used to beg to stay up late to watch Emmitt play wearing my Emmitt jersey that was so big it looked like a dress.
When you are born in Dallas you ride with the Cowboys through better or worse from birth to death - that's just how we are.

If this team was in Cleveland I'd laugh and laugh at their stupidity. But because I am who I am I watch with anticipation every weekend, hoping something great will happen.
I asked this question on another site (more in general to why people route for the team they do), but I want to explore this topic beyond the surface. I hear so many Cowboys fans say to other Cowboys fans "Well, you're not a true fan"? Can a true fan get fed up with losing? What defines a true fan? Or more to my question ...

Why are you a Cowboys fan? I'm not asking when you became a fan but why? What is it about the Dallas Cowboys that makes you a fan and continue to be a fan?

Is it the star? Is it the location (Dallas)? Is it the history? Is it because they won in their earlier years, and you were enamored with that? Is it the players?

What holds your loyalty as a fan? And what circumstance would have to happen for you not to be a fan?

Could you be a fan if the Cowboys moved to Los Angeles? Could you be a fan if the Cowboys changed the "star" emblem?

I'm curious to read your comments. Thanks.

When I was a little boy, my favorite cousin and my childhood hero, liked them. He and I would sit on the couch and pop open a bottle of Pepsi (that tells how old I am) and root for the Cowboys. My mom always taught me to root for your team and be loyal no matter what. So, I've been a cowboy fan for going on 36 years. :D
This is a really good question?

But, I really don't know how or why I became a Cowboy fan. I have always been one of us. I grew up watching football and liked what I saw as a child. Other than that, I have no clue.

(was this a trick question) lol
I like Texas.

I like the iconic star and colors.

And I like spending too much time on this message board.

That's what it comes down to. And why I will stay a Cowboys fan - no matter what I think about the Joneses.
When I was 9 years old, I became aware of the NFL. The Cowboys were on TV every week. (Texas) They became part of my life. Now, if they moved to some other state, I would be so mad, I'd probably become a Houston Texans fan and root against the Cowboys.

Texas is home. I root for the the hometown high school team, the Rangers, the Cowboys, the Spurs, the Texas Tech Red Raiders, and any other team from Texas when they are playing any team from the United States or Canada.
parents don't like sp[orts so i had to learn all this on my own. i grew up in the 90s where the dallas cowboys were a mainstay at 425 on either fox or CBS. i was too young to understand supporting home teams, so i just went with the team i was used to seeing.

its funny because many of my friends also did the same growing up and by the time aikman, emmitt and irvin retired they bailed for the now good donovan mcnabb led eagles. i stayed put, and when we do win again ill cry tears of joy.

to my friends around here, I'm as obnoxious as i can be. lol all in good fun though.
I was in kindergarten in the 70's, my cousin was a few years older than me and i always looked up to him. one day he didnt want to go outside and play with me because he was glued to the tube watching the game. to make a long story short, i sat next to him and asked questions while we was watching #33 tony dorsett running wild. the rest is history.
I posted this before, but short story............grew up a Giants fan(live in NJ) that didn't really know or watch football till my friend proposed a bet to me that the Cowboys would beat the Skins opening Monday night 92........I gladly took the Skins not following or knowing any football but knowing the Skins won the superbowl......because of our big $5 bet (I was 12), I watched the whole game for the first time ever and immediately fell in LOVE with the Cowboys. I was spoiled early and often and took the good times for granted.
Too much to name. I just hope in the next life I don't come back an Eagle fan.
I was three years old- 1978.
I was born and living in a tiny town outside of Corpus Christie- Ingleside. Maybe 35 total population then.

My mother was born and raised in Long Island, but had no interest in sports.
My father was from the mountains of West Virginia, but for some reason- a huge Cowboys fan.

My father had a terrible accident in that foul year of our Lord- 1978 and I lost him forever.

But the Dallas Cowboys remained.

You have to understand- in South Texas back then, you were a Cowboys fan or there was a problem with you. It was almost conditioned in you.

Not only did I embrace it, I clinged to it. My mother went through terrible relationship after terrible relationship, and things constantly were in flux after my father's accident, but the one thing that was always there for me was THAT game on Sunday.

My Dallas Cowboys were going to walk into someone's stadium, maybe their own, maybe someone else's and go to war for me.

Old Mr. Campbell, our closest neighbor of three miles away who was in his late 70's would ride his old, almost broken bicycle to our mobile home (before a hurricane blew it away) every Sunday and would give me a piece of gum and we'd watch the Cowboys together. Him and me. Like he was my Grandfather. He wasn't, but he was to me- and it was the Cowboys that we shared. Wonderful memories in those heady years of the late 70's and very early 80's.

I tear up typing this.

This football team from the city of Dallas, Texas will always mean more to me than a mere sport. It's continuation of a legacy.

A legacy of fandom.

From my father, to old Mr. Campbell, to me and then it will be to my children.

No matter who owns the team, no matter who coaches it or their win/loss record.

It will always be more than that. They will always be MY team. I will always be LOYAL to OUR Dallas Cowboys.

Now and forever.
I was born and raised near the metroplex. My dad was a big fan, and I was raised that you always root for your hometown team. Well, Dallas was the closest NFL team, so they were the hometown team. My earliest memories of the team are the Super Bowl loss to the Colts, and the next year stomping Miami in the Super Bowl. That was some pretty great early memories. Also, the Cowboys had on their team "The World's Fastest Human!" For a little kid, there was nothing cooler than that! So all those factors combined turned me into a massive obsessed fan. I could never stop rooting for them under any circumstances, and I still live and die with them every week.

Here's a tip to enjoying the team: I've tried to keep the attitude I had as a kid. Take one game at a time. Think of every opponent as a worthy opponent who will be tough. Don't think in terms of the long-term, just be happy when they Cowboys pull out a win...against ANYBODY! That way, I don't have to be miserable when we beat a team that is perceived as inferior by only a couple of points instead of blowing them out. Think about it, when you were little, you didn't know each week whether your team was SUPPOSED to win or not, you just hoped they would. If they did, you were HAPPY! I like living like that. :)
I asked this question on another site (more in general to why people route for the team they do), but I want to explore this topic beyond the surface. I hear so many Cowboys fans say to other Cowboys fans "Well, you're not a true fan"? Can a true fan get fed up with losing? What defines a true fan? Or more to my question ...

Why are you a Cowboys fan? I'm not asking when you became a fan but why? What is it about the Dallas Cowboys that makes you a fan and continue to be a fan?

Is it the star? Is it the location (Dallas)? Is it the history? Is it because they won in their earlier years, and you were enamored with that? Is it the players?

What holds your loyalty as a fan? And what circumstance would have to happen for you not to be a fan?

Could you be a fan if the Cowboys moved to Los Angeles? Could you be a fan if the Cowboys changed the "star" emblem?

I'm curious to read your comments. Thanks.

I'm a cowboys fan cause I like torturing myself

1- If the cowboys moved cities and remained the cowboys (LA Cowboys) would you still be a fan?
2- If the cowboys moved and another team expanded to Dallas with a new name would the new team be your favorite team?
3- In the above highly unlikely scenarios would you default to another team based on geographic proximity?

Interesting questions for those who are not from Dallas but Cowboys fans. Is it the team, the location, the uniforms, the players?
Born in Texas. But I first really started following the Cowboys when I was living in another country, in another time zone. There were times I would get up around 4 AM to keep up with Cowboys games.
I'm a cowboys fan cause I like torturing myself

This'll help you.

great granparents were fans, and raised my grandparents (all from Arlington) to be fans and so on and so forth..

i grew up with Danny White, Ed Too Tall Jones, Randy White, and the triplets.. so yeah, i bleed silver and blue.

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