Why Cowboys will be 12-4 football team this year

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I've predicted this team to win 12 games and I'm sticking too it, here's why:

Eagles - Still the champs, but no way we get swept this year. I hope we sweep them but here's being realistic: 1-1
Deadskins - yes their defense is ok but we swept this trash last year and will do it again: 2-0
Giants - Eli Manning is a joke and I dont' care what people think, they got lucky and swept us last year, but this year we get back to business and swep them 2-0

There's 5-1 right there

NFC West
Cards - they will be improved, but no way they come close to winning in big D this year: W
Rams - another joke team that's better days are behind them: W
@ Sea - We lit this team up last year, so did Bledsoe with the Bills despite 4 INT's: W
@ SF - LOL is this worth even writing about: W


AFC West - no doubt the biggest challenge
@SD - tough opening game on road and we'll be trying to gel, i give them this one: L
@ oak - another tough one, should be a shootout, but i'll give them it out of respect for AFC and Moss: L
Den - Team is a joke and not going anywhere this year with Jake Plummer of all QB's - W
KC- perhaps the best and most improved team in AFC, but we get them at home - W


Det - might surprise, but not in big d: W
@ Car - real tough game against legit superbowl team: L


Add it all up 12-4 and likely #2 seed(i think road goes through minny or carolina this year), I'm a little apprehensive thinking we'll go 8-0 at home but hey the schedule is in our favor. If anything I could see KC clipping us but that's it.

So please how on earth do you haters or pessimists think this is 5-7 win team based on our schedule and the fact we added a plethera of talent via free agency and the draft.....because I'm dyng to know!! Please offer your rebuttals and ingight regarding my thoughts and let me know if you agree/disagree thanks.


Well-Known Member
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I think we have a chance at making the playoffs, I don't know about 12-4 but at this stage getting a spot in post season will be a success in my eyes


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If we start out winning, the D gels and the offense is clicking, and we suffer no major injuries, 11+ wins is a big possibilty, dont forget about the Steelers, they won kept winning and then they couldnt lose, not saying we're them but winning does alot for the team. (I.E 2003 Cowboys)


All Star
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BledsoetoWittenfortheTD said:
So please how on earth do you haters or pessimists think this is 5-7 win team based on our schedule and the fact we added a plethera of talent via free agency and the draft.....because I'm dyng to know!! Please offer your rebuttals and ingight regarding my thoughts and let me know if you agree/disagree thanks.

Did you get these predictions after watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? No NFL team is an automatic victory. Surely the lowly Saints and helpless Bengals should have been automatic W's. This team is extremely difficult to gage...at least wait after 4 preseason games before jumping on top of a mountain and proclaiming to the world your wisdom. ;)


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Everlastingxxx said:
Did you get these predictions after watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? No NFL team is an automatic victory. Surely the lowly Saints and helpless Bengals should have been automatic W's. This team is extremely difficult to gage...at least wait after 4 preseason games before jumping on top of a mountain and proclaiming to the world your wisdom. ;)

well we did have a stone age born QB and a stonge age born RB, so... youcant hold that against us:D:D


Gif Dude
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I don't see us sweeping the Giants, they had just as good an offseason as us. IMO unless Eli plays like a rookie we'll be lucky to split.

And I for one am worried about our WR depth, I highly doubt Glenn is going to last 16 games. If he falls offensively we're in trouble.

I say 9-7 this year.

Portland Fanatic

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I think we have a good chance of winning 10-11 games...I think we have a talented group on defense, BUT overall young in some key area's like OLB's in 3-4 and if Spears and Canty are on the field at the same time...not to mention Davis. I like what we are doing, but we will have some growing pains....at the same time we have some real talent in the youth too. I'm hopeful!

I think Bledsoe will be effective...especially with the potential of a great running game....

I'm hopeful for an 11-5 season....


"You want some?"
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
GTaylor said:
I don't see us sweeping the Giants, they had just as good an offseason as us. IMO unless Eli plays like a rookie we'll be lucky to split.

And I for one am worried about our WR depth, I highly doubt Glenn is going to last 16 games. If he falls offensively we're in trouble.

I say 9-7 this year.

That's closer to the reality of it.


Well-Known Member
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12-4 is possible. BUT we have to have no real injuries and our rookies have to play well. Bledsoe SHOULD be better then he was at Buffalo last year- if he is then he is a significant upgrade to Vinny. JJ for the whole season- plus solid backups means the running game should be NASTY. We have the TE and WR's to hurt anyone.
The key on D is if we do not get predictable-and our rooks play well.
The schedule is not bad- and some of the teams on it have a lot of changes as well and NOWHERE near the coaching we have. SD, Philthy, Carolina are the only teams that really we should lose to. As things look now. There is no one else on our schedule that REALLY worries me as long as we do not have a flat game against them.
I think we go at least 4-2 in the division; 3-1 against the AFC West (Raiders have no D and I think we can get to Collins well enough to win); KC's O is nasty but I do not think their D is going to be good enough- that is the only other AFC west team that worries me some; Denver is going to finally hit the skids this year as Plummer hits bottom. NFC West- Arizona is getting better but not there yet the rest we should beat fairly handily.
Detroit- ha. Carolina is maybe the BEST team in the NFC this year. So that is how I see us going 12-4 if it happens.


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BledsoetoWittenfortheTD said:
I've predicted this team to win 12 games and I'm sticking too it, here's why:

Eagles - Still the champs, but no way we get swept this year. I hope we sweep them but here's being realistic: 1-1
Deadskins - yes their defense is ok but we swept this trash last year and will do it again: 2-0
Giants - Eli Manning is a joke and I dont' care what people think, they got lucky and swept us last year, but this year we get back to business and swep them 2-0

There's 5-1 right there

NFC West
Cards - they will be improved, but no way they come close to winning in big D this year: W
Rams - another joke team that's better days are behind them: W
@ Sea - We lit this team up last year, so did Bledsoe with the Bills despite 4 INT's: W
@ SF - LOL is this worth even writing about: W


AFC West - no doubt the biggest challenge
@SD - tough opening game on road and we'll be trying to gel, i give them this one: L
@ oak - another tough one, should be a shootout, but i'll give them it out of respect for AFC and Moss: L
Den - Team is a joke and not going anywhere this year with Jake Plummer of all QB's - W
KC- perhaps the best and most improved team in AFC, but we get them at home - W


Det - might surprise, but not in big d: W
@ Car - real tough game against legit superbowl team: L


Add it all up 12-4 and likely #2 seed(i think road goes through minny or carolina this year), I'm a little apprehensive thinking we'll go 8-0 at home but hey the schedule is in our favor. If anything I could see KC clipping us but that's it.

So please how on earth do you haters or pessimists think this is 5-7 win team based on our schedule and the fact we added a plethera of talent via free agency and the draft.....because I'm dyng to know!! Please offer your rebuttals and ingight regarding my thoughts and let me know if you agree/disagree thanks.

The posterboy for not using crack cocaine.....


He Made the Difference
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BledsoetoWittenfortheTD said:
I've predicted this team to win 12 games and I'm sticking too it, here's why:

Eagles - Still the champs, but no way we get swept this year. I hope we sweep them but here's being realistic: 1-1
Deadskins - yes their defense is ok but we swept this trash last year and will do it again: 2-0
Giants - Eli Manning is a joke and I dont' care what people think, they got lucky and swept us last year, but this year we get back to business and swep them 2-0

There's 5-1 right there


Three of the best coaches in the league coach our division opponents.

If you think this year Gibbs will not have cleaned up his major offensive woe, his oline, you're mistaken. Just getting Jansen back will improve them, and the move to zone blocking will do wonders for Portis (think Denver).

There are some who see what Greg Williams did last year as smoke and mirrors. They are mistaken too. The only thing that will keep the Skins in the cellar is their QB. But by next year, or before, Campbell will behind center, so make hay while the sun shines with Happy Feet Ramsey for as long as you can..notice the scores they lost many games by very very very close. I doubt they lose so many close ones this year.

And Joe Gibbs probbaly hates losing almost as much as Parcells.

Why on earth would you think the Eagles incapable of sweeping us again? A Super Bowl team in tweak mode versus one installing a new defense. With or without TO, there is no match yet here for their recent level of execution, and Reid has arguably the best coodinators in the league now Belichick lost his.

Coughlin beat us twice last year, once with Warner and once with Manning. The Jints made some nice acquisitions this offseason, especially Burress.
I have no rason to expect they won't be considerably more focused, and cohesive this season.

It's one thing to believe your own team has improved (it has). Another to pretend the others just sat still all offseason or got worse. With so little respect for opponents, (when they win it's 'luck'), it makes me wonder why you can blow your own horn so loud. I mean, when we lose to trash, and all.

So please how on earth do you haters or pessimists think this is 5-7 win team based on our schedule and the fact we added a plethera of talent via free agency and the draft.....because I'm dyng to know!! Please offer your rebuttals and ingight regarding my thoughts and let me know if you agree/disagree thanks.

Haters and pessimists? Try realists. I think we have a strong possibiity to hold our own and more offensively for the time it takes the D to gel, but everything, but everything has to fall our way, AND we have to get impact out of enough areas to offset the growing pains.

Your optimism is refreshing, but there is nothing in any of your remarks that indicate even the slightest understanding of the personnel, coaching, or systems we are going to face. (Your comment on Denver is a good example. lol) Nothing.

But you sure make an energetic cheerleader. ;)


Arch Defender
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HeavyHitta31 said:
The posterboy for not using crack cocaine.....

I guess you knew the Falcons were gonna win 14 games in 1998 or that the Rams would win the super bowl in 99 huh?




Well-Known Member
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Based on our improved OL and running game. I really think 11-5 is possible if we don't have any major injuries...of course.

Split with Giants and Eagles and lose to Cards, Rams and Oak, mainly because I think they will spread our new defense through the air and make us pay.


Virtus Mille Scuta
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BledsoetoWittenfortheTD said:
I've predicted this team to win 12 games and I'm sticking too it, here's why:

I enjoy believing in Santa Claus, Magic & Elves too...:D but shoot I keep atleast a tiny bit of reality in my fantasies...this has no bases what so ever in the real world...

lets look at it this way...first game of the year SD's LT may set the record for yards rushing against a single opponent...Which is a lot more likely to happen if we line up in and stay in the 3-4 than us going 12-4

or that Oak may lay half a hundred on us than us going 12-4

how will the team react to that?...

no there are SO VERY MANY things that have to go just right for us to be 10-6 that I think 12-4 is totally out of the question...

but hey I admire your optimisim...


New Member
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I am sticking to my prediction since the draft... 10-6 wildcard playoff team....


The Duke
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BledsoetoWittenfortheTD said:
So please how on earth do you haters or pessimists think this is 5-7 win team based on our schedule and the fact we added a plethera of talent via free agency and the draft.....because I'm dyng to know!! Please offer your rebuttals and ingight regarding my thoughts and let me know if you agree/disagree thanks.
I disagree. I never say never, but I find your scenario rather unrealistic bordering on fantasy.

Let's discuss just a couple of facts about the upcoming year.

1. We are changing defensive schemes. There will be growing pains.

2. We will be relying on a lot of rookies and unproven players. By the way, have I told you yet that there will be growing pains?

3. There is NO guarantee that Drew Bledsoe can regain his old form under Parcells. If he plays the way he has in his most recent seasons we are going to have turnovers and sacks to contend with. Those things happening at crucial times lead to losses, evn to teams you might expect to win.

4. Injuries cannot be predicted.

5. "On paper" has never proven to be an accurate gauge. Doesn't matter if "on paper" we have improved. It still has to come together.

6. No such thing a guaranteed win. Each year we lose games we should not lose. Every team does. You also win games you shouldn't.

Can we win 12 games? Sure. I'll never say never. Is it as cut and dried and easy as your layout? That would be a resounding no. Even if I don't think 12-4 is realistic I still think it will be a potentially remarkable year. I think 10-6 is a realistic goal to shoot for and anything above that is gravy.


He Made the Difference
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big dog cowboy said:
Hey let the guy think what he wants. Camp hasn't even started yet.
Well, Big Dog, if he's man enough to end his post with
Please offer your rebuttals and ingight regarding my thoughts and let me know if you agree/disagree thanks.

He's man enough to take it.

But come to think of it, he hasn't responded...
