Why I dumped every single Cowboys FB group I was in

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Reverend Conehead

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The Cowboys FB groups I was in do have some good people in them. However, those groups were simply not very good about keep trolls out. After any Cowboys' loss, you could expect trolls, hasslers, and low-lifes to bombard those groups with the dumbest, most football-ignorant posts you can imagine. It would be one thing if those stupid posts were counteracted by numerous excellent posts by fans who know the game, but they weren't. The Cowboys fans in those groups were mostly just, "Ra-ra-rah, go team," which is fine, but it does nothing to enhance understanding of the game. So I decided to just jettison every single one of those groups on the grounds that the obnoxious trolls are not worth one second of my time.
CZ may not be perfect, but it's much, much better run than any of those FB groups, and it's not even close. I'm not saying there are never any trolls or stupid posts, but plenty of people here are highly knowledgeable about the sport, and that facilitates other people learning and understanding more. I use FB to stay in touch with family, and a lot of my family are overseas in Switzerland and France. It's way easier to stay in touch with people abroad than it used to be via writing letters. I don't need that interrupted by stupid comments like, "Every night Cowboys fans [gross comment censored]." I made the choice to throw those trolls out of my life. It was the right choice.

Reverend Conehead

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And if the mods can’t keep the trolls out, we root them out ourselves
Yup, if some troll shows up, report'm. I'm a mod for a different forum (not related to football), and I can attest that reporting helps mods a lot. It makes it way easier to find the BS. When you log in, you don't have to wade through hundreds of posts. The mod can pull up the reported list and see if, indeed, the reported posts are trolling or against the rules in some way. Don't report someone just for disagreeing with you, of course, but if someone is just here stirring up trouble, report them. The mods can find them way quicker if you do.


CowBabe Up!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I have the same experience on Facebook, lots of rah rah with no substance. Those people live and die with the Cowboys, though. Too bad the trolls get to make a mockery of everything Cowboys.


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Facebook discussions, even in specific groups for most topics sucks.
Only have a few groups that are decent and set up offroading events.
But the scammers are getting better at blending in


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The Cowboys FB groups I was in do have some good people in them. However, those groups were simply not very good about keep trolls out. After any Cowboys' loss, you could expect trolls, hasslers, and low-lifes to bombard those groups with the dumbest, most football-ignorant posts you can imagine. It would be one thing if those stupid posts were counteracted by numerous excellent posts by fans who know the game, but they weren't. The Cowboys fans in those groups were mostly just, "Ra-ra-rah, go team," which is fine, but it does nothing to enhance understanding of the game. So I decided to just jettison every single one of those groups on the grounds that the obnoxious trolls are not worth one second of my time.
CZ may not be perfect, but it's much, much better run than any of those FB groups, and it's not even close. I'm not saying there are never any trolls or stupid posts, but plenty of people here are highly knowledgeable about the sport, and that facilitates other people learning and understanding more. I use FB to stay in touch with family, and a lot of my family are overseas in Switzerland and France. It's way easier to stay in touch with people abroad than it used to be via writing letters. I don't need that interrupted by stupid comments like, "Every night Cowboys fans [gross comment censored]." I made the choice to throw those trolls out of my life. It was the right choice.
Greatest place ever I feel so safe in here


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What can a troll say that a fan wouldnt at this point? I’ve been a fan for 46 years and seen pretty much everything. This team is Laughing stock , a joke a punchline and not because of one season or two or ten. It’s 28 years of the same thing. It’s a flaming clown car franchise. That’s not trolling it’s reality.


Well-Known Member
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The Cowboys FB groups I was in do have some good people in them. However, those groups were simply not very good about keep trolls out. After any Cowboys' loss, you could expect trolls, hasslers, and low-lifes to bombard those groups with the dumbest, most football-ignorant posts you can imagine. It would be one thing if those stupid posts were counteracted by numerous excellent posts by fans who know the game, but they weren't. The Cowboys fans in those groups were mostly just, "Ra-ra-rah, go team," which is fine, but it does nothing to enhance understanding of the game. So I decided to just jettison every single one of those groups on the grounds that the obnoxious trolls are not worth one second of my time.
CZ may not be perfect, but it's much, much better run than any of those FB groups, and it's not even close. I'm not saying there are never any trolls or stupid posts, but plenty of people here are highly knowledgeable about the sport, and that facilitates other people learning and understanding more. I use FB to stay in touch with family, and a lot of my family are overseas in Switzerland and France. It's way easier to stay in touch with people abroad than it used to be via writing letters. I don't need that interrupted by stupid comments like, "Every night Cowboys fans [gross comment censored]." I made the choice to throw those trolls out of my life. It was the right choice.
Id dump the whole FB crap.

Reverend Conehead

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What can a troll say that a fan wouldnt at this point? I’ve been a fan for 46 years and seen pretty much everything. This team is Laughing stock , a joke a punchline and not because of one season or two or ten. It’s 28 years of the same thing. It’s a flaming clown car franchise. That’s not trolling it’s reality.
Trolls say plenty of dumb crap that most Cowboy fans wouldn't. For one thing, many of them claim that the Cowboys have paid off the refs and that all the calls always go our way. If that's the case, wouldn't we have "won" about 8 Super Bowls in a row? I've seen other trolls claim that Jerry Jones is some kind of clansman. Jones has certainly made plenty of mistakes, but that claim about him is absurd.


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I dumped them because it was nothing but pictures about "Cowboys until I die, win lose will always support the team."

And then you also have the scammers who come in after every time you make a comment. The Cowboys own Facebook page is full of them.


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I dumped all FB friends who are Packers fans. That’s how much I despise that team.


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Yeah I dumped all my football related groups as well, even the NFL page. It's a waste of time and there is literally no actual football talk. It's just people talking trash with the same old recycled material over and over. If you're going to come at me, at least bring me something new. Yeah, I've seen that meme about 500 times already.


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Trolls say plenty of dumb crap that most Cowboy fans wouldn't. For one thing, many of them claim that the Cowboys have paid off the refs and that all the calls always go our way. If that's the case, wouldn't we have "won" about 8 Super Bowls in a row? I've seen other trolls claim that Jerry Jones is some kind of clansman. Jones has certainly made plenty of mistakes, but that claim about him is absurd.
Fair enough
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