Why I dumped every single Cowboys FB group I was in

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The Cowboys FB groups I was in do have some good people in them. However, those groups were simply not very good about keep trolls out. After any Cowboys' loss, you could expect trolls, hasslers, and low-lifes to bombard those groups with the dumbest, most football-ignorant posts you can imagine. It would be one thing if those stupid posts were counteracted by numerous excellent posts by fans who know the game, but they weren't. The Cowboys fans in those groups were mostly just, "Ra-ra-rah, go team," which is fine, but it does nothing to enhance understanding of the game. So I decided to just jettison every single one of those groups on the grounds that the obnoxious trolls are not worth one second of my time.
CZ may not be perfect, but it's much, much better run than any of those FB groups, and it's not even close. I'm not saying there are never any trolls or stupid posts, but plenty of people here are highly knowledgeable about the sport, and that facilitates other people learning and understanding more. I use FB to stay in touch with family, and a lot of my family are overseas in Switzerland and France. It's way easier to stay in touch with people abroad than it used to be via writing letters. I don't need that interrupted by stupid comments like, "Every night Cowboys fans [gross comment censored]." I made the choice to throw those trolls out of my life. It was the right choice.
Great post. Personally i like hearing both sides of a story, not just my side. Arguments can be made for both, not one has a monopoly on the truth, since we deal with hunches, guesses, and opinions here. That's why i NEVER put anyone on ignore either. that is just plain childish and juvenile. The real world is tough and you might as well hear differing points of view.

Just weed out the pom pom shakers and eternal pessimists and you have a good core of knowledge to work with. :thumbup:
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