Why is it that Dak has to be perfect? LVE- Defense


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I just don't get all the Dak hate. Why is it that Dak has to be perfect when guys like Brady and Rodgers stink up the league? Let's go back to the Tampa game. New wide receivers- new Oline at spots. No preseason games played. And half the league quarterbacks sucked just as Dak did the first week. And by the way must like Dak - had no preseason. Now people whining about his play Sunday. First game back from a thump injury. What did they expect??I thought he played ok for his first game back. Then you have the 14 ton elephant in the room called Kellen Moore. I'll say it once -I'll say it a thousand times. Kellen Moore is doing Dak no favors as his OC. This guy is still learning on the job at Dak and the Dallas Cowboys expense. He still can't figure out how to use Turpin in the offense. What a great weapon going unused:facepalm: Dak just don't get greedy! Take what they give you and try to hit them deep when the right formation presents itself.

Now on to defense. I'm worried upfront we still aren't physical enough at the defensive tackle spot. I had great hope in Bohanna and Gallimore. But thus far I'm underwhelmed by their play. I think we are just ONE good not even great defensive tackle away from really being better then we are now. LVE continues to be the weakest player on the defense IMO. I watched him carefully and he was usually out of position or being washed out by the O-linemen on run plays. That's why it's even more important to get a run stuffing DT. to help protect our linebackers. The safeties are also missing way to many open field tackles. IMO. Hopefully we can get a great DT in the first next draft or what I really want :) The safety playing at USC with the same hair and play as Troy P. former Steeler safety. Plenty of time left for the forementioned Bohanna and others to get it going.