Why is the NFL committing suicide?

Every NFL game I have been to I have heard the announcer say "please stand to honor our military in singing the national anthem". How is kneeling not disrespectful to men and women who serve this country?

Because its really not. I have multiple military in my family. Not a one has an issue with this. In fact, the common theme is "I served for the exact purpose of giving people the right to protest like this without fear of retribution................."

I mean think about it. How in the world is standing for a song and a flag somehow respectful of people in the military? Most people don't even realize why they are standing, they just do it because they've been basically trained to stand. It's nothing more than habit at this point. Half the time the people are stone drunk and standing there guzzling a beer or stuffing a hot dog down their throat while the song is played. Most are looking around hoping there is a fly by not even paying attention to the flag or song.

And then what are the rules of flag and anthem respect? So today, when I turned on the TV and they were singing the anthem, should I have stood in my living room? Did the fact I sat there with a beer make me also disrespectful of the military? Or what if I am driving and listening to a NFL game on the radio and the anthem comes on? Do I need to pull over and stand at attention on the side of the road in respect? Or does the anthem over the TV or radio somehow get an exemption from the "rule"?

And guess what? The protest is working. The goal of protest is to bring awareness and start discussions and frankly, this has done just that.
suicide? your president can't even stay away. :laugh:

He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

So he argued that kneeling in protest is disrespectful but apparently the players standing today with arms locked in protest was respectful. LOL, what? So just because they don't have their knees bent it's all good?
Regardless if one agrees with the protesting players, or Trump, or has some other view, I hope the irony/hypocrisy of the players criticizing Trump's expression of his first amendment right criticizing their expression of their first amendment right is not lost on many.
I understand the outcry against unnecessary police violence.

But where has the outcry been about all same-race violence in our urban areas... The number of deaths via that manner greatly dwarf the other– Yet where's the protest over that?

Or the protest over the disintegration of the family unit where young men feel no obligation to actually being fathers and being monogamous?
I understand the outcry against unnecessary police violence.

But where has the outcry been about all same-race violence in our urban areas... The number of deaths via that manner greatly dwarf the other– Yet where's the protest over that?

Or the protest over the disintegration of the family unit where young men feel no obligation to actually being fathers and being monogamous?

Honest question, do you even care about either of those last two things or is it just a convenient what about-ism?

I'm just wondering if you go to sleep at night thinking about same race violence being an important thing to rally awareness for.

Because there are actually people that do, including some of those players who donate time and money in those communities.
I'm pretty tore up on this, when it was one or two guys... even 10 I don't care it is your right. I think it's a failed concept that is not bringing positive or constructive attention to your cause. We all have the right to be wrong and I've allowed myself to double down on my bad judgement more than once.

When people I know who casually watch, but enjoy the games began making comments like our President (who I support in general) about firing them and such I've defended them as I've found that to be ridiculous. You are always going to have people who don't appreciate, understand or care about the sacrifice it takes to have a fantastic Union as we do. That's fine we don't have to agree on everything. When an entire team does this I can't support that team or the organization that does it.

I just turned off the SNF Game, hopefully not all the Raiders were sitting, but my stomach turned when I saw that. I don't know what I am going to do if the Cowboys players protest I don't know if I can watch the NFL any longer. I don't mind the teams staying in the locker room, but I won't watch a sport where the entire team pokes it's finger in my countries eye. I am beyond sad.

If people hadn't made a big deal about it when it was "one or two guys...even 10" it never would've blown up like this. But no, people had to flip out about it, draw lines in the sand, and now we're surprised it got bigger? :rolleyes:
If people hadn't made a big deal about it when it was "one or two guys...even 10" it never would've blown up like this. But no, people had to flip out about it, draw lines in the sand, and now we're surprised it got bigger? :rolleyes:

I'm shocked calling people sons of *****es didn't make them jump to their feet and salute.
Honest question, do you even care about either of those last two things or is it just a convenient what about-ism?

I'm just wondering if you go to sleep at night thinking about same race violence being an important thing to rally awareness for.

And why would it matter if I do or do not care?

It doesn't obliterate the facts.

But yeah I do care. Unnecessary violence and kids not growing up with a father does affect all of us at some level.
Resisting arrest should not put a person’s life in danger. That there are people in this country that are OK with cops killing those who resist arrest is a huge part of the problem. Until that changes, the protests will continue. I support them.
Again I'm not sure if you're intentionally being obtuse or if you really don't understand.

Nobody is saying they intentionally kill all people that resist. The point is that you put yourself into a situation where you could easily be killed by accident.

Resisting is red flag and people that resist are often putting the cops or someone else in danger. The cops have to protect themselves and bystanders which often means guns drawn. One you've created a situation where they've drawn their weapons, then your at risk of a mistake even if you don't approach the police. If you do approach them while resisting then it goes from resisting to threatening.
Because its really not. I have multiple military in my family. Not a one has an issue with this. In fact, the common theme is "I served for the exact purpose of giving people the right to protest like this without fear of retribution................."

I mean think about it. How in the world is standing for a song and a flag somehow respectful of people in the military? Most people don't even realize why they are standing, they just do it because they've been basically trained to stand. It's nothing more than habit at this point. Half the time the people are stone drunk and standing there guzzling a beer or stuffing a hot dog down their throat while the song is played. Most are looking around hoping there is a fly by not even paying attention to the flag or song.

And then what are the rules of flag and anthem respect? So today, when I turned on the TV and they were singing the anthem, should I have stood in my living room? Did the fact I sat there with a beer make me also disrespectful of the military? Or what if I am driving and listening to a NFL game on the radio and the anthem comes on? Do I need to pull over and stand at attention on the side of the road in respect? Or does the anthem over the TV or radio somehow get an exemption from the "rule"?

And guess what? The protest is working. The goal of protest is to bring awareness and start discussions and frankly, this has done just that.

The protest isn't working. Not even close.

And people do realize they are standing. They hear it announced that the anthem is going to be played when the announcer says 'please rise for our National Anthem' and then they look to find where the nearest flag is located and they face the flag as the anthem is being played.

Nobody expects somebody in the privacy of their own home to stand for the anthem. However, by sitting for the anthem when it's being played and you are asked politely to stand for that anthem is a sign of disrespect for our country.

There are far more effective ways to protest and get things done than to protest the anthem. For instance, if you allege there is systemic racism in law enforcement then protesting the anthem doesn't do one thing to improve that alleged systemic racism in law enforcement. Getting together with community leaders and voting in your community to find leaders that will attack alleged system racism in law enforcement will get the job done.

Instead, you protest the anthem to show disrespect for the country because that grabs headlines. I'd rather not sell out my country for my own political beliefs. And if anybody thinks it is so oppressive to live in the United States that they need to disrespect the country, I suggest moving to a country that appeases more to your sensibilities. We'll start a ******** page to pay for your moving expenses.

RAY RICE ADMITTED IT and he took a court supervised plea deal instead being found guilty

He had to go through counseling, therapy and court ordered community service just for the chance to have the case dismissed after a year....... that is the same as Probation Before Judgement which is not the same at all as being found Not Guilty..... and you know this
No I don't "know this" because almost everything you just said is just not true.

You say it was a plea deal. That is not true. It is not a plea deal. A pretrial intervention is not a plea deal. (In fact, he was offered a plea deal, but rejected it) Rice never went to trial, was never found guilty, had no plea deal, and has a perfectly clean record.

You say he did court ordered community service. That is not true. A pretrial intervention is voluntary (in fact, you have to apply for it and you don't always get it) and there was no ordered community service.

You say it is the same a probation before judgement. That is not true. Probation before judgement means you plead no contest (or guilty). Ray Rice pled not guilty at his arraignment and that never changed.

Seriously, you should learn what you are talking about before spouting off.

Also, please bear in mind I am not saying Rice shouldn't have been suspended. I am just using Rice as the textbook counter example when someone thinks that only players who were found guilty in a court of law should be suspended.
Because its really not. I have multiple military in my family. Not a one has an issue with this. In fact, the common theme is "I served for the exact purpose of giving people the right to protest like this without fear of retribution................."

I mean think about it. How in the world is standing for a song and a flag somehow respectful of people in the military? Most people don't even realize why they are standing, they just do it because they've been basically trained to stand. It's nothing more than habit at this point. Half the time the people are stone drunk and standing there guzzling a beer or stuffing a hot dog down their throat while the song is played. Most are looking around hoping there is a fly by not even paying attention to the flag or song.

And then what are the rules of flag and anthem respect? So today, when I turned on the TV and they were singing the anthem, should I have stood in my living room? Did the fact I sat there with a beer make me also disrespectful of the military? Or what if I am driving and listening to a NFL game on the radio and the anthem comes on? Do I need to pull over and stand at attention on the side of the road in respect? Or does the anthem over the TV or radio somehow get an exemption from the "rule"?

And guess what? The protest is working. The goal of protest is to bring awareness and start discussions and frankly, this has done just that.

I too have multiple military in my family, and they all have issues with it. They refuse to watch football this year, which makes me sad because we all had a friendly rivalry thing going for my entire life. I will never stop watching the Cowboys, but I have changed the channel today just to get away from the National Anthem reporting every 5 minutes during a game I'm trying to enjoy. And I imagine I will watch less and less going forward.

I agree the protests are getting attention, but the only discussions being created are should I keep watching or not.
I understand the outcry against unnecessary police violence.

But where has the outcry been about all same-race violence in our urban areas... The number of deaths via that manner greatly dwarf the other– Yet where's the protest over that?

Or the protest over the disintegration of the family unit where young men feel no obligation to actually being fathers and being monogamous?

More black men are murdered in the city of Chicago alone each year on the weekends of Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day than all of the black men across the country that are unjustly murdered by police in a year.

So every year, on 3 distinct weekends of the year...activists could save far more lives of black people in one particular defined area than they could save of all of the black men unjustly murdered by police. But, they will never do it.

The pro-Kap crowd are boycotting as well so you have to competing sides boycotting.

Also, we all know the product is trash now.

Which is also what Trump said this past weekend. But he got hammered over 'wanting the game to be more violent.'

Ask yourself this...have we ever seen politics brought into ANY sport and it increase a fanbase?

The only thing I could think of is you might be able to argue Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling. But even that is a stretch to think that Louis and Schmeling were bringing politics into it and that it actually increased the # of fans for boxing.


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