Why is the NFL committing suicide?

BS, Guaranteed I cannot make a statement in front of where I work at IBM CHQ...I would be escorted from the property so fast with no questions asked. You want to make a statement do it on your own time not mine. And no I do not believe the owners are allowing the players to make a statement, they are just all too afraid to confront the issue. Common sense needs to rule here and currently it is not.

Please. The idea that owners have zero sensitivity to the issues being protested is preposterous
Let's take a vote right here, How many of us think the owners have a special sensitivity to the issues being protested and appreciate it being done on their sidelines. I say ZERO %

So you are saying there's not a single NFL owner who opposes injustice? Smart owners are concerned about what concerns their players.
Let's take a vote right here, How many of us think the owners have a special sensitivity to the issues being protested and appreciate it being done on their sidelines. I say ZERO %

Add Packers.

Add Giants.

Clearly considerably more than zero %
In an attempt to expand its reach it has alienated a portion of its core audience.
NFL has no business in trying to be a moral compass for its players. Police matters need to be handled by the police.
People watch for entertainment and most don't enjoy the NFL's attempt to walk the political correctness tightrope

I'm sure the sponsors who are paying tens or hundreds of millions of dollars every year feel differently.

Personally, I say the NFL has an obligation to the players, as a whole, to be whatever moral compass they have to be in order to keep that sponsorship money coming in. If sponsors bail, players salaries suffer. The overwhelming majority of players do not have off-the-field problems. Why should - or would - any of them be in favor of a less strict code of conduct if it puts sponsorship money at risk?

FWIW, punishing players for beating the hell out of women isn't something I would label as, "political correctness".
Let's take a vote right here, How many of us think the owners have a special sensitivity to the issues being protested and appreciate it being done on their sidelines. I say ZERO %

Add Falcons.

Tally is up to four. No statements today from owners disagreeing with protests.

12.5% affirming right to protest

0% speaking against protest

Political correctness is having a certain group of people dictate to everyone else how to live their lives.

What to say. What car they can drive. Much money they can have. What to eat.

I could go on all day listing things we are allowed or not allowed to do based on what certain people say.
Yes, old fellow, in your good old days of the 1950s and 1960s many classes of people were told where they could eat, where they could go, where they could live. Women and minorities knew their places. Ah, the good old days. NOT!
Do not tell me something is politically correct when in fact it is usually just correct.
Let's take a vote right here, How many of us think the owners have a special sensitivity to the issues being protested and appreciate it being done on their sidelines. I say ZERO %

Add Titans.

That's five.
Let's take a vote right here, How many of us think the owners have a special sensitivity to the issues being protested and appreciate it being done on their sidelines. I say ZERO %

Add 49ers.

Up to six owners now
Yes, old fellow, in your good old days of the 1950s and 1960s many classes of people were told where they could eat, where they could go, where they could live. Women and minorities knew their places. Ah, the good old days. NOT!
Do not tell me something is politically correct when in fact it is usually just correct.

Political correctness is not just on the left, it can also be on the right.

Political correctness means what is currently okay to say and what is not when dealing with politics. Often times, it flies in the face of facts. Let's give some examples...

The pushed reasons for the wage gap is a myth...

4% of black men commit 50% of murders...

Islam is the most dangerous religion...

With the right we have such things as don't criticize the American flag, military, constitution, or nationalism.

Both sides have political correctness they try to enforce in different ways.
Yes, old fellow, in your good old days of the 1950s and 1960s many classes of people were told where they could eat, where they could go, where they could live. Women and minorities knew their places. Ah, the good old days. NOT!
Do not tell me something is politically correct when in fact it is usually just correct.

YOUR kind of political correctness means no morality, honesty or integrity.
Let's take a vote right here, How many of us think the owners have a special sensitivity to the issues being protested and appreciate it being done on their sidelines. I say ZERO %

Add Eagles.

Seven now
Let's take a vote right here, How many of us think the owners have a special sensitivity to the issues being protested and appreciate it being done on their sidelines. I say ZERO %

Add Chargers

Eight now

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