Why it's ridiculous and wrong to demand that Jerry step down as GM


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Jerry owns the team. He has the right to be the decision maker. He risked everything to turn the Cowboys into a money maker. As much as I disagree with his decisions and loathe his way of doing things, I am adamant that it is selfish and unfair- and silly- to expect him to stop being in charge
Those demands are silly and naive, and the media that asks those questions are the most unprofessional of reporters, and that is saying something.
But what fans and media can/should do is to crucify his poor decisions and stop supporting his business. He is only successful because he has convinced fans and media to buy what he sells. Most businesses that put out such a poor product end up out of business.
If the Cowboys that Jerry Jones sells are not what he represents them to be, fans and media alike must stop giving him a pass. His sales should drop and layoffs should follow.
If he faces financial ruin, he will have no choice but to either sell the business or put a product on the field that is worth buying.
Jerry has been careless, and his product is worthless.
Fans and media must quit buying it.
He is the worst GM in the league. By far. He gets a pass because he owns the team.

That doesn't mean the fans have to be blindly loyal and not criticize him or demand he steps down.
He doesn't listen to demands.
He does, however, have to answer to profit/loss statements.
If he can't sell his product, he's no different from any other business owner. He will either have to put a product out that is worth buying, or shut his doors.
It really is that simple.
Nobody is expecting him to stop being in charge. He owns the team, ergo he will always be in charge. I think most fans want him to turn football operations over to a more competent core of individuals. He can still be in charge and have the final say without continually hurting the team with his bonehead decisions like the Trey Lance trade.
Jerry owns the team. He has the right to be the decision maker. He risked everything to turn the Cowboys into a money maker. As much as I disagree with his decisions and loathe his way of doing things, I am adamant that it is selfish and unfair- and silly- to expect him to stop being in charge
Those demands are silly and naive, and the media that asks those questions are the most unprofessional of reporters, and that is saying something.
But what fans and media can/should do is to crucify his poor decisions and stop supporting his business. He is only successful because he has convinced fans and media to buy what he sells. Most businesses that put out such a poor product end up out of business.
If the Cowboys that Jerry Jones sells are not what he represents them to be, fans and media alike must stop giving him a pass. His sales should drop and layoffs should follow.
If he faces financial ruin, he will have no choice but to either sell the business or put a product on the field that is worth buying.
Jerry has been careless, and his product is worthless.
Fans and media must quit buying it.
I don;'t find it silly or naive. The GM's job is to put together a championship team. He has failed at this job for close to 30 years. It is like a post I wrote the other day on "does Jerry really not want to win?" He wants to win his way and his way is a failure so my answer is he doesn't want to win. If your GM is stuck in a cycle of ineptitude the demand is he go away. 31 other teams have owners that aren't the GM and who don't answer questions in a hallway after every game.
There is no profit loss. He owns a stadium that hosts more events than football games. You think he's worried about Cowboy fans not showing up when the fans of other teams who love to watch this one implode are right there to fill the seat.? Plus there are seat licenses. Those seats are paid for. Hitting Jerry in the wallet is long gone. That dream is over.
He doesn't listen to demands.
He does, however, have to answer to profit/loss statements.
If he can't sell his product, he's no different from any other business owner. He will either have to put a product out that is worth buying, or shut his doors.
It really is that simple.
You are talking about two different things. Jerry should remain in charge of the overall promotion of the club and money making aspects of the club like pretty much every other owner in the NFL does. Where Jerry is different than the other owners who also risked money to buy franchises is he's stupid and arrogant enough to believe he knows football like seasoned and experienced front office professionals.

The fans don't give two craps about how much money he makes. They care about the fact their team sucks and hasn't sniffed a SB in nearly 30 years. The fact he is responsible for the financial well being of the club is an idiotic comment because at the end of the day, these franchises are largely self sufficient given the revenue sharing, TV deals, etc. Jerry could still make an obscene amount of money if he just realized his limitations as a GM put an inferior product on the field.
If fans quit buying tickets and memorabilia, Jerry will be forced to take his job more serious and make changes.
If the public quits showing interest, media outlets will, too.
It's more than long gone. It was never a reality.
It was before the stadium during the Campo years. He wasn't close to being in the position he is now. Fans had the opportunity then to demand a change and he knew it.
Jerry owns the team. He has the right to be the decision maker. He risked everything to turn the Cowboys into a money maker. As much as I disagree with his decisions and loathe his way of doing things, I am adamant that it is selfish and unfair- and silly- to expect him to stop being in charge
Those demands are silly and naive, and the media that asks those questions are the most unprofessional of reporters, and that is saying something.
But what fans and media can/should do is to crucify his poor decisions and stop supporting his business. He is only successful because he has convinced fans and media to buy what he sells. Most businesses that put out such a poor product end up out of business.
If the Cowboys that Jerry Jones sells are not what he represents them to be, fans and media alike must stop giving him a pass. His sales should drop and layoffs should follow.
If he faces financial ruin, he will have no choice but to either sell the business or put a product on the field that is worth buying.
Jerry has been careless, and his product is worthless.
Fans and media must quit buying it.
Who are you to tell us how to feel?

This is some weird crapp, dude.
It was before the stadium during the Campo years. He wasn't close to being in the position he is now. Fans had the opportunity then to demand a change and he knew it.
It can still be done.
If the public disdain for the Cowboys is evident, his support will dwindle everywhere else.
Nobody claims Jerruh doesn't have the RIGHT to be the GM as the owner, they just strongly don't want him to. They just strongly wish he was like the other 30 owners that also own their team, but for the betterment of the team hire a real GM.
The fans are upset that he would rather the team fail for 30 straight years, than to win and somebody else get credit, even if it made you and everyone in here and millions world wide incredibly happy. The fans just hate that he puts his pride. ..one man's pride, over the happiness of literally millions of people.

Why should the fans stop watching a team they've loved their while life, because 1 man doesn't want to do the right thing due to childish reasons? One old, wrinkly, liver spotted, constantly drunk old man, who always is stinking of urine and groping and nauseating women who are 50 years younger than him and his wife.

The fans are right to be angry at him. To "boycott the team" in an effort to get change won't work...Jerry will be dead before anything like that had time to actually affect him. The fans are right to be angry that HE won't do what's right. They're the only fans that have to put up with such selfish narrsasistic leadership.
He doesn't even do the day-to-day duties of the GM anymore; that's a combo of Stephen and Will McClay. Jerry just wants to keep the title to feed his gigantic ego. He's scared that if he relinqushes the title and the Cowboys win a SB, he won't get credit. He's in a lose-lose situation.

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