Why it's ridiculous and wrong to demand that Jerry step down as GM

He is the worst GM in the league. By far. He gets a pass because he owns the team.

That doesn't mean the fans have to be blindly loyal and not criticize him or demand he steps down.
He gets a pass because of what he's done for the league like it or not Jerry has been beneficial to the money making the league has made over the years.

As far as everything else I would love if let it all go, he and Stephen! Get some real guys in here
I don;'t find it silly or naive. The GM's job is to put together a championship team. He has failed at this job for close to 30 years. It is like a post I wrote the other day on "does Jerry really not want to win?" He wants to win his way and his way is a failure so my answer is he doesn't want to win. If your GM is stuck in a cycle of ineptitude the demand is he go away. 31 other teams have owners that aren't the GM and who don't answer questions in a hallway after every game.
His idea of that is bottom barrel shopping and being cheap
He doesn't even do the day-to-day duties of the GM anymore; that's a combo of Stephen and Will McClay. Jerry just wants to keep the title to feed his gigantic ego. He's scared that if he relinqushes the title and the Cowboys win a SB, he won't get credit. He's in a lose-lose situation.
And he's so stupid he doesn't even know he's already lost.
The winning owners of the last 28 SBs all chose to hire someone else to run football operations. Those owners all know it’s the BEST and fastest way to build a championship team.

Those owners also know they will receive a ton of “credit” for hiring the right GM to get them to a championship.

Finally…of course anyone who owns something can do whatever they want with it. Like if I own a Maserati sports car and choose to drive it off a cliff, that’s my “right.” Doesn’t mean it isn’t incredibly stupid.
Hey, I agree.
But we agree that it's his team, and he can do as he wants.
My point is that the fans can simply stop buying his product and force him to put a better product on the field if he wants to sell it.
If a person does not support a business or is simply unfamiliar with it they are in no position to criticize the business. If a person does support a business and is very familiar with it that is a person who should show their disdain. It is entirely appropriate for Cowboys fans to indicate concerns about the Cowboys organization including suggestions on how it should be run. That is not “giving him a pass”.
Jerry has shown he doesn't care if fans don't like what he does because it's his team.
But it will be someone else's if fans quit supporting him.
He's a billionaire, but the fans make him a billionaire by buying his product.
If they quit buying, his income drops.
Why do you care how much money the cowboys make or don't make? Thats not a fans concern. You might notice that when Jerry had his butt on the line back in 1989 when he first bought the team, he hired someone competent to run the football operations, Jimmy Johnson. You might also notice that back in 2002 when the team the team stunk and Jerry decided he wanted a new stadium and needed to sell PSLs, he again hired someone competent to run the football operations, Bill Parcels. The fact is that when Jerry does have something big on the line, he gets out of the way.

Every owner has the ability to do what Jerry is doing, but all of them have a GM. So, why is it "silly" or "selfish" to expect Jerry to act like the other 31 owners and get out of the way so we can return to winning ?
It's silly to think you can tell someone else how to run their business.
But it's not silly to quit buying their product if it's poor quality.
In the end, Jerry is dependent on sales, and if fans quit buying he will be forced to put a better product on the field, or risk losing his business.
Why should fans buy tickets to see a team that is unprofessional? Why buy memorabilia for a team that is an embarrassment to the fans?
He is the worst GM in the league. By far. He gets a pass because he owns the team.

That doesn't mean the fans have to be blindly loyal and not criticize him or demand he steps down.
I agree with everything right up until the bold. Jerry stepping down and hiring a GM changes nothing. If Jerry doesn't want to pay for high priced FAs, his GM won't be able to either. What we need is for Jerry to change his team building philosophy to more reflect how better teams operate. Howie Roseman for example. Once he does that, then call for him to step down.
He's 82 and has been killing this team for decades. I'm all for it, but to think fans can make a difference at this point when he's worth about 17 billion dollars and it hasn't happened yet. Just seems like wishful thinking
Yes but after screwing Rush out of his bonus he is now worth 17,000,000,250,000.

He and Stephen had some high fives last night after the loss I’m sure.
He gets a pass because of what he's done for the league like it or not Jerry has been beneficial to the money making the league has made over the years.
He gets a pass from who? The fans don't care about that stuff. They only care about what happens on gameday.
That doesn't mean the fans have to be blindly loyal and not criticize him or demand he steps down.
Criticizing Jerry or demanding he step down does nothing to move the needle. Fans' only choice if they're really fed up is to quit buying tickets and jerseys and making them the most watched team in football.
Jerry owns the team. He has the right to be the decision maker. He risked everything to turn the Cowboys into a money maker. As much as I disagree with his decisions and loathe his way of doing things, I am adamant that it is selfish and unfair- and silly- to expect him to stop being in charge
Those demands are silly and naive, and the media that asks those questions are the most unprofessional of reporters, and that is saying something.
But what fans and media can/should do is to crucify his poor decisions and stop supporting his business. He is only successful because he has convinced fans and media to buy what he sells. Most businesses that put out such a poor product end up out of business.
If the Cowboys that Jerry Jones sells are not what he represents them to be, fans and media alike must stop giving him a pass. His sales should drop and layoffs should follow.
If he faces financial ruin, he will have no choice but to either sell the business or put a product on the field that is worth buying.
Jerry has been careless, and his product is worthless.
Fans and media must quit buying it.
Bless your heart.
Jerry has shown he doesn't care if fans don't like what he does because it's his team.
But it will be someone else's if fans quit supporting him.
He's a billionaire, but the fans make him a billionaire by buying his product.
If they quit buying, his income drops.
Fans should not have to stop doing what they’re doing in deference to Jerry’s misplaced pride. And if all fans are left with is to complain in the most bitter terms there is nothing wrong with that. According to you Jerry “doesn’t care”. So what does it matter?
Fans should not have to stop doing what they’re doing in deference to Jerry’s misplaced pride. And if all fans are left with is to complain in the most bitter terms there is nothing wrong with that. According to you Jerry “doesn’t care”. So what does it matter?
Do what you want, but why would you want to buy his product if it's clear that it isn't going to make you happy?
Jerry owns the team. He has the right to be the decision maker. He risked everything to turn the Cowboys into a money maker. As much as I disagree with his decisions and loathe his way of doing things, I am adamant that it is selfish and unfair- and silly- to expect him to stop being in charge
Those demands are silly and naive, and the media that asks those questions are the most unprofessional of reporters, and that is saying something.
But what fans and media can/should do is to crucify his poor decisions and stop supporting his business. He is only successful because he has convinced fans and media to buy what he sells. Most businesses that put out such a poor product end up out of business.
If the Cowboys that Jerry Jones sells are not what he represents them to be, fans and media alike must stop giving him a pass. His sales should drop and layoffs should follow.
If he faces financial ruin, he will have no choice but to either sell the business or put a product on the field that is worth buying.
Jerry has been careless, and his product is worthless.
Fans and media must quit buying it.
What does this have to do with the game of football?

I don't give a single wolf-biscuit about the finances, who the owner is, business ethics or product positioning.

The Dallas Cowboys have not been relevant for almost 30 years. There is one common factor and there needs to be change there.

This is about winning. Anything else combined doesn't come close.

Jerry Jones knows this. It was one of the first sentences out of his mouth after purchasing the team.

"The name of the game is winning"

He didn't mean it and he was just telling us what we wanted to hear but he wasn't wrong.

It used to be that the only people that bought a sports franchise were the ones that could afford it. They weren't there to make a profit, they already had a successful company that they owned.

The purpose of buying a team in the NFL wasn't about profit, it was about enhancing the reputation of the business they already owned and giving something back to the communities responsible for their success. Do the names Hunt and Kraft sound familiar?

This is why the NFL was a tax-free entity. This is why each team begins with the name of a city, state, or community. This is why many team stadiums were subsidized and infrastructure was created by city or county taxes.

However, the people that the team was created for the most, "Joe Fan" are now being excluded through corporate ticket packaging and pay TV. One of the earlier NFL commissioners, Pete Rozelle, promised that this would never happen, but it did and one of the guys most responsible was Jerry Jones

This is actually why the other owners used their influence to get him into the Hall of Fame. His "contribution" to the game of football was turning his fellow owners into billionaires.

Yes, we all know that Jerry can do what he wants, he has made that crystal clear. However, the question was never "could he", but "should he" and the answer to that question is emphatically NO.
If fans quit buying tickets and memorabilia, Jerry will be forced to take his job more serious and make changes.
If the public quits showing interest, media outlets will, too.
How many empty stadiums do you see in the NFL, even for bad teams?

Jerry has a product that sells itself whether it's great or mediocre. Fans are going to tune in, whether they want them to win or lose. Merchandise sales can be affected by fans, but when you have the most valuable franchise in all of sports, you aren't too worried about that.

You could quit watching the Cowboys tomorrow and it wouldn't be a blip on the radar. You could organize a 1,000 other fans to quit and it wouldn't be felt by Jerry. The whole football world would have to lose interest, and that's just not going to happen. Season ticket holders don't want to give up their seat to someone else, so if they are fed up with the product, they just sell a single-game ticket to someone else. Jerry gets the money either way.
DFW loves NFL football. Go ahead and bring in another team.
The Jerry ****show is not worth the concern.

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