Why this team was worse this year and how we improve in the post season


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I agree with a large part of the OP. However, the first of the two scenarios that had to be present for a win was that Dak had to play lights out. I would amend that to say that they had to play a lesser team. The second bullet of the D needing turnovers is spot on.

I agree that they were worse this year. Same number of losses as last season, but this season they got blown out and were non-competitive in 4 of the 6 losses. Last season it was only 1-2 games and it didn’t include the playoff game.


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I agree with a large part of the OP. However, the first of the two scenarios that had to be present for a win was that Dak had to play lights out. I would amend that to say that they had to play a lesser team. The second bullet of the D needing turnovers is spot on.

I agree that they were worse this year. Same number of losses as last season, but this season they got blown out and were non-competitive in 4 of the 6 losses. Last season it was only 1-2 games and it didn’t include the playoff game.
I'm not so sure the team had to be "lesser".

But we sure seemed to have a few things go right in those games.

Blast From The Past

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The A team didn't show up for Arizona, SF, GB. How can a coaching staff allow that to happen? Especially GB at our place. Why wasn't every A and T crossed? Why no changes throughout the game and even much less at halftime. Gameplan was crap on both sides. It was a 7 seed vs a 2 seed and by George we gonna win it without much effort on our part. Who knows what the collective band of merry men were thinking on that day. But it wasn't about winning a important game. A hc should elevate his players and I don't think MM did that at all. I wanted a complete changeover here of coaching staff. Based on that fact alone. I will support who they field but doesn't mean I agree with it unless they prove me wrong. Even a broken timepiece is right twice a day.