Why TO would not be a problem here


Everything I type is a lie. Except that. And that.
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With as much as has been made about TO's attitude problems, I don't see them being a problem if he comes to Dallas (or for any other team he could sign with) and here's why:

TO is the second most publicly ridiculed athlete in all of sports to Barry Bonds. People will be waiting for his first outburst or foolish comment in a press conference to jump all over him. TO knows how quick and harsh any reaction will be to any mistake he makes. All he wants (besides money, but what athlete doesn't) is for people to recognize him as one of the all-time great receivers, and his talent and production are worthy of that distinction. However, he will always have a cloud over his head because of his off the field issues.

His last season in Philly could be described as nothing short of a disaster, and it tainted his public image worse than anything that ever happened in San Francisco. If he comes to Dallas, he knows it's his last chance to get the love he's always wanted as a professional athlete. Otherwise, he'll go down as "the second biggest jerk to ever play sports who was very good on the field." Do you think that's what he wants? I don't think so, and I think he'll behave just fine if he comes to Dallas.


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Probably because he will get the $$$ he wanted that shuts even his mouth in its xtreme form.


Gif Dude
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T.O. called his former QB gay, accused the classy Ozzie Newsome of being racist, compared himself to Jesus, publicly complained about his last QB and challenged his teammates to fights (As well as show up Dallas fans, Seattle, Ray Lewis, Roy Williams, etc.) so call me skeptical but I doubt he'll be any motivated to do well and as he said "If it looks like a rat, talks like a rat".....


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If you think for a single second that T.O. will not be a problem than you must be drunk, high on bud, just plain nuts, or obviously you havn't been paying attention to anything Terrell Owens has done in the last what 6 or 7 years. Terrell is always abut himself. If he doesn't get the attention he thinks he deserves than he will find a way to get it. Thats been proven and it will be proven again if he joins the boys.


Everything I type is a lie. Except that. And that.
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CowboyMark said:
If you think for a single second that T.O. will not be a problem than you must be drunk, high on bud, just plain nuts, or obviously you havn't been paying attention to anything Terrell Owens has done in the last what 6 or 7 years. Terrell is always abut himself. If he doesn't get the attention he thinks he deserves than he will find a way to get it. Thats been proven and it will be proven again if he joins the boys.

Nothing in the past 6 or 7 years was as bad as last year. He may have learned something about his limits of how far to take it. I'm just saying I'm optimistic.


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littlewebs said:
With as much as has been made about TO's attitude problems, I don't see them being a problem if he comes to Dallas (or for any other team he could sign with) and here's why:

TO is the second most publicly ridiculed athlete in all of sports to Barry Bonds. People will be waiting for his first outburst or foolish comment in a press conference to jump all over him. TO knows how quick and harsh any reaction will be to any mistake he makes. All he wants (besides money, but what athlete doesn't) is for people to recognize him as one of the all-time great receivers, and his talent and production are worthy of that distinction. However, he will always have a cloud over his head because of his off the field issues.

His last season in Philly could be described as nothing short of a disaster, and it tainted his public image worse than anything that ever happened in San Francisco. If he comes to Dallas, he knows it's his last chance to get the love he's always wanted as a professional athlete. Otherwise, he'll go down as "the second biggest jerk to ever play sports who was very good on the field." Do you think that's what he wants? I don't think so, and I think he'll behave just fine if he comes to Dallas.


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GTaylor said:
T.O. called his former QB gay, accused the classy Ozzie Newsome of being racist, compared himself to Jesus, publicly complained about his last QB and challenged his teammates to fights (As well as show up Dallas fans, Seattle, Ray Lewis, Roy Williams, etc.) so call me skeptical but I doubt he'll be any motivated to do well and as he said "If it looks like a rat, talks like a rat".....

"if the shoe fits" quote TO :laugh2::laugh1::bang2::banghead:Kidding of course


"Friggin Joke Monkey"
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GTaylor said:
T.O. called his former QB gay, accused the classy Ozzie Newsome of being racist, compared himself to Jesus, publicly complained about his last QB and challenged his teammates to fights (As well as show up Dallas fans, Seattle, Ray Lewis, Roy Williams, etc.) so call me skeptical but I doubt he'll be any motivated to do well and as he said "If it looks like a rat, talks like a rat".....


He has a very specific and consistent m.o.

I don't see it changing.


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All the things you say about Cowboys being able to handle TO are same thing Andy Reid and Philly organization said/thought/believed when they signed him. Guess what, they were wrong and you are wrong too. Leopards don't change spots and TO has a track record he can't hide from. He'll make our team the laughing stock of the league just like Eagles became. Bet the Philly fans and Eagle organization will be laughing their head off watching us self destruct. Wonder what we all will be thinking as we watch it happened to our young team.


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littlewebs said:
With as much as has been made about TO's attitude problems, I don't see them being a problem if he comes to Dallas (or for any other team he could sign with) and here's why:

TO is the second most publicly ridiculed athlete in all of sports to Barry Bonds. People will be waiting for his first outburst or foolish comment in a press conference to jump all over him. TO knows how quick and harsh any reaction will be to any mistake he makes. All he wants (besides money, but what athlete doesn't) is for people to recognize him as one of the all-time great receivers, and his talent and production are worthy of that distinction. However, he will always have a cloud over his head because of his off the field issues.

His last season in Philly could be described as nothing short of a disaster, and it tainted his public image worse than anything that ever happened in San Francisco. If he comes to Dallas, he knows it's his last chance to get the love he's always wanted as a professional athlete. Otherwise, he'll go down as "the second biggest jerk to ever play sports who was very good on the field." Do you think that's what he wants? I don't think so, and I think he'll behave just fine if he comes to Dallas.

You are trying to inject reason into an unreasonable situation. No one will ever have control over TO, and if they think they can they are lying to themselves. Buyer beware.


Everything I type is a lie. Except that. And that.
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This isn't about controlling TO. This is about TO realizing this is his last chance and he'd better not screw up anymore. I realize only TO controls TO. But TO realizes TO will go down in football history negatively, and I think he turns things around himself - for his legacy's sake.


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littlewebs said:
With as much as has been made about TO's attitude problems, I don't see them being a problem if he comes to Dallas (or for any other team he could sign with) and here's why:

TO is the second most publicly ridiculed athlete in all of sports to Barry Bonds. People will be waiting for his first outburst or foolish comment in a press conference to jump all over him. TO knows how quick and harsh any reaction will be to any mistake he makes. All he wants (besides money, but what athlete doesn't) is for people to recognize him as one of the all-time great receivers, and his talent and production are worthy of that distinction. However, he will always have a cloud over his head because of his off the field issues.

His last season in Philly could be described as nothing short of a disaster, and it tainted his public image worse than anything that ever happened in San Francisco. If he comes to Dallas, he knows it's his last chance to get the love he's always wanted as a professional athlete. Otherwise, he'll go down as "the second biggest jerk to ever play sports who was very good on the field." Do you think that's what he wants? I don't think so, and I think he'll behave just fine if he comes to Dallas.

The thing is you have to care what your perception is. Terrell does not care what you think about him. He is going to do what Terrell wants to do, wether Jones likes it, wether Parcells likes it. Hes gunna call who ever he is pissed at a ***. Hes gunna make an *** of himself at every opportunity. He does not either listen to or take the advise hes given by the pple he hires to give him advise. His last agent told him to not sign the Philly contract, he did anyways, then cried about it.

If you think Terrells changed his spots, your niave, gullible and not real smart.


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littlewebs said:
This isn't about controlling TO. This is about TO realizing this is his last chance and he'd better not screw up anymore. I realize only TO controls TO. But TO realizes TO will go down in football history negatively, and I think he turns things around himself - for his legacy's sake.

This presumes Terrell Owens is a person that deals in common sense. Sorry.


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Ashwynn said:
The thing is you have to care what your perception is. Terrell does not care what you think about him. He is going to do what Terrell wants to do, wether Jones likes it, wether Parcells likes it. Hes gunna call who ever he is pissed at a ***. Hes gunna make an *** of himself at every opportunity. He does not either listen to or take the advise hes given by the pple he hires to give him advise. His last agent told him to not sign the Philly contract, he did anyways, then cried about it.

If you think Terrells changed his spots, your niave, gullible and not real smart.
But it seems like TO has friends who play in the NFL,i.e. Roy Willams, etc.:D
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I hope someone signs this idiot so this board can get back to normal again! Just as long as it isn't the Dallas Cowboys:bang2:


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littlewebs said:
This isn't about controlling TO. This is about TO realizing this is his last chance and he'd better not screw up anymore. I realize only TO controls TO. But TO realizes TO will go down in football history negatively, and I think he turns things around himself - for his legacy's sake.

Problem is, you perceive TO as a rational person. He is not.
I believe if he were to allow himself to be examined by a psychiatrist, he would be diagnosed with some form of mental illness.
I am not some teenage fan calling TO crazy because I don't like him. I truly believe he is mentally ill.


Everything I type is a lie. Except that. And that.
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I don't know if anyone has heard of Bill Simmons, but he's a very good columnist for ESPN page 2. He wrote an article about receivers and how they're all obsessed with their image. Here's an excerpt mentioning TO and Keyshawn, just something to think about when declaring TO is completely crazy and irrational.

Me me me me me. That's how you have to think. Two of the most successful modern receivers, Keyshawn and TO, are also two of the savviest. They know which buttons to push, how to keep their names in the limelight, how to make sure the Kornheisers and Wilbons will always be arguing about them and, most of all, how to keep footballs coming their way. With Owens, at least, it's definitely an act. Behind the scenes, he's soft-spoken, even a little shy. I met him while working on Jimmy Kimmel's show and couldn't believe he was the same guy who once played part of a game with a Sharpie embedded in his sock.
And you know what? He's probably not the same guy. Like it or not, receivers have evolved into pro wrestling characters, borderline villains who never stop working the crowd, like Triple H or Rowdy Roddy Piper. When one of them lacks the talent or charisma to pull this off, it's pathetic. Just ask Freddie Mitchell.