Why TO's return will make us better

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Although This year, Parcells didn't look like he had as much control of his team as he has had in the past, Parcells can be Parcells when TO is around and the other players see that. It sets a positive precedent and puts Parcells in a wonderful sitution. I believe TO is that valuable. The Eagles were idiots for cutting him. Andy Reid's lockerroom remained the same and the team could focus after McFlabb went down because there were no distractions.

Sorry but Good Guys do finish first. Give me a team with great chemistry, and unselfishness and you will win everytime. I live in Florida and I saw my DevilRays beat the Yankees numerous times in recent years. They were far more talented than us but our guys played tough and stuck together as a team.

TO sets a wonderfully positive precedent for this team. There is a difference between cocky and a lack of respect. Michael Irvin was cocky but he never crossed the line. He never spoke ill of his team in the media. He always knew who the coach was. TO is no worst than Michael and be very much brings the same impressive attributes to the table.

You have to enjoy these incredibly gifted prima donnas while you can. I'm sure a team can win with guys like TO and a really good offensive braintrust that puts it's players in a position to be successful while consistently scheming to accentuate their talents. The majority of Superbowl winners consisted of players who genuinely liked and had respect for one another in addition to playing unselfishly. TO showed continued progression throughout the season and I will be glad to have him back. I'm not ready to look mediocrity squarely in the face. :starspin

All credit for the creation of this thread goes to the honorable mr.jameswoods http://cowboyszone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=77715


The Sarcastic One
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I do agree that we MAY be a better team with T.O....HOWEVER, here is what I see wrong with the teams that DID have T.O.:

They concentrated so much on getting T.O. the ball that it was to the detriment of the team. SF did it....Philly did it. I don't think that it was that impressive that the Eagles made it through the playoffs without him, and in fact wonder if they would make it to the playoffs WITH him. I believe that opposing teams would have taken away the guy that the Eagles would have TRIED to get the ball to over and over. In the Superbowl, they DID get the ball to him quite a bit, and they still lost. Not having primadonnas that whine when they don't get the ball makes teams better sometimes....

All in all, I am all for bringing him back at this point....however, if he starts causing problems during the season next year, I would call for cutting him right there on the sidelines.

I said when we picked him up that he would be good the first year....I expected him to behave better than he did this year. My concern has always been the second year of his contract when his salary goes down a bit.

My Message to T.O. from this fan is this: Shut your mouth and let your play do the talking! You do that, and you would win over far more fans than you currently have.

Come on back and shut up.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Funny how this thread isn't lit up with posts like the hate thread. :rolleyes:

Pure comedy.


CowBabe Up!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Bleu Star, some of these guys don't get it because they didn't read the other post. Don't be surprised if they get merged.