Why You Can Stop Worrying About the Japan Nuclear Reactors

ninja;3886534 said:
Black smoke coming out of a nuclear reactor AND scientists and engineers have no clue why. That's a really good combination. And engineers and scientist have no idea if there is any water in the spent fuel pool which just happens to contain plutonium. Yeah, no worries there.

They probably don't know because it's in an area they can't get to. But carry on with your doom and gloom.
ninja;3886478 said:
Two weeks later and the nuclear power plant in Japan is still a problem. Engineers don't even know why black smoke is coming out. Temperatures of the spent fuel storage tanks have exceeded the limit they were built for. Salt from the evaporated saltwater is accumulating at a rapid rate. One scientist estimated that 50,000 pounds have accumulated in one unit and 100,000 pounds in another. As the salt accumulates, less water reaches in to cool. Who knows what the salt is corroding. Workers are working in the dark and stepping in radioactive puddles. And the tap water in Tokyo, Chiba, and Saitama? Vegetables in Northern Japan?

No worries? Yeah, right.

No worries here. Just media scaring the masses trying to sell.
Anjinsan;3886749 said:
No worries here. Just media scaring the masses trying to sell.

Actually, that is what they said at the time. While the media are hyperbole masters, they just reported what they were told. They didn't actually know what was causing the smoke at the time.
nyc;3886782 said:
Actually, that is what they said at the time. While the media are hyperbole masters, they just reported what they were told. They didn't actually know what was causing the smoke at the time.

The media in no way whatsoever reported it as it was told to them. "Spinach in Japan radioactive!" The forgot to mention, which they were told, that you'd have to eat spinach every day for a year to reach minimum danger levels. The media is totally to blame for those freaking out now. Totally.
casmith07;3886733 said:
They probably don't know because it's in an area they can't get to...

Thanks for the obvious. They suspect it is coming from the spent fuel pool. And why can't they get to that area? Because it is too hot and radioactive. But, yeah, that's nothing to worry about. It's not like there is uranium and plutonium in those spent fuel rods now, is there?

Now if you are standing in the US, there isn't much to worry about the nuclear plant in Japan. Nor is there much to worry about in Italy where I am standing right now. Now, my wife's parents, family, and friends are in Japan and they have a lot to worry about, and rightfully so.
ninja;3886826 said:
Thanks for the obvious. They suspect it is coming from the spent fuel pool. And why can't they get to that area? Because it is too hot and radioactive. But, yeah, that's nothing to worry about. It's not like there is uranium and plutonium in those spent fuel rods now, is there?

Now if you are standing in the US, there isn't much to worry about the nuclear plant in Japan. Nor is there much to worry about in Italy where I am standing right now. Now, my wife's parents, family, and friends are in Japan and they have a lot to worry about, and rightfully so.

My inlaws are also in Japan. The psychological effects from this media-hype is much, much worse the the effects from the actual radioactivity. I wouldn't want to be within 50 miles of the reactors. But anywhere else there are no worries for those who don't believe everything the hear or read.
I saw this clip on the Daily Show last night. It was pretty funny. Nancy Grace is such a joke.


Nancy Grace got into an argument with a weatherman about the potential effects of radiation from Japan on the United States.

Grace's spat with meteorologist Bernie Rayno occurred on her Monday show. Essentially, she thought that the radiation stemming from the Japanese nuclear crisis could be dangerous to Americans. (Trace amounts of radiation have been located in California.) Rayno disagreed.
joseephuss;3886916 said:
I saw this clip on the Daily Show last night. It was pretty funny. Nancy Grace is such a joke.


Nancy Grace got into an argument with a weatherman about the potential effects of radiation from Japan on the United States.

Grace's spat with meteorologist Bernie Rayno occurred on her Monday show. Essentially, she thought that the radiation stemming from the Japanese nuclear crisis could be dangerous to Americans. (Trace amounts of radiation have been located in California.) Rayno disagreed.

She's what I'm talking about media over reaction. Poor Bernie has to put up with that stupidness.
joseephuss;3886916 said:
I saw this clip on the Daily Show last night. It was pretty funny. Nancy Grace is such a joke.


Nancy Grace got into an argument with a weatherman about the potential effects of radiation from Japan on the United States.

Grace's spat with meteorologist Bernie Rayno occurred on her Monday show. Essentially, she thought that the radiation stemming from the Japanese nuclear crisis could be dangerous to Americans. (Trace amounts of radiation have been located in California.) Rayno disagreed.

And she knew this how? And did Nancy ever apologize to the Duke Lacrosse team?
ninja;3886534 said:
Black smoke


Not black smoke!!

Compared to up to 52 dead in a Pakistan coal mine accident.


Or the another 8 killed in Peru at the end of January.

Black smoke!!!! The end is near!!!
I didn't realize that ***ushima has 1,760 tonnes of nuclear fuel on site. (TMI only had 30 and Chernobyl only had about 180 tonnes)

They are saying the most damaged reactor (3) has about 90 tonnes in it and the storage chamber above reactor 4 that has lost it's water has about 135 tonnes in it.

The iodine-131 and caesium-137 release levels are at 73% and 60% respectively of what Chernobyl released. Although, Chernobyl's huge explosion and fires released a lot more radioactive materials. Though, I believe iodine-131 and caesium-137 do pose a serious health risk in you come into contact with them. I believe they are freely absorbed by the body.

Two measuring stations; one in Japan and one in the Sacramento, CA are in agreement on the levels being released of the two isotopes.
So what's the deal?

Can we worry or should we not worry. Worry now, not later?

Should I run to the nearest store for 5 lb bags of iodized salt and start pounding it?
One thing that was said is that if they do in fact for any reason have to evacuate due to one of the reactors, all three damaged reactors would most likely completely melt down with nobody there to maintain them until contained. That would easily be far worse than Chernobyl.

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