Why You Never Bring Maher Back Again


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Not only was it the playoffs, he missed an extra point in three straight games, including two consecutive playoff games.

But it's possible that could happen to even the most accurate and consistent kickers, right?

I can at least see the logic in that argument. All kickers have misses.

My biggest problem is Brett Maher's comments after the game. It seems he's not all that aware, situationally.

A reporter asked him how he was feeling after finally making a kick, and he perked up and started explaining how it felt good to redeem himself, and relished in that thought for a good minute, all while his teammates were reeling because they didn't do enough after he made everyone's job, and everything everyone practiced for, more difficult.

If he was even slightly aware, he would have said, "well, you know, I didn't do my job well enough for my team to have faith in me sitiationally, which likely cost them points in a game where my performance again was less than stellar."

Or something along those lines. That guy never cared about anyone on his team.

That's the only way you can be that big of a letdown.

Definitely not the right kind of guy, and I would suggest Dallas make better profile assesments when it comes picking the right kicker. They can really make or break you, especially in the playoffs.
Maher's interview after the game is the least of the teams problems.

I understand the concept of players being aware but its a different situation with your kicker. No matter how you look at it your kicker is not really part of the team like the other positions.

He has no business being concerned with the O-line, the run game or any in game adjustments. He stands off to the side by himself and practices his kicks.

What he says in his post game comments in meaningless.

America's Cowboy

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