Will our RB's benefit in running and blocking ?


Loud pipes saves lives.
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This is a question surrounded by a theory.

I saw some plays over the last few games, where Bledsoe was either slow to make a handoff (allowing a defensive player to get to a RB early) or took a slow drop back which did not allow the RB to step up in time to make a block on the blitz.

The RB needs time to get from behind the QB by running forward in front of him, while the QB drops back allowing the RB to get in front of him to make a block on the rush or blitz.

If Romo drops back faster this can allow time for the RB to move forward and get in front of him for protection.

I think back to even the Pitt game a few years back were Vinny T. did not drop back fast enough to allow Richie Anderson to get in front of him to make the block, thus causing the fumble and the eventual loss of that game.

Of course the shotgun helps that in a passing situation since the QB and RB are almost even at the time of the sanp.

Will our line and blocking look better with a QB that sets up faster ?

So many things to look for in this game tonight.


Well-Known Member
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Quickness in the backfield is always good. Set up faster, move more, etc. Everyone benefits.


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Yea my dad told me this when we were at the houston game.

Romo has the quick drop back, which allows him to see the rush faster than bledsoe, and able to hand the ball of quicker allowing the RB to make moves and get to the hole before the DB can.

Another reason Romo should help this team

MAN am i the only one whos so exicited about this game. and SEeing romo play