cobra;2712764 said:
I've never committed a crime. Never been arrested. Never been indicted. Never killed a dog.
So does that mean I can criticize the worthless piece of garbage? I think it does.
The man was running a criminal syndicate and engaged in rackateering. We also knows he smokes marijuana, which is also illegal. And he killed defenseless dogs.
He's a scumbag. Worthless piece of garbage.
What is absolutely disgusting to me are the people who attempt to excuse what he did because it was "just dogs" and it was cultural.
I am reminded, in poor comparison, to some of the most effective anti-slavery rhetoric. Dr. Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, was a co-founder of the first anti-slavery movement with Pemberton. And Dr. Rush argued passionately and effectively about how the crimes that were committed against slaves are often things we would not do against defenseless animals. The argument resonated that if we would not things against animals, then it cannot be that we would do such things to other human beings.
And yet here, some 200 years later, we have someone who is a beneficiary of the work of Dr. Rush--with all the advantages and glory of freedom--hardening himself and willing to do things against defenseless creatures, showing that sort of callousness that allowed people to accept the sins of slavery.
Screw Vick. He is a criminal. It was not a momentary lapse of judgment. He was a crimnal for a while, and unapologetically.
He deserves nothing in this world.
I've never committed a crime. Never been arrested. Never been indicted. Never killed a dog. Never killed a deer. Never killed a wolf. Never drank alcohol. Never smoked marijuana (as probably 50+ % of the citizens in this country have), never smoked a cigarette... etc...etc...etc...
And it is STILL not my place to judge anyone.
Vick will have his judgement day, just like you and I and every other human being will. And just because Vick's dirty laundry has been aired for the world to see while ours hasn't - you can best bet the ONE who is the true judge knows everyone's secrets. Including yours...
It's eazy to sit here on your computer for hours a day and criticize famous people like Vick. Nobody cares about your dirt.
Yeah he killed defenseless dogs. He deserved to go to jail. He deserved to be punished. And he has. And when he is truly released he will have paid his debts to the NFL and to society. So he deserves every right to work and support his family. And if a team wants to pay him 10 million Bucks - THEY have the right to do so. He deserves a second chance. Read your bible.
As for him being a scumbag & worthless piece of garbage? Do you feel the same way about people who shoot defenseless Deer? Defensless Moose? How about sniping defensless wolves from helicopters?
I'm not talking from a legal stand point. I fully understand that killing defenseless deer is legal. And I understand why. The fact that the deer population needs to be controlled- yaddayaddayadda. I get it.
But thats not my point. How many people you know hunt deer because they want to "control the deer population"?
As I stated earlier... he deserved to go to jail for what he did. Its illegal. And cruel. I'm just not understanding why, from a MORAL standoint, people think he's such a monster - yet the same people saying this get a rush from shooting a defensless deer thru the neck with a cross bow from 200 feet.
People don't hunt because they want to do their part for animal population control. They hunt because it's FUN! I've seen the hunting shows on TV... those guys act like it's orgasmic to blow a deers head off with a high powered rifle.
THAT's disturbing. If Vick is a "monster".... these people are too.
Anyone who finds BLISS in killing
anythinghas issues imo.
So before you pass judgement... analyze yourself... and the people around you. If you truly walk on water, more power to you.
You might be perfect - but I know I am not and I have made plenty of mistakes. Thankfully my God is a forgiving God - and I'm trying to be like him... not you.