Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

08/20/2023| Framed: 3 ––– Wordle: 3
Framed: Didn't see it. But figured it out.
Wordle: Three day. Went for it, nailed it.

Also gents.......I'm heading for the hills!! My co-workers and I are having our annual guys camp trip. I'm hearing where we are going doesn't have cell service, so I'll be absent until Sunday!! So if you don't see me for the next couple days, that's why. :cool:
Also gents.......I'm heading for the hills!! My co-workers and I are having our annual guys camp trip. I'm hearing where we are going doesn't have cell service, so I'll be absent until Sunday!! So if you don't see me for the next couple days, that's why. :cool:
Have fun...but not too much fun...on your guy's trip!
Also gents.......I'm heading for the hills!! My co-workers and I are having our annual guys camp trip. I'm hearing where we are going doesn't have cell service, so I'll be absent until Sunday!! So if you don't see me for the next couple days, that's why. :cool:
If you see Bigfoot, tell that Sasquatch our fellow CowboysZone member @Cowpolk says, "Hi." :laugh:
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08/25/2023| Framed: 3 ––– Wordle: 2
Framed: Didn't see it but do know of it!
Wordle: Chased vowels and got lucky!

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