Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

09/29/2023| Framed: 2 ––– Wordle: 4
Framed: Initially tried Sleeping Beauty.
Wordle: Four, but I almost had a 3 day.

09/29/2023| Framed: 2 ––– Wordle: 4
Framed: Initially tried Sleeping Beauty.
Wordle: Four, but I almost had a 3 day.

I tried Bambi, Snow White, and Beauty and the Beast, then Beauty and the Beast (whatever year it was) Not a big Disney princess cartoon guy.
I tried Bambi, Snow White, and Beauty and the Beast, then Beauty and the Beast (whatever year it was) Not a big Disney princess cartoon guy.
Before settling on Sleeping Beauty as my first guess, I did type Bambi and then Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. But both of those Disney movie titles didn't appear as a selection in the drop-down list, nor was Cinderella. When I typed Beauty and the Beast for my second guess, I chose the (1991) option from the drop-down list because I think the alternative is the Emma Watson live-action version. ;)
Before settling on Sleeping Beauty as my first guess, I did type Bambi and then Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. But both of those Disney movie titles didn't appear as a selection in the drop-down list, nor was Cinderella. When I typed Beauty and the Beast for my second guess, I chose the (1991) option from the drop-down list because I think the alternative is the Emma Watson live-action version. ;)
Same thing happened to me with the others, I just didn't feel like explaining it. I didn't know there was a live action one with Emma Watson but even if I had, I would have thought the original would take precedence in the parenthetical year application.

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