Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

04/11/2024| Framed: 2 ––– Wordle: 2
Framed: Seen it, better songs in original.
Wordle: Went for more vowels, got lucky.

Wordle: 4

Framed: 6

Haven't seen it, but I recognized that last frame. I think I saw it is on one of the streaming platforms, and have thought about watching it, but I don't know.
2 guesses Saturday

Never heard of the Framed movie. If I'd seen it, or even any trailer for it, I may have gotten it on the first frame, because they showed what I assume to be the main character.
Wordle: 4

I was pretty lost on this one. Lucky guess. lol

Framed: Missed.

Have never heard of it and definitely have never seen it. Funny enough, the actress in the Framed shots was in a movie I watched last night
Wordle: 3
Well, this has to be one of the strangest Wordle days I've ever had. I went from not hitting one letter on my second line while yelling at my screen "Oh, come on!" to somehow guessing the entire word on the third line, "Yes!". :laugh:

Framed: Missed.

Have never even heard of it. Doesn't even sound remotely familiar.
04/15/2024| Framed: 5 ––– Wordle: 2
Framed: Remembered five from trailer.
Wordle: Got E, U, I and nailed it in two.
