Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

05/29/2024| Framed: 2 ––– Wordle: 5
Framed: First guessed Tropic Thunder.
Wordle: 356➧10➧8➧2 it was a long fall.

That was my first thought for Framed as well.
Wordle: 6

Whew! That was close. I swear we had that word not that long ago. I could just be crazy too.

Framed: 4

I knew what it was, I just didn't know which one it was. Rough Wordle/Framed morning. lol
Wordle: 6

Whew! That was close. I swear we had that word not that long ago. I could just be crazy too.

Framed: 4

I knew what it was, I just didn't know which one it was. Rough Wordle/Framed morning. lol
I was thinking the same thing about Wordle at one point, and it may be true for the word I tried anyway.
Also the same for me with Framed.
Wordle: 4

Framed: Missed.

Hmmm. This one looked familiar, but I couldn't place it. I honestly am not sure if I have seen it or not. Might be mixing it up with another similar movie.
4 guesses Saturday

3 for Framed. Should have taken a guess on #2, but the first frame made me think it was "some kind of" spy movie I didn't know, so I decided to skip.
06/03/2024| Framed: X ––– Wordle: 3
Framed: Missed it, didn't see this movie.
Wordle: 3, WordleBot 356➧48 words left.

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4 guesses Monday. Would have been 3, but I changed my mind and went for what I thought was more likely.

Missed Framed. May have heard of it.

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