Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

10/15/2024| Framed: X ––– Wordle: 6
Framed: Missed, but I think I've seen it.
Wordle: 158➧34➧14➧10➧1 left, long fall.

It's my bday, I'm turning, uh.......25, so I'm hoping to have a good Wordle/Framed day. May not be one judging by your guy's posts. :laugh: Let's see:

Wordle: 5

I'm not going to lie, I totally had to guess to get that one! That was a weird one today.

Framed: Missed

Had about 10 other movies in my mind I thought that may have been.
It's my bday, I'm turning, uh.......25, so I'm hoping to have a good Wordle/Framed day. May not be one judging by your guy's posts. :laugh: Let's see:

Wordle: 5

I'm not going to lie, I totally had to guess to get that one! That was a weird one today.

Framed: Missed

Had about 10 other movies in my mind I thought that may have been.
Happy birthday!
It's my bday, I'm turning, uh.......25, so I'm hoping to have a good Wordle/Framed day. May not be one judging by your guy's posts. :laugh:
I got me curious, decided to see how I did on bday. Also, happy birthday!

(If you're curious too: 4 in '22, 5 in '23, and 2 in '24. It's my best year yet!)

07/17/2022| Framed: 3 ––– Wordle: 4
Framed: 3, you will definitely get it on 4. Full Metal Jacket
Wordle: 4 guesses, a quick solve today. WACKY
07/17/2023| Framed: 3 ––– Wordle: 5
Framed: Classic. I should've got it on 2. Pulp Fiction
Wordle: Chased vowels. Just missed 4. DROOP

07/17/2024| Framed: 5 ––– Wordle: 2
Framed: Didn't see it, but I figured it out. Focus
Wordle: 8 left, a guy could get use to this. QUITE

3 guesses Wednesday. Should have been 2, but I second guessed myself... again.

2 for Framed. I've never seen the movie, and guessed a different one starring the shadow on the wall.
Wordle: 4

Sometimes it actually sucks when you get those middle letters as it leaves so many possibilities. I was beginning to fall fast!

Framed: 6

I have actually never seen that movie, but that last scene in Frame 6 is very well known.

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