Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

Yeah. It's mostly luck at times. I was upset about losing my win streak, because I got screwed. I had the S in the right spot. I had the A in the right spot. And I had all of the other letters in SHAWL. So I either messed it up or the game gypped me. But I think I pressed the M instead of the L.
Shawm instead of Shawl.
What the Hell is SHAWM?

Never mind:
The shawm is a loud double-reed instrument which is the ancestor of the oboe. It first appears in the l3th century, and by the end of the Middle Ages was the most important loud instrument in use, finding a place in dance bands as well as ensembles for municipal and court ceremonies.
What the Hell is SHAWM?

Never mind:
The shawm is a loud double-reed instrument which is the ancestor of the oboe. It first appears in the l3th century, and by the end of the Middle Ages was the most important loud instrument in use, finding a place in dance bands as well as ensembles for municipal and court ceremonies.
I was just searching around to see how I could have messed up SHAWL and came up with SHAWM. I didn't know what it was either. Never heard of it.
Tues: 5 guesses, tough one today.
FAILED Tuesday.
1st and 3rd letters sucked. Used unusual combos for the last three guesses, and never got either of them.

Ouch. I definitely got lucky yesterday. Although you're both not alone. I checked Twitter and that Wordle puzzle ended a lot of streaks. Someone was one shy of an one hundred game streak. :thumbdown:
Luckily I found the letter F, otherwise my results might look @SlammedZero's...
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