Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

10/06/2022| Framed: 0 —–— Wordle: 3
Framed: Missed. Never even heard of it.
Wordle: Used all the vowels by guess 2.
10/10/2022| Framed: 5 —–— Wordle: 4
Framed: Never seen it. Guessed it right.
Wordle: Used all the vowels, finally go it.
How are you posting your Wordle results and Where are you guys seeing this thing about “framed”?
How are you posting your Wordle results?
Unfortunately the forum doesn't post the yellow square and green square emojis from results. What @SlammedZero and I have been doing is posting a cropped screenshot of our daily Wordle results.

Here's how to post a cropped screenshot of your results if you don't already know. After completing the daily Wordle, click the "share" button, paste it in the forum reply box and take a screenshot (if your on a PC: Windows logo key + Shift + S), crop the screenshot (if your on PC: use the program Paint), upload the cropped image to imgur.com, copy the link, hit the "image" button here and paste the link.

Where are you guys seeing this thing about “framed”?
Framed is a movie guessing game. I can't directly link the website because the web address has an abbreviation that'll get censored here. Here's an indirect link to Framed: https://t.co/QlOzg6mBNM

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