Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

11/02/2022| Framed: 1 —–— Wordle: 3
Framed: Hanks film unlisted, used alternative.
Wordle: Good 2nd guess and great 3rd!
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It's difficult to comprehend. My wife did it too, but it was her 2nd guess. The first guess came up all black. Then guessed the word. That's similar I think.
No, I've gotten it on the second guess after missing completely on the first a few times. In fact, I did it twice in a row about an hour ago... No wait, I think I had one letter on one of the first guesses. Eliminating 5 common letters narrows down the possibilities quite a bit. It's still hard to do, but not nearly as hard as getting it on the first guess.
No, I've gotten it on the second guess after missing completely on the first a few times. In fact, I did it twice in a row about an hour ago... No wait, I think I had one letter on one of the first guesses. Eliminating 5 common letters narrows down the possibilities quite a bit. It's still hard to do, but not nearly as hard as getting it on the first guess.

Yeah, I guess eliminating 5 letters is considerable. But the odds still have to be really low. I only got it on my 2nd guess 8 times. And that's with help.
I still don't have a 1st try guess under my belt. Closest I came was actually a couple weeks ago, and I was ONE letter off. Hopefully soon,. I too, shall be able to have that expereiince. :D

Framed: 3 I also guessed based on location. lol

Wordle: 3

Great movie! ...not the one in Framed. I got it in 2, but I'm not sure I've ever seen it.
I couldn't agree more about It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. A fun movie, full of laughs, that saves the best laugh for last. Same for the Framed movie. One scene look familiar, still uncertain though. :confused:

Framed: 3 I also guessed based on location. lol
Did the same thing. It was the only movie in the list with that location in the title. :cool:
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