How so? Cognitive vs emotional recognition? Elephants and Chimps are known to be cognitively self-aware (ie, know they are looking at their self in a mirror) while there are aren't any dogs that have displayed themselves to be self-aware.
Dogs are trained, but it is a learned behavior. Some dogs are considered (by some) to be smarter dogs. Golden's are one in that group, as well as German Shepards, Border Collies, etc but that is because they tend to be much more obedience than some other breeds. They tend to be more subservient and willing to please and therefore put more effort into learning a behavior to please their master.
That doesn't mean they have the cognitive intelligence to extrapolate answers complex problems. As far as I know, no dog has shown that type of intelligence similar to say Bottlenose Dolphins, Chimps, Elephants and obviously Humans.