worst coaches in sports


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The Worst Coaches in Sports

By definition, a coach is there to mold his players into winners, to put them in position to make plays. This may be easier than it sounds, or it may not. Plenty of coaches struggle, reaching the big time and then suddenly forgetting what got them there. Today we look at the five worst coaches in sports...

1. Norv Turner: Much of the blame for the Chargers failings this season has found its way to San Diego GM A.J. Smith, but at the end of the day, particularly after yesterday's home loss to the Chiefs, the Chargers are 1-3 and Norv is the man standing there holding the clipboard and calling the wrong plays.

2. Willie Randolph: It's rare that the coach of a second-place team can be considered among the worst coaches in sports, but if that second-place team was in first place with a seven-game lead with about two weeks to go, well...welcome to the show, Willie.

3. Charlie Weis: Notre Dame may be in a rebuilding mode, but they're Notre Dame -- they're not supposed to have to rebuild. To his credit, Weis has skillfully guided the Fighting Irish to an 0-5 record this season.

4. Greg Ryan: Not only did the coach of the US Women's National Soccer Team mishandle the departure of Brandi Chastain a few years back, but by starting the creaky Briana Scurry in goal last week against Brazil in the Women's World Cup, Ryan didn't do what a coach is supposed to do: He didn't give his team their best chance of winning.

5. Doc Rivers: I happen to like Doc Rivers, but you can't ignore that he managed only 24 wins from a team with enough talent to trade for Kevin Garnett.

Which coaches didn't make The List? Give us your nominees for worst coaches below...


Federal Agent
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How AJ Smith still has a job is beyond me.

I wouldn't mind seeing BP get hired as their GM.


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Got to agree with Ryan. He messed up the team chemistry, then stamped all over it by putting in a clearly inferior goalie.
Cannot believe someone is dumb enough to put Weis on that list. Less then half a season -but then again the haters always have to spread their bile.


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burmafrd;1685901 said:
Got to agree with Ryan. He messed up the team chemistry, then stamped all over it by putting in a clearly inferior goalie.
Cannot believe someone is dumb enough to put Weis on that list. Less then half a season -but then again the haters always have to spread their bile.

There is nothing wrong with Weis being on that list for now. The 0-5 record really doesn't indicate just how bad that team is right now. They have been putrid. And I am not a ND or Weis hater.


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Weis had two very successful seasons prior to this one. Yet you still put him there. haters, its really pathetic.


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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Kirk Ferentz
Sylvester Croom
Dennis Francione


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mike d'antoni
dennis francioni (sp?)
my old high school soccer coach(didnt even make the playoffs, 5 players playing professionally around the world now!!!)


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Still say Mack Brown. Only one championship game appearence despite all that talent.


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burmafrd;1687651 said:
Still say Mack Brown. Only one championship game appearence despite all that talent.

That is illogical. They guy puts together winning seasons and get a championship, but he is one of the worst coaches. Sorry, but I disagree. He is not a great coach or one of the top coaches, but he is not close to being a bad coach. Even this season.

Weiss meanwhile is currently mired in a 0-5 season and I still don't think they are on the plus side in rushing yards. They probably lost yards as I was typing this response. I think Weiss will get the Irish going again, but right now he has one of the worst teams in college ball.

And while I think Weiss will get ND pointed in the right direction, I doubt he wins a championship. Times are just too different for ND to win it all. Parity has brought ND from being a premier team much like Miami and FSU. Players have lots of options now if they want to play at a school that gives them face time on TV.