Wow check out ESPN

If ESPN hates it, we made a damn good choice.

I can only imagine how many of those buffoons would be praising a Turner hiring.
I measure a person by both who is friends AND enemies are. Charlie Waters and James Lofton praise him, while most of the mediots blast him. Sounds good to me!!!
philo beddoe;1367073 said:
JJ deserves to be blasted. This big search ends in the selection of a big nobody. I'm sure our opponents are all worried. LOL

Well, if I was undecided before, now that you're offered your opinion, I know which side to come down on-- the one opposite you...
Yeagermeister;1367133 said:
It's ESPN....who cares

Jerry would have been blasted if he had hired Lombardi.

As he should have been, one of the bare minimum requisites for a head coach ought to be a pulse...
Listening to ESPN1033 right now is just painful. Who the hell would these bafoons prefer?!
burmafrd;1367321 said:
I measure a person by both who is friends AND enemies are. Charlie Waters and James Lofton praise him, while most of the mediots blast him. Sounds good to me!!!
Post of the Day:

Speaking of #41 does this give him an in to coaching again? didn't he work with Phillips in Denver?
Ah yes, the demonization of ESPN and the deification of Jerry. Just another day at CZ. ESPN must have missed the memo that they were to endorse Jerry's imperious, bewildering decisions.
Yeagermeister;1367133 said:
It's ESPN....who cares

Jerry would have been blasted if he had hired Lombardi.

And the sheep back him no matter what.
Who the heck cares about BSPN??? they are too busy being sucked in to T.O to even know what the hell is going on
bbgun;1367379 said:
And the sheep back him no matter what.

What bright idea's do you have? Just because you mindlessly criticize Jones at all times means you arent a sheep? Please, you are just a member of a different heard.
So Wade is boring. I guess Lovie Smith and Dungy were just a barrell of entertainment and laughter. oh wait...
JustSayNotoTO;1367387 said:
What bright idea's do you have? Just because you mindlessly criticize Jones at all times means you arent a sheep? Please, you are just a member of a different heard.

I'm a reality-based sheep, unlike the rest of you who are content to live off the faded fumes of 1991-1995. Just admit that you'd back Jerry no matter what, be it Wade, Norv, or fill in the blank. In that regard, you're no better than the critics. Understand? Maybe not.
bbgun;1367412 said:
I'm a reality-based sheep, unlike the rest of you who are content to live off the faded fumes of 1991-1995. Just admit that you'd back Jerry no matter what, be it Wade, Norv, or fill in the blank. In that regard, you're no better than the critics. Understand? Maybe not.

What distorted reality do you subscribe to? You are as much of a mindless blathering sheep as the people that you accuse of it.
WOW BB's not happy about the hire. I know I'm shocked.
several of the ESPN people think it was a good hire

not that it matters

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