In a John Facenda voice:
It was a bright Sunday in the city of greed: Dallas.
Its smirking, self-assured team, rich beyond others around the dank NFL, looked down on the cinderella team devastated by Katrina.
The small group of Saints loyalists huddled against the onslaught of surely, rich and fat Cowboy season ticket holders. Derogatory shouts descended from the stands onto the Saints fans who, after Katrina, considered these insults mere taunts from gnats.
The Saints, proud and battered by katrina, came into Texas Stadium on a mission: to upend the so called America's Team.
They proceeded to slice and dice the gladiators from the city of dollars and greed.
In the end, the Saints, the team who could not, DID.
Winning handily and into the annals of Football History.
Anointed now, Saints, America's Team.
(someone hold my hair while i puke.)