Xbox live?

Only game I've been playing online is NBA Live 2010. I use to play Call of Duty, Tiger Woods, and Madden but really haven't in a good while.
What sucks is my xbox live isn't working. I was trying to use my xbox in order to route my mac to my hdtv.

But that didn't work.

In the meantime, I've done something stupid to my network settings (proxy settings, I think) and now I can't get back on.

So sad. :(
Audiman;3440634 said:
the Scar-H is probably my favorite assualt rifle in the game. the iron site is brilliant, it has nice power, accuracy, and fire rate. the only thing I don't like is the magazine size. here are a couple of my classes:

Scar-H silenced with scavenger, stopping power, and commando

Vector rapid fire with scavenger, cold blooded, and ninja(for hardcore)

I added you, but I was playing with a full party. next time we're both on, I'll invite you.

Sounds great. I love the Scar-H but for some reason no one else seemed to. lol
Hoof the advice worked great. I had some really solid rounds as I went along last night. Thank you.

Audi it was a blast playing CoD with ya man. Fun times. Can't wait to do it again.
I now rotate between the Famas, Scar-H, Tar-21 and M4A1 mostly at the moment. I'm waiting to get to level 40 to add the M16 to that group and make that my standard 5 for the time being.

The advice really helped out a lot.
Funny story, at least to me anyway, from XBox Live yesterday afternoon.

So I'm still learning how to really play CoD, with this being my first CoD game and only having an XBox a little over a month now, and I'll always fully admit that I'm not real good at it yet. I'm getting much better. From getting 1 or 2 kills every 8-10 rounds to the point where now I can routinely get 5-10 kills and a few assists here and there most rounds I'd say I'm improving. Especially lately after the advice from Audi, Chet, and especially Hoof on guns and such.

Anyway Friday afternoon I'm playing and one of the first rounds I have is in the High Rise. Now it normally takes me 2-3 rounds to even get warmed up to even start to play OK and having to warm up in the High Rise sucks. I hate that level with a passion cause it's one of the top two worst maps for people camping on you, IMO. It's not so much their camping, which they do on all levels really, but it's that most teams have figured out to camp certain areas, right around the windows, so that they basically can just pick you off every time you're trying to come out of your respawn spot. It's annoying. I'm having a typical horrible early game. I had a couple assists and 5 deaths I believe zero kills until right at the end. At the end I'm sitting in a corner, just trying to let the time run out without dying so I don't cost my team the loss (it was a tight match up of Team Deathmatch) and basically just watching one of the other players, who was stationed up a set of stairs, pick people off to try and pull off the win.

So I'm sitting there and we're up 7400 to 7200 when someone from the other team runs through the door by me, doesn't see me, runs to the bottom of the concrete steps and shoots my teammate to pull within one of us.

Well of course I shot him in the back for the game winning kill, my only kill, but I actually laughed cause it was with the grenade launcher attachment (Or what the experienced gamers complain about being the newb tube. lol) because I know how much people hate it when someone kills them with it. I didn't have my headset on, since I didn't know anyone I was playing with, but it made me laugh none the less just out of the fact that I know people hate that, even the friends I play with.

Anyway afterwards I backed out of that group cause I was trying to get into a group with Audi (Unfortunately it would never let us connect parties today for some reason). When that didn't work I went about playing the game in another group. In the middle of my first game for this next group, probably 3-5 minutes after I'm long out of that other game, I get a message from the guy I killed for the game winner in that other group. He texted me "Congrats on having the gayest name on XBox live".

These kinds of things ALWAYS make me laugh. The people that get so butt hurt over a game just crack me up. So I texted him back "Thanks. Is that supposed to hurt my feelings or something?" Shortly he hits me back with "Nah I said congrats why would it bother you?".

At this point you know he's trying to be a smart *** which only makes me laugh more. So I decided to play along a bit. I told him "Oh just checking. These days you can't really tell when people are saying something they hope really gets under your skin or not. Since I just play for fun, and others apparantly don't, I can't help but laugh at junk like that."

Several minutes later he messages me back and says "Yeah usually people who suck at video games say they play for fun." Now I'm rolling laughing cause I know for sure he's one of those little online trolls, and fake tough guys (like we get on these forums from time to time) who sucks so bad at life, and has so little going for them in life that their gaming means the world to them.

So I message him back "Yep I'm not good at all. I've had my XBox for a little over a month and I don't live for gaming."

By this point I've laughed all I want, really, and I'm hoping he'll take the hint and just let it go now cause he's not going to get me to cuss at him or anything, which is what I know he was hoping for (as they all do who want to act tough online and pretend they're really bad *** people) but I didn't get that.

Now mind you I'm not even playing with this guy anymore and by this point haven't been for probably 15 or more minutes. He texts back "It's not that you're not good it's that you suck really really bad."

Now I'm just tired or messing with him cause I'm not going to blow up or cuss or act like a fool, like these fools want you to, so I just finally ended it with "K. Thanks. Bye."

After that I blocked communication with him and put him on my avoid players list. And here is my thing in this whole long, rant, funny story.

I don't mind the smack talk, at all, it's part of the game. Heck I spend the majority of the night laughing at all the junk people cry about, throw around at one another and such. One of the guys i play with a lot, a guy whose good buddies with my nephew, cracks me up all the trash he talks. He gets super worked up by it all (though he never says anything to me cause of my nephew I imagine and we're always on a team) and it makes me laugh.

Audi (Whose name is Chet) absolutely makes me die laughing with everything he's talking during a game. It's great.

I don't mind folks telling me I'm terrible. Heck guys you're not telling me nothing. I know I'm not good. I don't care. But here is the one thing that is just annoying beyond belief.

Talk smack to a person while you're in the game with them all you want. Say whatever you feel like. Get all the pent up frustration out and beat your big boy, online CoD muscles till you just can't do it no more. But don't go messaging people, who aren't playing with you (especially when they haven't been for several minutes or longer) and bug them with all your crying, whinning, and stupid behavior.

No one thinks you're cool, or ******, or amazing, or the greatest person on Earth cause you rule at online CoD. You're not getting a pat on the back, a handshake, or a bow from me cause you've spent countless hours over the years getting great at a video game. I couldn't care less. If that's you're thing AWESOME but why in the world would I give a crap?

Anyway this turned into a longer thing than I planned I just thought that those people who play would find it amusing cause I'm sure they've, at one point or another, encountered someone like this while playing.
ACR and the M16 are my fav, or i like to run around with marathon, lightweight and commando to tac knife people =)
pupulehaole;3444247 said:
ACR and the M16 are my fav, or i like to run around with marathon, lightweight and commando to tac knife people =)

Just got the M16 a little earlier today. I only played one round with it afterwards but I absolutely loved it right away.

I'm thinking of doing that tak knife idea mainly so I can build up my Marathon and Lightweight in order to get them to Pro level.

I actually have enjoyed killing people with knives the few times I have cause it's hilarious. I've got you added and sooner or later I'm gonna have to catch you on and play.

Maybe sometime all of will be on at the same time and can have a group of Zoners running around having a good time.

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