Yahoo Sports: McNabb strong-arms his way to D.C.


Stay Thirsty, My Friends
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This is why I've always hated McFlabb.


McNabb strong-arms his way to D.C.

By Jason Cole, Yahoo! Sports 2 hours, 7 minutes ago


Donovan McNabb(notes) stood his ground against the Philadelphia Eagles for the second straight year. Now, the question is whether he’ll get his revenge.

After being told last month that the Eagles would not deal him to NFC East-rival Washington, McNabb essentially forced Philadelphia’s hand by refusing to talk with any of the other teams that had expressed interest in recent weeks. In the process, McNabb can now take out his simmering anger on the Eagles’ front office that essentially forced him out of a city where he had played his entire career.

“Frankly, I’m a little shocked,” a source close to McNabb said. “I never thought [the Eagles would] do this. Never. But, yeah, this is the same thing that happened last year.”

That’s a reference to when McNabb leveraged the Eagles to give him a “financial apology” after he had been benched in Week 12 of the 2008 season during a blowout loss to Baltimore. This time, McNabb won a stare-down with Eagles president Joe Banner and right-hand man Howie Roseman.

A stare-down that could come back to haunt the Eagles if they’re not right about new starter Kevin Kolb(notes), who is going into his fourth season but remains largely untested. If Kolb fails and McNabb, who is going to play in a similar system under strong offensive head coach Mike Shanahan, makes the Commanders a consistent contender over the next three to four years, the results could undermine what has been one of the league’s most consistent front offices.

McNabb, who is in the final year of his deal, made this happen by making it clear he wasn’t going anywhere else but Washington. When the Buffalo Bills expressed interest – and even were willing to give McNabb a contract extension – he passed on the offer. When the Oakland Raiders sniffed around and showed willingness to trade for the quarterback without an extension, McNabb indicated to the Eagles through his associates that he’d retire.

“He has plenty of money,” the source close to McNabb said. “He’s not doing anything he doesn’t want to do.”

For the past two weeks, the Eagles had hoped McNabb’s resolve would thaw. He refused to budge, even telling the Eagles he’d be glad to return to the team even though he knew full well Philadelphia wanted no part of the season-long distraction his presence would create. What the Eagles wanted more than anything was to clear the way for Kolb to start and, in the process, sign him to a contract extension at a more favorable price. Kolb also quietly has been forcing the issue by making it clear that if he’s not the starter by this season, he wouldn’t sign an extension. Kolb’s contract is set to expire at the end of this season, meaning the Eagles would have had to put a high tender on him after this season to keep him.

While the Eagles may have paved the way for a new Kolb deal, Banner and Roseman could be paving the road for their dismissal if this doesn’t work. This could be a tipping point in determining who really runs the Eagles. Coach Andy Reid called the shots on the roster, until most recently, when that power increasingly shifted to Banner, a clever contract negotiator who has become expert in locking up players to long-term deals and keeping the Eagles competitive.

The problem is that Banner’s semi-Moneyball techniques haven’t produced a championship. Neither has McNabb, but he has gotten the Eagles to five NFC championship games and one Super Bowl. Was that success more McNabb or Banner?

Reid believed it was McNabb and had voiced his desire for the Eagles to keep him, even if it cost them Kolb.

“Andy thinks Kolb is going to be really good, maybe great. But he knows Donovan is great and probably will be for three or four years,” said a source close to Reid.

Now teamed with Shanahan, a brilliant playcaller, McNabb could exact some serious payback from the Eagles. It would be sweet justice for McNabb, who never has felt respected in Philadelphia.

“Not from Day 1,” the source close to the quarterback said, referring to when Eagles fans booed when McNabb was selected instead of Ricky Williams(notes) in 1998. “Never, and after a while you get tired of it. He’s put up with this for his whole career. They never gave him real weapons until now with those guys [wide receivers Jeremy Maclin(notes) and DeSean Jackson(notes)]. He took them to how many title games with a bunch of stiffs at [wide] receiver?”

McNabb did have Terrell Owens(notes) in 2004, but that turned into a well-documented disaster the following season.

While the Commanders don’t feature a bunch of stars at wide receiver or running back and are rebuilding their offensive line, they have the No. 4 overall draft pick. They also have Shanahan.

Not a bad situation if you’re McNabb.


Well-Known Member
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I feel the opposite as you do. Good for Chunky. He was never welcomed in Philly despite giving them their best run ever.

As a Cowboys fans you should be glad the Chunky didn't end up as a Raider because that would have meant the the Eagles took advantage of Al Davis.

Be happy he didn't go to the 49ers, Vikings, or Cardinals. Because he would make them serious contenders.

Be happy that the Eagles have gone into rebuilding mode .


Stay Thirsty, My Friends
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hornitosmonster;3333430 said:
I feel the opposite as you do. Good for Chunky. He was never welcomed in Philly despite giving them their best run ever.

As a Cowboys fans you should be glad the Chunky didn't end up as a Raider because that would have meant the the Eagles took advantage of Al Davis.

Be happy he didn't go to the 49ers, Vikings, or Cardinals. Because he would make them serious contenders.

Be happy that the Eagles have gone into rebuilding mode .

Oh I wanted him out of Philly. I didn't care where he went. I'm glad they're rebuilding. I'm just saddened that I have to look at his face twice a year still.

I wanted him to go to Oakland so he'd just disappear. Players go there to die.

I hate the Iggles. But I hate McNabb just a little more. He's overrated and has never been the team player the media makes him out to be.

"Financial apology"? Give me a friggin break.


Well-Known Member
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Amen Cowboy Mike. Look at the bright side: we get to blow his fat arse up twice a year..........


Pixel Pusher
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Why exactly do you hate him? Cause he didn't want to go to the Raiders? What a jerk.


Stay Thirsty, My Friends
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TheCount;3333588 said:
Why exactly do you hate him? Cause he didn't want to go to the Raiders? What a jerk.

No, I've hated him since he stepped onto an NFL field. This is just proof of one of the reasons why I do.

McNabb is not an elite passer. His accuracy is overrated and he throws many many ducks. When he's doing well he's doing his moonwalk dance and smiling and joking around, but when he makes any mistake, say a bad throw or sack or interception, he acts like he's hurt. He grabs his ribs, plays like he's exhausted, and grimaces towards the sideline. He's an act. If he makes a good play, it's "look at what ease he does that and don't you love it when he has fun?" and when it's bad he's trying to get people to say, "Oh it's probably not his fault. Look he's hurt. I don't think he's 100%."

He is always making subtle digs and comments in the media that make me think he's in it for him rather than his team. He puts on a facade and the media eats it up. He's nowhere near a class act. The 'financial apology' is proof of that, and he plays the race card all too often.

Plus he chokes. Any time the game is on the line, 2 minute drill, he chokes. He doesn't want to be there. And I'm not just talking about the super bowl.

/end mcnabb rant.


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Kolb is the one who forced their hand.

I don't blame McNabb for being mad or not wanting to play in Oakland.


Well-Known Member
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The best part of this whole thing is those two teams will look to beat each other up for as long as McNabb is a skin. Dallas will no longer be either team's main focus/superbowl. If Dallas stays focused and take care of business, they should own the division for 2-4 years.

Arch Stanton

it was the grave marked unknown right beside
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This didn't take long: Commanders and QB Donovan McNabb's agent, Fletcher Smith, have begun discussions for a contract extension


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Cowboys22;3334328 said:
The best part of this whole thing is those two teams will look to beat each other up for as long as McNabb is a skin. Dallas will no longer be either team's main focus/superbowl. If Dallas stays focused and take care of business, they should own the division for 2-4 years.

Those are gonna be some fun games to watch. I bet MNF with they had scheduled one - in Philly.


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Arch Stanton;3334364 said:

This didn't take long: Commanders and QB Donovan McNabb's agent, Fletcher Smith, have begun discussions for a contract extension

Here we go...

He's about to get a truckload of money from Napoleon.


Messenger to the football Gods
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"He took them to how many title games with a bunch of stiffs at [wide] receiver?”

Well, we all know QB'ss that take no names and 'stiffs' and make them outstanding receivers.