Young possibly makes debut against Cowboys

calico said:
It is the right thing for the Titans to do, but poor, poor Vince.

This horn fan will hurt a little inside everytime he is sacked.

Young should still ride the pine. I really do think it is too early for him to play and throw him to the wolves.

But like Parcells said in response to Henson playing at some point...he just may be a wolf himself :cool: .

- Mike G.
If Young starts, he may break a big run or two, but it'll be pick city. Anything less then 3 ints will be a let down for me.

If Collins starts, anything less than 6 sacks would be a dissapointment for me. Most of them should come in the form of coverage sacks.

Either way, it's win / win.

If the Titans are smart, I'd start mr. Collins and rotate Vince in for a couple of series.
this sucks i hope Young doesnt play against us because i'm obviously a huge fan of his and would hate to root against him. Collins isnt playing bad so far so i dont think Young will play much against us anyways. although i think the Titans would have a much better chance of keeping it close for a little while with Vince than with Collins (who for sure will be sacked at least 5 times).
As bad as the Titans are, I don't think he should start at all this year. Maybe it would be good for experience, but I mean taking a beating every week I don't think would be very good for him.
DallasDomination said:
OH I cant wait...He's going to get Killed!:lmao:


19/33, 269 yards, 1 TD, 2 INT the line on Collins today.

Oh boy, I can't wait to watch Vince Young get slapped around next week!

Hell, we may even sit TO if Young is the named starter.
HeavyHitta31 said:

:laugh1: :laugh1:

Unfortunately, this kid is going to get "Drew Henson Treatment" next week with all the tu homers. ;)

"He may have only had 30 yards passing... but... but... but... he did have that one really swell run for 30 yards in the second!" or my favorite... "Tennessee needs to run the option!"
hey calico, could you hook me up with a link or bigger pics of those SuperBowl tickets in your Sig?? I likey.....

thanks, oh, and our linebackers in the 3/4 will kill Young. I'm a U.T. fan
You can't put VY behind a sorry O-Line you will destroy his confidence, not to mention he will get killed especally since teams will blitz him and dare him to beat them with his limited knowledge of NFL reads. Now Collins isn't a slouch no matter where he has played he always seems to beat the cowboys, though I think he fell off the wagon and is a shell of himself, he should call brunell and ask about our pass rush.
HeavyHitta31 said:
ok, first off, the reality is that vince beat A&M every time he played them, and tell me this when was the last time A&M beat UT? honestly im asking cuz it was so long ago i dont even remember! also vince won the same amount of national championships as A&M has in their "storied" history.

putting my emotions aside as a UT/vince fan, i have no doubt in my mind that if vince plays we will clobber him, a sight i really would like to avoid. But at the same time maybe playing an illusive guy like vince will help us out down the road when we have to play the likes of mcnabb and vick(mainly vick since mcnabb is more of a pocket passer now, but there is always the possibility that he will run for it) but anyway i hope to god vince doesnt play, cuz our D will destroy him.
Young should start...Why waste anymore time with Collins.

Tennessee isn't going anywhere...Let the Future start now and play Young.

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