Your Dallas Cowboys, do you bleed silver and blue?

Put up or shut up. That's how it goes, and we all know it.
absolutely... but also... LET'S GOOOOOOOO COOOOOWBOOOOYS!!!

don't be the Giants!! or.. Be THE COWBOYS OF 1992!!
Do you bleed silver and blue? Are you laying in bed right now like the kids on little giants anticpating their big game? Did you predict this team would win 8 games? Did you predict they win 13? Do you despise the QB throwing the ball? Do you wear his Jersey on game day? Well...that's all for none because here we are on the eve of the divisional playoff game against a hated rival!

Your Dallas Cowboys are about to prove to the world what they are all about. Hate them....Love them. This is why we are all here baby! I don't care if you're the most negative or positive poster on this board...there is a slight tingle's called hope. We will all either hate each other in 18 hours or we won't know how to contain ourselves. Either way...It's go time!!!!!!

**Que the music***
bleeding silver and blue. excited for the game. can't wait.
Not so much anymore and that can be just the aging process. I was late maturing, waited until I was in my 70's. Now that I know what I want to be when I grow up, I am past grown up.

It's not these 26 years of unrelenting torment so many speak of, it just became what it should have always been to me, a game.

I used to get all crazy over something I had no control over the outcome and allowed it to be more than a game.

I am jazzed to see the Cowboys-Niners rivalry reforming but in order for a rivalry to take place, there must be two sides so if the Cowboys could win this one today, we might see that begin to happen and then it's on to their #1 rival and those crazy Eagles fans could not be happier if it's the Cowboys coming to town.

There is no sweeter reward for Eagles fans than for the Eagles to beat the Cowboys to get to the Big Dance. A reward I would like to see denied. Poor policemen having to grease the downtown light poles to keep the celebrants from climbing them.

I don't know which is stronger, the desire to beat the Niners or get to Philly for round 3. I can only imagine what their idiot HC will do or say prior to the game, what a goober. Last night he was an embarrassment. What grown man behaves like that?
At 1:14 AM, I was asleep. Why? Yesterday (Saturday), I applied the first coat of mud to the ceiling. I wired in new kitchen lights and had to tear sections of the ceiling down. Also took a portion of the soffit down and rebuilt it.

Y’all need something to do instead if a wearing a hole in the floor or bouncing off the walls.

And yes, I am excited for the game but I am also at peace. There’s nothing more this team can do but simply play the game. What happens will happen. The outcome doesn’t change the fact that my daughter is going to give birth to our first grandchild any time now. #perspective. #priorities
Played 18 holes went to watch the Eagles game at a bar. I don't live on the east coast so it wasn't 114 where I live. I did clean most of the house when I got home because I figured my wife wouldn't be as mad with me hanging out at a golf course for most of the afternoon. Then posted a fun post went to bed. Sorry my life isn't as cool as yours. I'll try to be cool like you

I'm going out on a limb that you're probably just pissed the Cowboys are still in the playoffs.
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Do you bleed silver and blue? Are you laying in bed right now like the kids on little giants anticpating their big game? Did you predict this team would win 8 games? Did you predict they win 13? Do you despise the QB throwing the ball? Do you wear his Jersey on game day? Well...that's all for none because here we are on the eve of the divisional playoff game against a hated rival!

Your Dallas Cowboys are about to prove to the world what they are all about. Hate them....Love them. This is why we are all here baby! I don't care if you're the most negative or positive poster on this board...there is a slight tingle's called hope. We will all either hate each other in 18 hours or we won't know how to contain ourselves. Either way...It's go time!!!!!!

**Que the music***
If so, you need to seek professional help.
27 years drained all my silver and blue blood out.
Only a Super Bowl victory will give me a silver and blue blood transfusion.
Do you bleed silver and blue? Are you laying in bed right now like the kids on little giants anticpating their big game? Did you predict this team would win 8 games? Did you predict they win 13? Do you despise the QB throwing the ball? Do you wear his Jersey on game day? Well...that's all for none because here we are on the eve of the divisional playoff game against a hated rival!

Your Dallas Cowboys are about to prove to the world what they are all about. Hate them....Love them. This is why we are all here baby! I don't care if you're the most negative or positive poster on this board...there is a slight tingle's called hope. We will all either hate each other in 18 hours or we won't know how to contain ourselves. Either way...It's go time!!!!!!

**Que the music***
Its in my yes LOL

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