5 more favorites...from 5 favorites...
1.elvis' gold records vol 4...1968
2.born in the usa...bruce springsteen and the e street band
3.one more from the road...lynyrd skynyrd
4.lonesome,onry and mean...waylon jennings
5.dressed to kill...kiss
It's pretty lame that after 30 years the "baby" on the cover is suing Nirvana. Up until now he was all about promoting himself as the cover baby. Total cash grab. Dave Grohl mentioned in an article that they are going to alter the cover for the 30th anniversary album.
Been busy and just saw this thread and you posted 3 of the 4 album covers that immediately came to my mind, British Steel, London Calling and Led Zep 1 At least you didn't beat me to this one.......lol