man that sucks. that means you actually believe the things that you type? I was tryin to give you the benefit of the doubt.
We all know you just a kid, but you should judge by the reaction's to your post that maybe it isnt neccesary to to post a daily thead with whatever pops into your head? You ever consider taking a break from the site for a little while? Could do wonders for you, and us as well as we are all going thru the growing pains with you. May i suggest a week off? Then all week take all the things you think of and narrow it down to one idea that has to do with football and maybe come back and post that and see how the reaction is. We are just giving ya hell, but some if not most of these posts are unneccesary and are not really helping the site at all. Think about it, i've barely got about 350 posts in over a year and im sure some people are sick of me so imagine how they feel about some of your 2,300 posts in 5 months.