Your Top 3 Beers

Can't narrow it to 3. To name a few...

Magic Hat #9
Otter Creek Black IPA
Harpoon IPA
Sam Adams Lager

If drinking a substantial amount, I prefer

Pabst Blue Ribbon
Corona Light
Miller 64
tomson75;4657558 said:
Can't narrow it to 3. To name a few...

Magic Hat #9
Otter Creek Black IPA
Harpoon IPA
Sam Adams Lager

If drinking a substantial amount, I prefer

Pabst Blue Ribbon
Corona Light
Miller 64

Such an underrated beer. If I'm going the cheap but several route, I'll take that over a Coors/Budlight/Miller any day.
Michelob Light (Not to be confused with Ultra) :bang2:


Modelo w/lime
Brooklyn;4657546 said:
Bud Light
Coors Light
Miller Lite

Not kidding. I am serious :)

67CowboysFan;4657548 said:

If I didn't believe Brooklyn was kidding, I DEFINITELY know 67CowboysFan is kidding.
Future;4654071 said:
I'm an IPA guy...

Commodore Perry
Dogfish Head 60 Minute
Naked Dove (bit of a homer pick)

If i'm chugging it's Busch Light all day :laugh2:

You are missing the boat. West Coast is where IPA lives. Stone. Green Flash. Russian River. Bear Republic. DFH is ok but there are like 30 beers from CA and OR alone that destroy that.
AmarilloCowboyFan;4656310 said:
Anchor is a great brewery. I look forward to trying the Christmas brew every year. It's always different.

Anchor was sold a couple years back. Their legendary brewer/owner isn't there any more. It is just a weak corporate shell of what it used to be. The standards are still good but the Seasonal brews lack any sort of creativity.
masomenos;4656117 said:
Redhook makes some tasty beer, for sure. When you're in Seattle, try two of the beers I posted - Mac and Jacks and Manny's. They're both local and delicious and most bars in the area will have one, if not both.

Will do! I am ALL ABOUT trying new beers. I just discovered a little liquor store near me with an INSANE selection of beers. I bought a Russian beer just because I don't think I've ever had a Russian beer. Haha.
With a steak- new castle

Out with friends- Heineken or Corona

Game Day- Bud Light

Also widmer brothers hefeweizen and bannana bread beer (forgot who makes it)
Romo2Bryant4Six;4659708 said:
With a steak- new castle

Out with friends- Heineken or Corona

Game Day- Bud Light

Also widmer brothers hefeweizen and bannana bread beer (forgot who makes it)

I normally hate fruity beers but I'd be interested in trying a banana bread beer.
a_minimalist;4659781 said:
I normally hate fruity beers but I'd be interested in trying a banana bread beer.

Wells makes a good banana bread beer.

as for my top 3...gonna just pick brewers because dont have just 3 top beers.

Saint Arnolds ( any of their beers)
Alaska Brewing ( so far any of their beers I have tried)
Plastic Pail ( thats what I call my home brew) so far a pecan porter is my best.
poke;4659832 said:
Wells makes a good banana bread beer.

as for my top 3...gonna just pick brewers because dont have just 3 top beers.

Saint Arnolds ( any of their beers)
Alaska Brewing ( so far any of their beers I have tried)
Plastic Pail ( thats what I call my home brew) so far a pecan porter is my best.

Thanks! I'll have to try it.
The beer snobs are out in force i see.. :)

If i'm drinking beer i'm usually drinking a lot of it, so yeah i usually stick to domestic lights. Mexican beer i like Sol and Negra Modelo.

The new Bud Light margaritas are actually pretty good surprisingly, poured over ice.
AbeBeta;4658100 said:
Anchor was sold a couple years back. Their legendary brewer/owner isn't there any more. It is just a weak corporate shell of what it used to be. The standards are still good but the Seasonal brews lack any sort of creativity.
Oh, I hadn't heard that. I didn't try this last one but I don't remember teh one before being bad. I'll have to see what it's like this year. Steam and Porter are still very good beers.
a_minimalist;4653998 said:

1) Stella Artois (the first beer I was ever loyal to)
2) Miller High Life (perfect balance between light and regular beer)
3) Anchor Summer Beer / Killian's Irish Red (it's a tie)

1 Your Beer
2 Free Beer
3 My Beer
Muhast;4657603 said:
Such an underrated beer. If I'm going the cheap but several route, I'll take that over a Coors/Budlight/Miller any day.
Yes. I actually drank one last night. You can't beat a 24oz can for $1.39. It actually has taste, unlike Bud Light, Keystone, and Busch. LOL.
I get way too wasted and then sick to my stomach and other parts of my anatomy.

I'm enebriated after one and naked after four. About 25 years ago I was arrested on disorderly conduct charge due to the fact I was drunk on a few beers.

I was thrown out of bar for publicly heckling the group Bananarama. The guys told me I only drank three beers and 20 minutes later I was gone.

That summer I was also tossed out of a bar for heckling Alannis Morrisette back when she was a teeny pop singer. The guys said I really went overboard with her.

I also went to the university of Heidelberg for a semester on exchange in the late eighties and I have no idea how I completed my courses or even got a mark. I spent day and night drunk because that's all the Germans had for beverages in the dorms. I was too cool as the Canadian to refuse.

Recently someone told me that Asians and Indigenous Aboriginals carried a similar stomach enzyme that leads to an intolerance for fermented grain products.

This made sense to me because of the nasty results beer did to my intestines the next day.

Funny if I get into the rice wine or Sake I can drink bottles of that and still be standing and piling back the sushi. Loved doing that while watching Godzilla movies.

Give me a beer on a full stomach and you might as well take me to the drunk tank at the local jail because I will end up there sooner or later. Make sure the toilet is handy also.
davidyee;4662468 said:
I was thrown out of bar for publicly heckling the group Bananarama.

Which begs the question, why the hell were you at a Bananarama concert in the first place? LOL

J/K that's a pretty funny story.
AmarilloCowboyFan;4662471 said:
Which begs the question, why the hell were you at a Bananarama concert in the first place. LOL

J/K that's a pretty funny story.

...a dog back then. I would go to college events, etc with friends cause I was going for the girls.

I would end up so drunk or sick I rarely accomplished the goal I had set out for myself at the start of the evening.

Because I was young and going to school, in between school, hadn't made any real money as a race driver, enrolled in my second degree, just plain old broke, etc. I just drank the cheapest beverage. Mr borwn glass bottles or cheap aluminum can here I come!

A lot of wasted moments in life. A lot of bad concerts.

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