Your turn - Deion Sanders' turn on Ookie


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Cowboys22;1559020 said:
There's no doubt Vick was the ringleader of a dog fighting outfit named Bad Newz Kennels. He's the only one who could have financed the operation. That makes him the ringleader in my book. He may not be the biggest dogfighter in the country but he did start up a dogfighting outfit and thats a crime.

Not saying that I disagree with you, but dog fighting goes hand-in-hand with drug dealing and weapons dealing. And there's a lot of money in drug dealing and weapons dealing.


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Bob Sacamano;1559106 said:
btw, now I know who to not hire as my PR guys


I wouldn't put Emmitt in the same category as the others. Emmitt simply said he believes the feds could be putting the screws to Vick to get him to turn on others. Yes, his comments were uninformed, but it's not like that doesn't happen.

Emmitt seems to believe Vick when he says he wasn't involved. If that's the case, then Vick needs to rat out someone because it's not reasonable to assume he buys a nice house and doesn't know what's going on in that house.

Now if he is guilty, that's another matter altogether.

But Emmitt never said he supports dog fighting, not to my knowledge. The other guys seem to be giving a justification for fighting dogs. That puts them in another category than Emmitt.

For the record, I'm glad these guys are talking because I think it reveals how prevalent dog fighting is and how familiar some NFL players may be with this illegal "sport."

Bob Sacamano

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tyke1doe;1559110 said:
I wouldn't put Emmitt in the same category as the others. Emmitt simply said he believes the feds could be putting the screws to Vick to get him to turn on others. Yes, his comments were uninformed, but it's not like that doesn't happen.

Emmitt seems to believe Vick when he says he wasn't involved. If that's the case, then Vick needs to rat out someone because it's not reasonable to assume he buys a nice house and doesn't know what's going on in that house.

Now if he is guilty, that's another matter altogether.

But Emmitt never said he supports dog fighting, not to my knowledge. The other guys seem to be giving a justification for fighting dogs. That puts them in another category than Emmitt.

For the record, I'm glad these guys are talking because I think it reveals how prevalent dog fighting is and how familiar some NFL players may be with this illegal "sport."

I was only half-joking, Emmitt and Deion's comments weren't that bad, although IMO they were totally wrong, and I believe there are alot of people who would believe what they're saying, still, I would want better than that to spin my actions ;)

it depends on how familiar these players are w/ dog-fighting though, what I like is that alot are condemning the sport

btw, at 1st, it was like, "if VIck is guilty, he should be punished", now I just think he's guilty from the evidence that has been brought to light already, of course the law provides due process for the man, but I can form my own opinion too, and from the facts thus far, he's guilty, and only a not-guilty verdict will change my mind

he's already in deep doo-doo from the league as it is


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Deion's a fool. Always has been, always will be. In Deion's elitist-athlete mind, being great at sports is an excuse for immorality across the board. He's always been an apologist, because he never wants to be forgotten by other great athletes. "Standing up" for them keeps him forefront in their minds.


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tyke1doe;1559110 said:
I wouldn't put Emmitt in the same category as the others. Emmitt simply said he believes the feds could be putting the screws to Vick to get him to turn on others. Yes, his comments were uninformed, but it's not like that doesn't happen.

Emmitt seems to believe Vick when he says he wasn't involved. If that's the case, then Vick needs to rat out someone because it's not reasonable to assume he buys a nice house and doesn't know what's going on in that house.

Now if he is guilty, that's another matter altogether.

But Emmitt never said he supports dog fighting, not to my knowledge. The other guys seem to be giving a justification for fighting dogs. That puts them in another category than Emmitt.

For the record, I'm glad these guys are talking because I think it reveals how prevalent dog fighting is and how familiar some NFL players may be with this illegal "sport."

You're right on. Emmitt didn't cross the same line Deion, Portis and Samuels did. He speculated that the feds were using Vick's fame to bring more attention to the case. Thankfully, Emmitt used fewer words, and will not unintentionally reveal any approval of dogfighting.

Deion, Portis, and Samuels have all iced themselves with their own comments. Emmitt is still safe!


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I do not think that Deion wrote that- too articulate for him.
Certainly he is trying to defend VIck. Though he did make a SMALL point about how differently people see Dogs.


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You guys are forgetting Nate Newton was into fighting dogs so Deon probably has had many "barber shop talks" about the happenings of this "sport". He more than likely knows more about it than we think.There may be a lot of fish in this pond that Deon does not want caught.


I'm Complicated
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I believe Vick had a passion for dogfighting. I know many athletes who share his passion.

Good to know that Deion pals around with other people that enjoy this despicable pastime, and knowingly break the law. What quality people we have in professional sports.

Hey, Deion, maybe it's you that the feds should be talking to, since you're so familiar with people that "share his passion" for this gruesome behavior.


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Jimz31;1558894 said:
How do we know that Vick ISN'T the ringleader in this whole thing....Deion and Emmitt should probably just shut up and let things happen the way that they will. Vick has the means and money to be the ringleader in the whole thing.

I will say, however, that these dogs are getting more attention than people get when they are killed.....but Vick is a figure out there in the media, so that goes without saying.

Right, they should have quiet. Said something to the effect, I do not want to comment on this, except what was done is a horrible thing and the cruelity know the normal, it's disgusting theme. But their opinions about Vick, and the bigger picture thing, just makes them sounds like idiots wanting to protect vick in a way.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Deion is such an idiot. Did this "insight" into the mind of Vick make any sense? Wanting the biggest pieces of jewelry is compared to wanting the biggest dogfighting ring? Does it not matter that one is perfectly legal and one isn't?

How about having a passion for wanting to be the biggest drug dealer, Deion? Maybe that would make that okay, too?

And I love this attempt at an argument several have used that because there are worse things going on in the world, we should ignore this. So let's see, we just determine the worst crime against mankind and then ignore every offense less than that? Brilliant.

Deion has always defended every one of his buddies who gets into trouble, no matter what it is. This is just another example. The guy has always been a clown and he always will be.


The Cult of Jib
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Chocolate Lab;1559396 said:
Deion is such an idiot. Did this "insight" into the mind of Vick make any sense? Wanting the biggest pieces of jewelry is compared to wanting the biggest dogfighting ring? Does it not matter that one is perfectly legal and one isn't?

How about having a passion for wanting to be the biggest drug dealer, Deion? Maybe that would make that okay, too?

And I love this attempt at an argument several have used that because there are worse things going on in the world, we should ignore this. So let's see, we just determine the worst crime against mankind and then ignore every offense less than that? Brilliant.

Deion has always defended every one of his buddies who gets into trouble, no matter what it is. This is just another example. The guy has always been a clown and he always will be.

No one is saying to ignore it IMO.

I personally don't care if Vick was involved or not. I am not going to lose sleep over this matter. It sucks that dogs were hurt, but at night, I still sleep fine. Rather enjoyably, actually.

If Vick is guilty, I hope he gets caught and punished. If he is innocent, I hope he is exonerated.

If he is actually guilty but doesn't get punished, I won't care much to be honest. It will be wrong (him being let off) and I'll be disappointed but I'll still sleep fine.

There are several things that worry me to the point where I would lose sleep over.

Dog fighting is not one of them.

I think that's what people are trying to express. That, yeah, its illegal. Yeah, if guilty, he needs to be punished. But no, its not something that is worth them worrying about in day to day living.


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It isn't normal for humans to electrocute, crually body slam, or shoot an animal we consider a part of a family, at least we rarely read or hear about it, at least I don't (I could be living in a sheltered life?), so it is a shocking story so I could understand why many have a very strong feelings about this situation.

Garland powerplay

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I love this country because we could not discuss this in Iran or China. There are some countries who still believe dog is a delicatessen.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Cajuncowboy;1558944 said:
Funny thing about Manson, ya know, one guy caused the entire family of Mansons to never be able to use the common name of Charles again.

Kind like the Hitler families of Germany are now unable to use the name Adolf.

This has nothing to do with this thread, but I'm tired of Vick Talk.

Moving on now. :)

Oh, thanks a lot, ol' buddy, now I'm flashing back on the old Hill Street Blues TV show, and a character they once had, a narcoleptic comic name of Vic Hitler...

I swear, I'm not making that up... he'd start his standup routine, and was actually pretty funny, then he'd suddenly fall asleep...


I'm Complicated
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silverbear;1563180 said:
Oh, thanks a lot, ol' buddy, now I'm flashing back on the old Hill Street Blues TV show, and a character they once had, a narcoleptic comic name of Vic Hitler...

I swear, I'm not making that up... he'd start his standup routine, and was actually pretty funny, then he'd suddenly fall asleep...

I totally remember that episode! :laugh2: