YR's 3rd Annual Statistical O-Line Rankings: LEFT TACKLES

MichaelWinicki;1916002 said:
And as Rich's stats show, once you figure in penalties, Adams is not a top flight LT.

you do know that false-starting is not actual play, right?

all it is is Flo trying to get a jump on the DE, just like the DE will try to get a jump on him, it's a very important part of being successful, playing the 2 positions, but unfortunately for Flo, his hearing is impeding him in that regard, because he jumps before the snap is actually called

and I wouldn't put it past that some of Flo's false-starts can be attributed to Gurode's shaky snapping

looking strictly at Flo's play, it's top-notch
Yakuza Rich;1915904 said:
Close, I use sacks yards lost. Not sacks given up. To me if somebody gives up 5 sacks for 10 yards lost, that's better than somebody who gives up 3 sacks for 20 yards lost.


Yakuza Rich;1915904 said:
Left end is on the right side of the O-Line. Right end is on the left side of the O-Line, where Flo is responsible. It makes quite a bit of sense that the left end running was so bad as every time Dallas ran a pitch to the right side it failed miserably (except for one game).

I don't thing this is the case. "End" refers to running outside the tackles, such as on a pitch or a stretch play. For reference, look at their D-Line stats, which clearly states "These runs are from the perspective of the OFFENSE, so a run listed as LEFT TACKLE is actually at the RIGHT defensive end." Notice it does NOT say that runs at the left END are at the right defensive end.

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