New profile posts

based off of the past two years. I believe that the cowboys will stick to the same pattern
1 throwback uniform game
1 color rush game
1 game with red stripe helmet
4 navy jersey games (2 with silver pants and 2 with white pants)
Dallas Cowboys uniform schedule updates as of today.

Week 11 @ Panthers - most likely white uniforms as the panthers will be wearing the black uniforms.
week 16 @ Dolphins - again more than likely the white uniforms as they will be wearing the throwback aqua jerseys.
I will post more when more information comes out.
I mistakenly post a thread by Andrew Brandt in the draft zone. Can you please move to the fan zone?

Thank you
Hey G2,

I was diagnosed with RA in the spring of 2020. If you want to talk with me about it, I'm here.

Thank you SOOO much :)