How many more ridiculous post on MOORE DO we need open at the same time on the front page???
when the 0 proof he would've been better choice, show me show me the proof...
you have some dude that's part of the eagles talking up his coach why don't you ask Prescott how he feels about Schottenheimer in the same things about the drop out of their mouths that's what happens when teams talk about the coaches.. We heard this from Brian schottenheimer's ex coaches his bosses his peers players that have played under him they all said the same things I find it like convenient to cherry pick this from one loser from the eagles and yeah that's right anybody who talking about the eagles as well ain't Kelly Moore around here and Cowboys country just doesn't get it they're just saying what they're supposed to say... they have respect for..and?
so this is really unnecessary what is all this talk nobody wanted this green Kellen Moore here at all... Chargers didnt keep him, hmm
no, everybody thought he was a loser who Jerry was going to make the next Garrett, Garett 2.0 from memeory, same old jerry doing jerry things hiring Moore would have got blowback as bad or worse then BS!! Facts..
and now you want him back???!!!!! and you think it's a mistake lettig him walk,
but yet you have 0 proof of that there's not a single new coach that's going to be a new first time head coach that has any better chance than the one Jerry hired here in BS,
because they're all first time head coaches have to prove themselves, they have nothing that's tangible, that we know for a fact makes them better??
It's rhetorical please don't try to answer you have nothing you can respond to that says that more is going to be better than schottenheimer I say his 25 years' experience in having a father that went through this says he has a better shot he's with the team that has a little bit better roster at the time right even before any changes he has a core of players that gives him a chance and a core of players that he knows very well that like and respect him I say he has the better chance although his downfall would be Jerry Jones and his lack of free agency movement lack of big trades but I haven't seen anything from the Saints that says otherwise...
I mean other than a name and other than the fact that they belong to a team that was all in and had every benefit that you could think of and that doesn't tell me they're a great coach...
that tells me they fell into a really good situation one year on a team like Liam Cohen one year on a team like Kellen Moore, they gave them a lot of players to make sure it went well that's not a sign they're a great coach at all,
that's saying yeah given every advantage they can make something happen we could have probably called the place for the eagles it would have been pretty easy we could've just dipped into Madden we could've went SandLOT that's the advantage of having a loaded all in roster but it's not an advantage when you move to another team without the same roster without the same support of the coaching staff you guys don't get it why don't we post this stuff under the other four open Kellen more loser posts?
There's no need for a debate because you guys have nothing, nothing that says otherwise, except for you will say the opposite of anything Jerry does, so he hired schottenheimer of course him rejecting Kelly Moore is going to have you guys saying it was a mistake of course you guys are gonna say that it's hard for the course around here but you have 0 proof you have 0 shred of evidence..
carry ON!! Rant done!!! FOR NOW