Video: Dr. Phil on what Tony Romo taught him


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The TEAM did not win a championship while Romo was the QB. We could have had Brady in that time span and still would not have won anything. The team as a whole was crap most of the time. No running game, old o-line, NEVER a defense. A QB can only carry a team so far....Ask Brady about that!

stop with your agenda driven garbage and answer me this

how can a person be an “extreme winner” when he played professional sports for a decade and NEVER won anything meaningful


not even an NFCCG win

but he’s an “extreme winner”?

stop it already

you’re exposing your ignorance


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stop with your agenda driven garbage and answer me this

how can a person be an “extreme winner” when he played professional sports for a decade and NEVER won anything meaningful


not even an NFCCG win

but he’s an “extreme winner”?

stop it already

you’re exposing your ignorance
Ignorance is thinking 1 player on a TEAM is responsible for wins and loses. Romo is near the top in 4th QTR come back wins and that doesn't even count all the times he got us the lead with minutes left in the game only to sit on the side line and watch the defense let the opposing team march down the field and win the game. Take a look at the all time passer ratings, Romo is #4 on that list, Brady is #5. Now explain to me why Brady has 6 rings and Romo has ZERO....TEAM SPORT! Brady had a GM that built teams to help him win, Romo not so much! BTW, Dak is #6 on that list and doesn't have a ring. Rodgers #1(SB ring), Wilson #2 (SB ring), Brees #3 (SB ring)....

On a side note....Aikman is tied with Ryan Fitzpatrick way down at #61


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Ignorance is thinking 1 player on a TEAM is responsible for wins and loses. Romo is near the top in 4th QTR come back wins and that doesn't even count all the times he got us the lead with minutes left in the game only to sit on the side line and watch the defense let the opposing team march down the field and win the game. Take a look at the all time passer ratings, Romo is #4 on that list, Brady is #5. Now explain to me why Brady has 6 rings and Romo has ZERO....TEAM SPORT! Brady had a GM that built teams to help him win, Romo not so much! BTW, Dak is #6 on that list and doesn't have a ring. Rodgers #1(SB ring), Wilson #2 (SB ring), Brees #3 (SB ring)....

How many of those 4th quarter comebacks were in meaningful playoff games? I'll wait. How many of those 4th quarter comebacks were the result of Romo having to make up for his own mistakes early in the game? ALOT. Guy is the definition of a stat padder with no substance.


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How many of those 4th quarter comebacks were in meaningful playoff games? I'll wait. How many of those 4th quarter comebacks were the result of Romo having to make up for his own mistakes early in the game? ALOT. Guy is the definition of a stat padder with no substance.
ONCE again,IF Romo had a TEAM to work with things could have been different. Put Brady on them Romo teams he would not even be close to the greatest of all time. Romo carried this team his whole career and people want to trash him because he couldnt win the big one by himself. Name a QB who can!


Go Seahawks!!!
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How many of those 4th quarter comebacks were in meaningful playoff games? I'll wait. How many of those 4th quarter comebacks were the result of Romo having to make up for his own mistakes early in the game? ALOT. Guy is the definition of a stat padder with no substance.
Not too many of his comeback wins were even against teams with winning records.


Romo was elite
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ONCE again,IF Romo had a TEAM to work with things could have been different. Put Brady on them Romo teams he would not even be close to the greatest of all time. Romo carried this team his whole career and people want to trash him because he couldnt win the big one by himself. Name a QB who can!
You're wasting your time, man. The guy is an ***clown.


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How many of those 4th quarter comebacks were in meaningful playoff games? I'll wait. How many of those 4th quarter comebacks were the result of Romo having to make up for his own mistakes early in the game? ALOT. Guy is the definition of a stat padder with no substance.

At this point we could say the same thing about Dak. Not a slam on him, just pointing out that at this point their careers are eerily similar. First 64 games. Dak 40-24, Romo 41-23. In their first 4 years Romo went to the playoffs 3 times (1-3), Dak twice (1-2).

I agree with your point that Romo had to make up for his mistakes but how many times have we talked about Dak not playing well until the 4th quarter? Where was he in the first half? Why no 4th quarter comebacks this year? And since there were no 4th quarter comeback wins this year what does that make his stats in that quarter? A stat padder like you called Romo? Or are they something else? All other things being similar, after 4 years Romo got us to the playoffs one more time than Dak so what does that say about substance?

In the playoffs: We fell behind early against the Packers in 2016. Dallas scored 18 points in the 4th quarter but couldn't come back in a meaningful playoff game. We fell behind 16 points to the Rams but couldn't come back in a meaningful playoff game in 2018. I don't blame Dak for those. However, if you blame Romo for being unable to lead us to 4th quarter playoff comebacks does Dak get the same blame in your eyes?

Again, I am not bashing Dak. I am fine with resigning him. But people want to put him on a pedestal that he is the QB that is going to lead us to the Superbowl but just looking at the similarities between our last two QB's (at this point in their starting careers), we should more than realize that is far from a sure thing.

I was a fan of Romo and am a fan of Dak, but right now neither one did anything in their first 4 years starting to place themself above the other. Hope that Dak changes that, but only time will tell.
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coach steele

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Is it me, or is it crazy that people are still such haters about Romo and Dak? Both are good QBs. To like Romo doesn’t mean you have to hate Dak and vise versa. Romo was a lot of fun to watch. Unfortunately, and maybe due to poor coaching, he never made it to the big game. I’m rooting for Dak to make it there and win it. However, after Quincy Carter, Vinny Testaverde, and Drew Bledsoe, Romo was a breath of fresh air and will never be forgotten. He was the Archie Manning of our time.


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That's a Dak specialty.
it's what allowed the eagles to win their first super bowl and it's what allowed the eagles to enter the playoffs in 2019 and it's what got us killed in 2018. Needs wins get shut out for the first time since Quincy Carter days...


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Is it me, or is it crazy that people are still such haters about Romo and Dak? Both are good QBs. To like Romo doesn’t mean you have to hate Dak and vise versa. Romo was a lot of fun to watch. Unfortunately, and maybe due to poor coaching, he never made it to the big game. I’m rooting for Dak to make it there and win it. However, after Quincy Carter, Vinny Testaverde, and Drew Bledsoe, Romo was a breath of fresh air and will never be forgotten. He was the Archie Manning of our time.
What’s crazy is that Romo was bashed just as much, if not more than Dak, until his last couple of years and once he retired he was put on a pedestal. It’s also crazy how obsessed people still are with a guy who hasn’t played in the league in 4 years and didn’t accomplish anything worthwhile while he was playing.

Sure, he has pretty numbers here and there but he in the the big picture he couldn’t elevate his team to win anything worthwhile which is the same hate Dak gets but Dak has only played a quarter of the career Romo has. I swear, 90% of this fan base has selective amnesia,