How many of you would take less?


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i didn't make anything up. The mistake I did make was not being specific enough which gave you a crack to squirm through.

You used the players financial irresponsibility as a justification to go after ever single penny which absolutely shifts the responsibility to the employer.

Using semantics to duck this reality doesn't make it any less real.
You are confused by my point. I verbatim said I'm not justifying it. I'm telling you what happens. Right or wrong it happens. So saying it's only a few millions.....that few millions can be used to pay your agent.


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Just seams sad really, When I played football I couldn't hardly sleep the night before because of the build up. I get what you are saying,just hate it for the players that feel that way.
That's how they feel when it's money time, I don't know how they feel during the season. I am sure there are quite a few that never lost the boy's love of the sport. But it is a business, first and foremost, more than ever.

The part I do not like are the concessions the owners make about practice, that stinks. They all complain about the health part of the game and these players today are like china dolls compared to the players back in the day. These guys have year round training and it's ridiculous to look at the injury reports.

Today's game, the players are bigger, faster and stronger but not any better. They're not as good as the players in the 60's and 70's that used camp to get in playing shape. I used to look forward to Landry's List. Those were the guys that reported overweight and it was lengthy and they would have fines set up if they didn't hit the target weight and starters wanted to play preseason games to sweat out 10-15 lbs.

I got to go in the Chicago Bears locker room back in the 70's, off season, and if I had been a player on that team, I couldn't have waited to hit the field, what a dreary dump. Now they need game systems and the right tunes. The old Cowboys locker room at TS was a 5 star hotel compared to the Bears. I can only imagine what it's like now.

Give them buckets of more money, a joke of a workload compared to back in the day in the 70's , year round training and what do you get? A game not as good or as well played as back in the 70's because those faster and stronger players of today are not as good and sure as hell not as tough.


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You are confused by my point. I verbatim said I'm not justifying it. I'm telling you what happens. Right or wrong it happens. So saying it's only a few millions.....that few millions can be used to pay your agent.

I would bet my humble home that no agent has ever used " I have to protect my client from his irresponsibility" as a negotiating tactic. You dreamed up a justification (agent/player, not yours) that just doesn't fly. Agents always go after top dollar whether they are negotiating for the most irresponsible player or Warren Buffet.

In the particular case that is most important to us, the extra is significantly more than a "few" million.


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I do. I've taught for 25 years in a rural district. I've had opportunities to go to larger districts for more money, but my family and I are happy where we are.

I guess it all comes down to what makes you happy. If money makes you happy, then I guess you hold out for all you can get. If you enjoy your co-workers, community, and your job then I say it's not a big deal to take less than market value.

Agree completely. My mom is an educator and taught at a number of Title 1 schools because helping students like that is a passion of hers. I’m sure the students you’ve taught appreciate having a good teacher that’s willing to stick around somewhere for less pay even if they don’t know it. I don’t fault Dak or any player for wanting to get the most out of their contract, but there are factors other than money that are important. What organization do you want to be a part of? What brand do you want to be a part of? Where do you want you and your family to be? Where are your friends?

There’s a lot of good reasons for Dak to take a bit less than every penny he can get. He’s a very marketable player on his own but being the QB of the Cowboys multiplies that greatly. Taking a bit less means more spent on surrounding cast, including the offensive line and receivers that we’re putting massive cap dollars into to help him directly.

I think the current offer we have out for Dak is very fair if these factors are taken into account and hope Dak’s camp accepts something close to it.


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It's ridiculously funny to me that some keep saying "take less"!!!! Would you settle? Less money for your family? Less money for a career that might be cut short with and injury! Less money for a team that will cut you as soon as you slip? What the hell?? I get it, salary cap....blah, blah ,blah. I wouldn't settle and I sure as hell don't blame anyone that would.

I am thinking about taking less. But I am talking about 23 per hour down to 20 bucks and hour. I am looking to have a better team environment, closer to home, better business, learn new skills, just to name a few things.

I DARE I take less to have better employment. Who the FUQ would do that? Crazy fkers. All for 100 bucks a week less? *** am I thinking. I must be an idiot.


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I am thinking about taking less. But I am talking about 23 per hour down to 20 bucks and hour. I am looking to have a better team environment, closer to home, better business, learn new skills, just to name a few things.

I DARE I take less to have better employment. Who the FUQ would do that? Crazy fkers. All for 100 bucks a week less? *** am I thinking. I must be an idiot.
Apples to oranges, there are mitigating circumstances to your decision. Money isn't always the deciding factor but it was in two decisions I made and I regretted them both.

The large majority of these guys are making a decision about short term and expiration date employment. The earnings window for a NFL player is the shortest among all pro sports and that affects decisions making.


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Apples to oranges, there are mitigating circumstances to your decision. Money isn't always the deciding factor but it was in two decisions I made and I regretted them both.

The large majority of these guys are making a decision about short term and expiration date employment. The earnings window for a NFL player is the shortest among all pro sports and that affects decisions making.

It is most certainly NOT "apples to oranges". I have to decide long term or short term employment. I have to decide the risks. The difference? Money? Could dak survive as a human being on 23 bucks an hour? Of course he could.

Real world employment is rarely guaranteed. MANY people rely on luck to make it. Almost everyone can be fired, dismissed, downsized, "let go". I would take a pay cut to have more security and better environment FOR ME...and with that decision comes all the risks.

If dak injures his knee in football he MIGHT have to work at McDonalds. Oh what the FK! Who the hell does that?


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No it would not. And he's my argument for that myth.

You know what happens when teams are under the salary cap? They spend money on free agents. Do you know what free agents are? Players other teams either don't want or don't feel they are worth what they are asking. So that's what taking a pay cut gets you. Either guys past their prime or players other teams don't want. You just can't build a team that way.

Now when you are pressed against the cap what do you have to do? How do you get better? You are forced to draft better. To take less chances. To not get cute. This is how you want to build a team. It is the model the Chiefs will eventually have to do in order to keep talent around Mahomes. Same goes for the Eagles and Rams.
Patriots prove you greedy guys wrong on every point you make. If you greedy guys ran the team according to Ur standards, it wouldn't even have enough money left to field 45 guys on the field on Sunday. I guarantee Ur team would be 33 Nd every season and be the first team allowed to forfeit games without actually playing them, or replaced by a college team. You also would never be able or fit to run a corporation in America. The common man needs money to live. Guys like Dak , just have to decide how many Lamborghini's he wants in his garage. This isn't a case of providing the next meal, but exactly how much extravagance are you going to have in Ur life. You are going to find out before Ur die, materialism will never fill the hole to satisfy Ur peace , happiness, contentment, and ultimate purpose in life. If you desire to know that, you can personally message me, I'll be happy to assist you. Materialism ends in unhappiness. :). You also need to decide whether U are a fan of the team or player. Can't be both while supporting largest contract possible. This kind of thinking is insanity. Cutting Ur nose off to spite Ur face. Join the drug head culture :). That's where this kind of thinking belongs. :).
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It is most certainly NOT "apples to oranges". I have to decide long term or short term employment. I have to decide the risks. The difference? Money? Could dak survive as a human being on 23 bucks an hour? Of course he could.

Real world employment is rarely guaranteed. MANY people rely on luck to make it. Almost everyone can be fired, dismissed, downsized, "let go". I would take a pay cut to have more security and better environment FOR ME...and with that decision comes all the risks.

If dak injures his knee in football he MIGHT have to work at McDonalds. Oh what the FK! Who the hell does that?
And these players have to make that decision? They start off drafted and their first decision is whether to take the 2nd contract offer or look else where for more money. All of the contracts carry a certain guarantee or signing bonus in the NFL, they can be fired but they will still have a certain amount of money guaranteed, your job offer that? Mine neither except when I had an employment contract, just like they have.

So, yeah, it is donuts to truck tires (that apples to oranges seemed to upset you and you were yelling at me), your situation is not similar to theirs.


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The large majority of these guys are making a decision about short term and expiration date employment. The earnings window for a NFL player is the shortest among all pro sports and that affects decisions making.

That’s a fair point as well, but a bit less for a franchise QB. Their average career is much longer than most positions barring kickers/punters.


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Sorry but you can't base this on common people when talking about a $33M/year contract with $105M guaranteed not including endorsement deals. Therefore, if winning means Dak takes a few million less then I guess that is what is important to him but if it's just the money he will hold out for the most he can get.

Do they limit how much NFL and owners can make? Nope. So why should players take less so owners of NFL teams can say they won a championship? I call BS. Owners cries about it to get sympathy from fans....
yeah BS.


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I do. I've taught for 25 years in a rural district. I've had opportunities to go to larger districts for more money, but my family and I are happy where we are.

I guess it all comes down to what makes you happy. If money makes you happy, then I guess you hold out for all you can get. If you enjoy your co-workers, community, and your job then I say it's not a big deal to take less than market value.

You are also looking at a lifelong career.

The average NFL career lasts 3.3 years. You cash in while you can.