Dez still working out and vying for chance with Cowboys

Chuck 54

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I think Dez was a super lazy route runner and got by with Tony making him look way better than he was...

Dak needs others to help him elevate his game...

Dez can have a niche role here if he embraces being the #3 guy on the team worry about his quickness to play that slot
Dak had a great connection with Dez in his rookie year....lots of big plays.


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I think Dez was a super lazy route runner and got by with Tony making him look way better than he was...

Dak needs others to help him elevate his game...

Dez can have a niche role here if he embraces being the #3 guy on the team worry about his quickness to play that slot
Not true. Go check the highlights. Most of the passes Dez caught from Romo were jump balls, lobs and passes that Dez just outfought and outmuscled the defender. Just like TO, Dez made Romo look pretty damned good as well. Maybe you can say that about Miles Austin, Patrick Crayton and Laurent Robinson but not Dez. He was deadly out there until he turned Diva on us.

America's Cowboy

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Not true. Go check the highlights. Most of the passes Dez caught from Romo were jump balls, lobs and passes that Dez just outfought and outmuscled the defender. Just like TO, Dez made Romo look pretty damned good as well. Maybe you can say that about Miles Austin, Patrick Crayton and Laurent Robinson but not Dez. He was deadly out there until he turned Diva on us.

LOL. I hear you bro. Everyone would say those are some fine "back shoulder" throws by Romo. I would be, "What are they looking at? Half of those throws are badly underthrown. Dez is the one making outstanding catches out of poorly thrown balls!" :laugh:

Joe Realist

No Kool-Aid here!
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sideline rants at teammates and coaches, snake lee, locker room issue, babysitting, skills declined - what could go wrong?


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Not true. Go check the highlights. Most of the passes Dez caught from Romo were jump balls, lobs and passes that Dez just outfought and outmuscled the defender. Just like TO, Dez made Romo look pretty damned good as well. Maybe you can say that about Miles Austin, Patrick Crayton and Laurent Robinson but not Dez. He was deadly out there until he turned Diva on us.

Romo had to learn to throw what Dez liked, what he did best. At first, he wasn't willing to throw the jump balls, but he learned to trust Dez to go get them.

During Bryant's last year, Romo even talked about where Dak needed to put the ball for Dez. It's important for a quarterback to know a player's strengths and use them. Dez's strength was always being able to win the ball in the air, when that fell off because of injury and because Dak wasn't comfortable making those throws, Dez was done here.


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LOL. I hear you bro. Everyone would say those are some fine "back shoulder" throws by Romo. I would be, "What are they looking at? Half of those throws are badly underthrown. Dez is the one making outstanding catches out of poorly thrown balls!" :laugh:
Didn’t say they were underthrown. But I am saying those catches are much more difficult and amazing than the throws. That’s a fact!


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Romo had to learn to throw what Dez liked, what he did best. At first, he wasn't willing to throw the jump balls, but he learned to trust Dez to go get them.

During Bryant's last year, Romo even talked about where Dak needed to put the ball for Dez. It's important for a quarterback to know a player's strengths and use them. Dez's strength was always being able to win the ball in the air, when that fell off because of injury and because Dak wasn't comfortable making those throws, Dez was done here.
Like I said prior. The catches were more difficult and amazing than the throws.


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Dez was never a good route runner. He won on his physical skills alone. There's nothing wrong with that. A lot of receivers do. But many vets learn to run routes and develop ways to get separation. It never appeared that Dez was particularly good at that. His athletic skills aren't going to be what they were. Dez used to be able to consistently win the 50/50 balls, but in his last season he didn't win those often enough.

Now for a guy who is a hard worker and a great example and strong presence in the locker room, then sometimes you will give them the benefit of the doubt.

The problem is Dez never was a hard worker, usually did not set good examples, was known to be a divisive force. Maybe he's out-grown that, but maybe not. But I am not sure he's worth the chance.

And before anyone calls me a Dez hater or something....I have a Dez jersey hanging on the wall right behind me.

But when Dez was an elite WR he may have been worth the baggage, but if he's not, then it may be better to find someone who doesn't bring all the baggage that comes with Dez.


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Dez was never a good route runner. He won on his physical skills alone. There's nothing wrong with that. A lot of receivers do. But many vets learn to run routes and develop ways to get separation. It never appeared that Dez was particularly good at that. His athletic skills aren't going to be what they were. Dez used to be able to consistently win the 50/50 balls, but in his last season he didn't win those often enough.

Now for a guy who is a hard worker and a great example and strong presence in the locker room, then sometimes you will give them the benefit of the doubt.

The problem is Dez never was a hard worker, usually did not set good examples, was known to be a divisive force. Maybe he's out-grown that, but maybe not. But I am not sure he's worth the chance.

And before anyone calls me a Dez hater or something....I have a Dez jersey hanging on the wall right behind me.

But when Dez was an elite WR he may have been worth the baggage, but if he's not, then it may be better to find someone who doesn't bring all the baggage that comes with Dez.

Redball Express

All Aboard!!!
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Dez is looking good. Better than his last few years with the Cowboys.

Sign him to the 90 man roster and see what he's still got? What say you?


I think you have to admit that Dez is working very very hard at trying to dispell the past rumors..

that he did not work hard on his routes and improve his skills.

That is all his videos deal with.

Which is great..playing pitch and catch with Mahomes is cool..

but I want to see him be covered by a DB and get drilled on an out route.

I want to see him spring up and do it again..several times.

Then I will believe he can do it.

We are not being shown that. Which leads me to think he is not ready.

Make sense?

America's Cowboy

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Didn’t say they were underthrown. But I am saying those catches are much more difficult and amazing than the throws. That’s a fact!
Yes, I know you didn't say those throws were underthrown. I'm the one saying it since that's what I see. I agree with you though, Dez made some amazing catches out of much more difficult passes.

America's Cowboy

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I think you have to admit that Dez is working very very hard at trying to dispell the past rumors..

that he did not work hard on his routes and improve his skills.

That is all his videos deal with.

Which is great..playing pitch and catch with Mahomes is cool..

but I want to see him be covered by a DB and get drilled on an out route.

I want to see him spring up and do it again..several times.

Then I will believe he can do it.

We are not being shown that. Which leads me to think he is not ready.

Make sense?
Maybe? Maybe not?

It still wouldn't hurt to bring him in, test Dez against Awuzie and/or Lewis. If Dez does well, sign him to the 90 man roster and see how he performs in training camp and preseason games. Then make a decision.

What does it hurt? One's pride?


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Dez is looking good. Better than his last few years with the Cowboys.

Sign him to the 90 man roster and see what he's still got? What say you?


start at 1:31 and this is why the better CBs in the nfl shut him down so easy. Sloppy routes..When the best route runners will cut on that in or slat, Dez still loops it making the route slow to develop and allows the cb to see the route clear. It sucks that he still doesnt realize that this simple fundamental makes the biggest difference in the world. Pass


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I don’t see any downside to bringing him in and letting him show what he has left. It would have to be in a deal that allowed him to easily be cut.

The prime problem with Dez is it would be extra hard to for us to cut him or even just decline to sign him once we bring him in.

As a player, I think he'll have high upside relative to his likely cheapo price. Should be a good deal for some *other* team who could ruthlessly dump him if he doesn't pan out. But I don't think we're that team.

And even from Dez's perspective, just in terms of a fit on the field, he'd be better off with a veteran QB with better ball placement and touch.

But maybe Dez's goal is more marketing than playing football. Maybe he wants to mend fences with the org and the fans. Which may be the best thing he can do financially in football at this point.

If he came in and did more of the grunt work, never complained, got us some decent plays, that would be a better end to his career than what he's had, and better than going elsewhere and being meh. He can make being meh here a positive if he just works and contributes and stays positive about contributing. I think it would be great for him to *embrace* a Noah Brown plus some catches role.

I thought the Achilles tear would allow him to just bow out of football for injury reasons. That might have been best. But now that he's trying to come back, he's opened himself to the downsides of generating no interest, of getting cut, of playing poorly, of not delivering much value. Here, at least, he can get significant value even if he's legitimately a downroster player.


Well-Known Member
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Dez is looking good. Better than his last few years with the Cowboys.

Sign him to the 90 man roster and see what he's still got? What say you?


That’s fruit minute of our lives we can’t get back

  1. He is so, so, slow
  2. He never ran more than 20 yards. I imagine that after 20, he’d really be struggling
  3. He’s fascinated with the lying down catching balls tossed to him. Maybe he’s just resting
  4. Who are all these guys with him? Is he paying all of them or are they just sycophants hoping he’ll toss them some change when he gets signed?
Honestly, Dez isn’t helping himself with these videos because they make him look old and slow. If someone were to actually get him on the clock, which he would never agree to, I imagine he’s in the 4.75-4.85 range

Go ahead and bring him in though just so he can actually retire after getting his look.. That way every time Amari drops a ball, posters around here can say “Dez would have never dropped that ball”

I loved Dez. Have his jersey. “Dez Caught It” is my signature here.

But, his time has passed, just like Witten.