Prescott hasn't touched base with CeeDee Lamb yet


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I guess I don't really have a problem with the idea that people that make a lot of money are greedy if they want even more of it, but that applies to both sides - labor and management. I just don't think one side should be viewed that way and not the other. Realistically, are the teams, the owners, and the NFL as a whole less greedy? Do they deserve or need the money they make?

For that matter, do you or I? How do we place a value on what someone does for a living? I'm sure a lot or people in low paying jobs would think I don't deserve what I make, and I could certainly live on less money, but I'm still going to get whatever I can. And really, that's the idea capitalism is built on - if a person works hard and excels at something, they can make a lot of money. Of course, that applies to businesses as well. Dollars are a big driver for both sides.

Something to remember too, I think, is that skyrocketing player salaries didn't just happen by accident, nor did they happen without knowledge or active involvement from the teams. The first time a team agreed to a $25 million/year contract, they knew that would start the price moving to $30 million, and they knew the first time a team agreed to $30 million that would start things down the path toward $35 million. So the teams were very much a part of creating the environment.
I'm certainly not of the mindset that owners aren't greedy. Absolutely, they are. But the fact that the Joneses are trying to get Dak signed for less than he wants isn't because they don't want to spend the money. It's because they want to be able to spend it elsewhere, to make other parts of the team better. They have to spend a certain amount anyway, per league rules.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Your logic is circular.
If you've been offered a contract...(has he?) that he refused ....and because of that he isn't under a contract.....then wouldn't that be a "hold out"? He's holding signing the contract. HOLD OUT.

Maybe I'm missing some specific NFL contract terminology and definitions that you are in on?
Technically, it's only holding out if he's going against the terms of his contract, and since he has no contract, he can't be going against it.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I'm certainly not of the mindset that owners aren't greedy. Absolutely, they are. But the fact that the Joneses are trying to get Dak signed for less than he wants isn't because they don't want to spend the money. It's because they want to be able to spend it elsewhere, to make other parts of the team better. They have to spend a certain amount anyway, per league rules.
That's true, but it ultimately does come down to the owners not wanting to spend the money because the reason the salary cap exists is because the owners wanted to limit player salaries. And the owners are lucky they are allowed to do that because in an unrestricted open market environment players would have more leverage. Other industries don't have the luxury of being able to put a cap on salaries.

Risen Star

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Does Dak’s passive aggressive behavior towards Dallas make this a holdout? Like Zeke last Summer?

Oh, I really hope so. I want this thing to snowball to the point that he asks for a trade and the owner feels offended. Jerry running out of patience and feeling like he's not being treated fairly is the key to this whole thing. We need that ego to kick in.


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Tell us again how Dak wouldn't get more than $30M from another team:lmao2::lmao2::lmao2:l


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Dalton texted CeeDee told him CeeDee would lead the league in tackles after INTs....


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I have to start a thread on this rather than have it buried in another. I want to see who has a problem with this other than the reigning, defending, Likesweight Champion of the World.

CeeDee (YAC) was asked if he's heard from his new teammates on offense yet. Since, ya know, it's been a month since the draft. He said he's heard from Zeke, Cooper and Gallup but hasn't talked to Prescott. No contact from the great leader of the team to his shiny new alpha WR weapon as we approach June.

Here's the video. The 4:05 mark.

Oh I know people will rush to his defense but I won't pay any attention to that. I want to hear from those that see this as completely inexcusable from the guy wanting to be paid as the franchise QB.

Character is what you do when nobody's watching, bros.

Dak is not under contract. he is not a cowboy at this time and he is in the middle of intensive negotiations....if it was me, I wouldn't touch base neither.....its the circumstance of the previous years including 2019, he gathered the team and recievers and practiced on their own in LA, pictures were yet another badly failed attempt at knocking Dak...


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How about showing CHARACTER when everyone is watching????!:lmao2::lmao2:

I thought this thread would be gold around Thanksgiving but the bafoonery is being exposed hourly....



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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Your logic is circular.
If you've been offered a contract...(has he?) that he refused ....and because of that he isn't under a contract.....then wouldn't that be a "hold out"? He's holding signing the contract. HOLD OUT.

Maybe I'm missing some specific NFL contract terminology and definitions that you are in on?
No player is holding out that isn't under a signed contract. Whether one has been offered or refused doesn't matter. Players under contract, like Elliott, hold out for a new contract.

Laveon Bell wasn't a hold out. He never signed the tag and never intended to show up

I am not in on anything but obviously more that you are if you think he's holding out because he hasn't signed a contract. He also hasn't stated that he will not sign the tag and report on July 15.

As far as your question about if he's been offered a contract, I assume he has because his agent came back with that 5th year at 45M, if we can believe the leak. The Cowboys may have offered several different contracts in the last year but have not hit on one yet that he's willing to accept.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
hes tagged.
That is not under a contract any more than the one they've offered that he has turned down. Just because they've put the tag on him just keeps him from signing with another team. Until he signs that tag, he is not under contract and is not a Cowboy.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
.....merely a technicality.
I agree, there's no way he doesn't sign that and report by July 15. However, some have gone so far as to say he's threatened to no show and that is total fabrication. Neither he nor his agent has ever even hinted at that.

Posters need to separate the man's business and his business on the field. He will take care of his business and he will take care of leading the team on the field, his business on the field.

I think they're also faulting Prescott's camp with the long and drawn out procedure and for all we know if they'd stop trying to get beyond the, now standard, 4 year QB contract, he might have already put this to rest.

The irony of ironies is that if the stupid owners hadn't gone crazy escalating QB salaries, they might not have the agents so tuned into 4 year contracts. Used to be, the longer the deal, the better but the owners willingness to jack the QB salary up has created this situation the Cowboys and Chiefs, Texans and Ravens will find themselves in shortly.

Think these agents aren't aware of the possible surge in the cap with the TV deals coming up, the streamers lying in wait and gambling's effect? And QB's get more than a fair share of that increase, so far, way more.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
You cannot say that Dak is doing his job.
Sure I can. Right now, he doesn't have a job. His job is to stand by and let his agent negotiate the best possible deal for him for now and the future. Then, he will go about his job as the DC QB.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
No player is holding out that isn't under a signed contract. Whether one has been offered or refused doesn't matter. Players under contract, like Elliott, hold out for a new contract.

Laveon Bell wasn't a hold out. He never signed the tag and never intended to show up

I am not in on anything but obviously more that you are if you think he's holding out because he hasn't signed a contract. He also hasn't stated that he will not sign the tag and report on July 15.

As far as your question about if he's been offered a contract, I assume he has because his agent came back with that 5th year at 45M, if we can believe the leak. The Cowboys may have offered several different contracts in the last year but have not hit on one yet that he's willing to accept.

I don't give a crap what the technicalities are. If YOUR COMPANY offers you a contract...and you do not sign it...


You are free to live in your little Dak love bubble.