The “refs are out to get us” evidence is actually thin


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This misconception is my biggest gripe against Cowboys fans, some just cannot bring themselves to accept the other team played better or is a better team.

And this isn't something new, this goes back a long way because that's what the people I know didn't like about the Cowboys, their fans. There was this entitlement that they created the game, which they did not, and that a team was superior to another outside the state of Texas. They would have to cheat or have help to beat a Cowboys team.

When that call was missed against the Saints in the playoff game, in a nanosecond, I was thankful that wasn't a Cowboys game because I think I would have had to leave the forum. It was bad enough with that Dez catch/no catch with too many unaccepting of the fact that it probably wouldn.t have mattered anyway.

And those that think the league has it in for them will not accept logic that the Cowboys are the most watched team; it is in the NFL's own interest to actually try to get them in at the Big Dance.

Now, if you want to talk that officiating has denigrated to unacceptable standards, no argument here but that is across the board. They've given too much power to the officials as evidenced by the way they handled the rules change about PI, they basically stone walled the rules committee and instead of them standing tall, they just dumped the rule.


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Ok, what’s the “real story” then? I’m open to learn something else when it comes to evidence. Please share.

The real story is that the ref's arent always out to get us from the 1st quarter to the 4th. But instead pick and choose when to levy the penalty to maximize the damage, while keeping the illusion of "fairness" alive in stats.

If you only get one penalty called on you all game, but its a phantom pass interference call on 4th down with the score 21-20 that gives the opposing team first down in FG range with no time left in the game. Is it still not bias because they only called one penalty?


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And Cal Poly won't understand percentages, now or later.

Here donkey, see if you and the HR tech have the collective brain power to figure out this math problem:

“The Cowboy have almost 150% more Rushing TDs from 2016 to 2018:
Cowboys 55
Eagles 37”

What percentage more rushing TDs did the Cowboys have than the Eagles between 2016 and 2018?


[Don’t run and put me on “ignore”]
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Beyond tired of Jerry
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Every year, during every Cowboys game, the cries of “These refs are out to get us”, or “Goodell has this crew paid off to get us” go out. But it does beg the question, Is this really true? What evidence do we have that we are getting hosed by the guys in stripes?

Looking at the number of total penalties called during the season is one way to look at the big picture of how often the Cowboys are being flagged during games compared to the rest of the league. Here’s a link to a pretty good free site to examine penalties called:

Here’s how the Cowboys stacked up last year when it came to penalties called against us:
  • The Cowboys were 21st in the NFL last year in total number of penalties called against us. In other words, 20 of the 32 teams in the NFL had more penalties called than we did.
  • We were ranked 10th in the league in offensive holding calls against us, which is in the top third. But here’s some perspective: We were called 25 times for offensive holding. Our opponents were called 25 times last year for offensive holding. Can’t say we were unequally called.
  • In a year when defensive holding was seemingly called constantly, the Cowboys were ranked 24th in number of defensive holding calls.
So looking at 2019 in the penalties called department, it looks like we weren’t penalized as much as most teams.
one thing I will say is the quality of refereeing in the NFL has dropped in my opinion. But I don’t think any one team has been the beneficiary of the refs bad calls. This is a problem the NFL needs to address. It’s not a fairness issue as much as a quality issue.

Of course it's not true, but you'll always have someone showing you a missed call as "proof" of the anti-Cowboys conspiracy. :muttley:


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Of course it's not true, but you'll always have someone showing you a missed call as "proof" of the anti-Cowboys conspiracy. :muttley:
I’ve always believed a losing culture cultivates excuses. When your team loses you have to be accountable for why you lost. You lost because you didn’t make enough plays to win.

The refs make bad calls both ways. The numbers bear that out. A winning culture overcomes badcalls, bad plays, bad luck, whatever stands in the way. Winners win because they make it happen. Losers lose, not because they got cheated, but because they weren’t good enough when it counted.


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Yes, I can deny “the refs swallow their whistles when we play”. We had 109 penalties called against us in 2019. Our opponents had 102. Take a sample game- week 16 against Philly- the most critical of the year. We lost, but Philly had more penalties called against them and for more yards than we did.

I think the key phrase you used earlier was “it feels like” because there’s no hard evidence of that.
I don’t care how many penalties they call. They can call one penalty on us but if they do it at a critical moment or when we have momentum I have a issue with that.


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I don’t care how many penalties they call. They can call one penalty on us but if they do it at a critical moment or when we have momentum I have a issue with that.
What if it’s warranted?


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Here donkey, see if you and the HR tech have the collective brain power to figure out this math problem:

“The Cowboy have almost 150% more Rushing TDs from 2016 to 2018:
Cowboys 55
Eagles 37”

What percentage more rushing TDs did the Cowboys have than the Eagles between 2016 and 2018?


[Don’t run and put me on “ignore”]

I love how you actually had to edit that post.

You are the guy who posted that 100% of 37 is 74.


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I love how you actually had to edit that post.

You are the guy who posted that 100% of 37 is 74.

Whoops, caught you lying again.

That’s actually xwalker’s post [pssst, that’s why it’s in quotations]



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While I don’t believe in a league wide conspiracy I don’t care what the penalty totals are. I care about when they are called. And it always seems we get hosed by a brutal penalty at a horrible time in the game.

Like those phantom calls on holding against Tyron Smith. Which showed that they were clean blocks.

Like that call on against Fred Beard for illegal procedure against the skins.

Like those phantom calls against Gregory for roughing the passer while he clearly has a grasp on a QB sack.

How about that spearing call against Elliott? Where it clearly showed that it was the defense that hit him on the head.

Oh yeah, let's not forget Dez's catch.

No the refs aren't against us. They are honest and true to the word.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Like those phantom calls on holding against Tyron Smith. Which showed that they were clean blocks.

Like that call on against Fred Beard for illegal procedure against the skins.

Like those phantom calls against Gregory for roughing the passer while he clearly has a grasp on a QB sack.

How about that spearing call against Elliott? Where it clearly showed that it was the defense that hit him on the head.

Oh yeah, let's not forget Dez's catch.

No the refs aren't against us. They are honest and true to the word.
Yeah, all bad calls. They happen to every team. Good teams overcome bad calls. I remember some horrific calls that went against the Cowboys in the 70s and 90s and they won most of those games anyway. Bad calls are as much a part of the game as the weather. They’re gonna happen. What your team does with it determines what kind of team you are.


Well-Known Member
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Every year, during every Cowboys game, the cries of “These refs are out to get us”, or “Goodell has this crew paid off to get us” go out. But it does beg the question, Is this really true? What evidence do we have that we are getting hosed by the guys in stripes?

Looking at the number of total penalties called during the season is one way to look at the big picture of how often the Cowboys are being flagged during games compared to the rest of the league. Here’s a link to a pretty good free site to examine penalties called:

Here’s how the Cowboys stacked up last year when it came to penalties called against us:
  • The Cowboys were 21st in the NFL last year in total number of penalties called against us. In other words, 20 of the 32 teams in the NFL had more penalties called than we did.
  • We were ranked 10th in the league in offensive holding calls against us, which is in the top third. But here’s some perspective: We were called 25 times for offensive holding. Our opponents were called 25 times last year for offensive holding. Can’t say we were unequally called.
  • In a year when defensive holding was seemingly called constantly, the Cowboys were ranked 24th in number of defensive holding calls.
So looking at 2019 in the penalties called department, it looks like we weren’t penalized as much as most teams.
one thing I will say is the quality of refereeing in the NFL has dropped in my opinion. But I don’t think any one team has been the beneficiary of the refs bad calls. This is a problem the NFL needs to address. It’s not a fairness issue as much as a quality issue.
I don't think the refs are out to get the Cowboys. But I do think Goodell is it Goodell treats Jerry Jones different than the rest.


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All I know is that a phantom tripping call on a critical 3rd down late in the 4th quarter on the road, that essentially ended a chance to win the game will always look like bias.

The number of penalties is not the issue, its when they are called, and the quality of the call.

I feel pass interference on our DBs last couple years been suspect too

Redball Express

All Aboard!!!
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Every year, during every Cowboys game, the cries of “These refs are out to get us”, or “Goodell has this crew paid off to get us” go out. But it does beg the question, Is this really true? What evidence do we have that we are getting hosed by the guys in stripes?

Looking at the number of total penalties called during the season is one way to look at the big picture of how often the Cowboys are being flagged during games compared to the rest of the league. Here’s a link to a pretty good free site to examine penalties called:

Here’s how the Cowboys stacked up last year when it came to penalties called against us:
  • The Cowboys were 21st in the NFL last year in total number of penalties called against us. In other words, 20 of the 32 teams in the NFL had more penalties called than we did.
  • We were ranked 10th in the league in offensive holding calls against us, which is in the top third. But here’s some perspective: We were called 25 times for offensive holding. Our opponents were called 25 times last year for offensive holding. Can’t say we were unequally called.
  • In a year when defensive holding was seemingly called constantly, the Cowboys were ranked 24th in number of defensive holding calls.
So looking at 2019 in the penalties called department, it looks like we weren’t penalized as much as most teams.
one thing I will say is the quality of refereeing in the NFL has dropped in my opinion. But I don’t think any one team has been the beneficiary of the refs bad calls. This is a problem the NFL needs to address. It’s not a fairness issue as much as a quality issue.
Good attempt at bring it up.

The chief factor in this topic is also the timing and impact of the penalty.

It's a bigger issue when you analyze when the calls were made and how it impacted the game.

I do not think any of us believe its just coincidence when a call like holding which nullified a score that would have put us in the lead..

and 10 minutes later the other team gets a similar call taking points off the board. How often does the instant replay never show anything that should have been called?

A lot.

So it's not just the number of penalties or the yardage, its when, who and why..

and what is the down and distance and time in the game that must be weighed as to when one should feel like funny business is up.

When calls happen like this, it is clear to me this is manipulation at a high level and has to be completely behind closed doors and according to a plan or design.

Las Vegas comes to mind with big money riding on outcomes. But few of us want to go there after Pete Rose was banished and Paul Horning got suspended in the 60's and now the World Series winners in Houston admit to cheating in order to win.

So to me graft is possibly clearly there making Delflategate be very small potatoes.

Is there more..?


You brought this up Mr 22.

The prosecution rests.

Next witness.

The court calls Tom Brady, your honor.

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