FEATURED Morning Pops!

Good morning Pops and Greetings from NW Montana!

@kskboys and @RGV_C_Los, I feel your pain - quite literally - when it comes moving. We made an executive decision (and, by that, I mean my wife told me what we're going to do) to rent a house in the Bitterroot Mountains area while we build our new home. Over the past weekend, we drove a Uhaul truck with a couple of rooms of furniture 1,000 miles from Colorado

I can envision the end result about a year from now -- mountain style lodge with spectacular views and me fly-fishing on the Bitterroot River. Too bad I can't fast forward to next fall and avoid all the hassle of moving, etc, etc.

I know I sound like I am complaining or, perhaps, ungrateful for our good fortune... I really am not and feel feeling blessed that we can make this move to such a beautiful area.

Now, we just need to sell the Colorado house. Hopefully that's done before the Cowboys win their next Superbowl!
Moving is the absolute worst.
We will hire if we ever have to move anything, and I will have to gracefully decline anyone who asks for help w/ moving.

About 5 years ago or so, a buddy asked me to help him move, using my truck/trailer. I agreed. I did most of the work, and his knees were so bad he could barely help carry stuff upstairs. So....we're carrying a heavy dresser up a flight of stairs. He has to stop a couple steps up. He asks me to roll the dresser toward him. So, I reluctantly did. I rolled that sucker up all the way. Talk about a B, dang near killed me. When we got to the top, he and his mother both proclaimed how easy that was, and how we should do all of it that way!!!! I cussed. And informed him he would be on the bottom next time.

Oh, and guess how provided drinks and bought hamburgers when we were done? Yup. That ain't happening again!!!!
We will hire if we ever have to move anything, and I will have to gracefully decline anyone who asks for help w/ moving.

About 5 years ago or so, a buddy asked me to help him move, using my truck/trailer. I agreed. I did most of the work, and his knees were so bad he could barely help carry stuff upstairs. So....we're carrying a heavy dresser up a flight of stairs. He has to stop a couple steps up. He asks me to roll the dresser toward him. So, I reluctantly did. I rolled that sucker up all the way. Talk about a B, dang near killed me. When we got to the top, he and his mother both proclaimed how easy that was, and how we should do all of it that way!!!! I cussed. And informed him he would be on the bottom next time.

Oh, and guess how provided drinks and bought hamburgers when we were done? Yup. That ain't happening again!!!!
I have an Aunt Linda. She's a widow and moves from apartment to apartment. Like, literally every year she would move and my whole family would help. It got old. My father passed away, she was very close to him and helped all of us out a ton. My siblings and I decided to give her his ranch house. The only stipulation was that she never moves again. Ever.
Moving is the absolute worst.
Everything about it. The only positive is discarding of some things you bought thinking you would use them only to move to the new place and replace them because you find you need them here.

They (the mysterious "they") say you should act like you are moving every 5 years and discard items that you haven't used or worn.

My wife detested clutter and would force the annual purge. One time I was being uncooperative, ONE TIME!, and she told me to go sit on the bed and she began to play that game "Defend Your Stuff" with me. If I could defend it, it stayed, if not, it went in the donate pile and I sulked. I gotta say, it was nice having a clean and well organized closet but I wasn't letting her know. I'd make sure she'd see me in my closet all sad and ask me what's wrong. I'd stick out my lower lip and say "I miss my cowboy boots".

We'd just gone through this annual purge and donated a bunch of clothing and among them was this t shirt that my wife hated. She'd ask me to get a Christmas garment of some kind so I ordered this long sleeved t shirt of this nasty looking raunchy reindeer holding his package with the caption of "Yo Santa, Jingle These". She'd not seen it until I debuted it at our annual Christmas dinner we hosted for 4 couples that were friends of ours. To say I wasn't a hit would be a gross understatement, I got the real look, not the one she used to just get my attention, the real one.

So, it's about two weeks later and we're going to lunch and as we're sitting at the light waiting to turn left under the interstate and I look over and there's this panhandler wearing my shirt. I exclaim "holy ______, that bum's wearing my Christmas shirt!!!!!" She just calmly looks over and says "he looks a lot better in it than you did". Then she added "look at it this way, You don't have to feel guilty about not giving him anything because you already did". Every time we'd go through that annual purge, that story would put us into fits of laughter.
Everything about it. The only positive is discarding of some things you bought thinking you would use them only to move to the new place and replace them because you find you need them here.

They (the mysterious "they") say you should act like you are moving every 5 years and discard items that you haven't used or worn.

My wife detested clutter and would force the annual purge. One time I was being uncooperative, ONE TIME!, and she told me to go sit on the bed and she began to play that game "Defend Your Stuff" with me. If I could defend it, it stayed, if not, it went in the donate pile and I sulked. I gotta say, it was nice having a clean and well organized closet but I wasn't letting her know. I'd make sure she'd see me in my closet all sad and ask me what's wrong. I'd stick out my lower lip and say "I miss my cowboy boots".

We'd just gone through this annual purge and donated a bunch of clothing and among them was this t shirt that my wife hated. She'd ask me to get a Christmas garment of some kind so I ordered this long sleeved t shirt of this nasty looking raunchy reindeer holding his package with the caption of "Yo Santa, Jingle These". She'd not seen it until I debuted it at our annual Christmas dinner we hosted for 4 couples that were friends of ours. To say I wasn't a hit would be a gross understatement, I got the real look, not the one she used to just get my attention, the real one.

So, it's about two weeks later and we're going to lunch and as we're sitting at the light waiting to turn left under the interstate and I look over and there's this panhandler wearing my shirt. I exclaim "holy ______, that bum's wearing my Christmas shirt!!!!!" She just calmly looks over and says "he looks a lot better in it than you did". Then she added "look at it this way, You don't have to feel guilty about not giving him anything because you already did". Every time we'd go through that annual purge, that story would put us into fits of laughter.
Good morning Pops, Popsadoodles and a special shout out to Smiley for raising Coachadoodles to the best of her ability. One can only wonder how many "jingle these" you have in your possession now. I'd already started on myself to purge this coming weekend. Sometimes I get mad at my neighborhood and think I'll just move. I look around my house at the furniture, kitchen cabinets and closets, sit down and say "screw it". I really feel sorry for the people that come in after I'm gone. I hoard art supplies which don't take up much space and kitchen stuff I really don't have room for much food in there. Yep, it's gotten out of hand. This is my purge focus.

Good luck on the move, Montanalo Cowboy. Maybe you should rent a UHaul or 18 wheeler for your stuff. I wouldn't want to make a 1k casual drive too many times unless it's to the ocean. Then I'd be willing and have the time.

Have a good Thursday everyone.
Everything about it. The only positive is discarding of some things you bought thinking you would use them only to move to the new place and replace them because you find you need them here.

They (the mysterious "they") say you should act like you are moving every 5 years and discard items that you haven't used or worn.

My wife detested clutter and would force the annual purge. One time I was being uncooperative, ONE TIME!, and she told me to go sit on the bed and she began to play that game "Defend Your Stuff" with me. If I could defend it, it stayed, if not, it went in the donate pile and I sulked. I gotta say, it was nice having a clean and well organized closet but I wasn't letting her know. I'd make sure she'd see me in my closet all sad and ask me what's wrong. I'd stick out my lower lip and say "I miss my cowboy boots".

We'd just gone through this annual purge and donated a bunch of clothing and among them was this t shirt that my wife hated. She'd ask me to get a Christmas garment of some kind so I ordered this long sleeved t shirt of this nasty looking raunchy reindeer holding his package with the caption of "Yo Santa, Jingle These". She'd not seen it until I debuted it at our annual Christmas dinner we hosted for 4 couples that were friends of ours. To say I wasn't a hit would be a gross understatement, I got the real look, not the one she used to just get my attention, the real one.

So, it's about two weeks later and we're going to lunch and as we're sitting at the light waiting to turn left under the interstate and I look over and there's this panhandler wearing my shirt. I exclaim "holy ______, that bum's wearing my Christmas shirt!!!!!" She just calmly looks over and says "he looks a lot better in it than you did". Then she added "look at it this way, You don't have to feel guilty about not giving him anything because you already did". Every time we'd go through that annual purge, that story would put us into fits of laughter.
The funniest moments in life are those that are real.
Morning Pops, and those of you not in my time zone!

It's Friday afternoon, and all I have left to do at work is load my truck for a 3:30 a.m. start on Monday. Then tomorrow morning, I get to go to the DMV to renew my license. It was actually due in April, but they were closed due to the pandemic, and all those whose birthdays fell after that time were granted a 6 month stay of execution. Now, you all know what the DMV is like, so what's the over/under that they're going to try to issue me some type of fine or late fee?

Gotta love that place! Being a commercial driver, I have to bring two forms of I.D., two pieces of mail with my address on them, my Medical Examiner's Certificate, my Self Certification (without which I wouldn't have a Medical Examiner's Certificate), and then once I'm done at the DMV, I have to wait for them to send my new license via the USPS, from a "secure location".

It's like they're trying to get people to give up truck driving.

Oh well, have a great weekend, everyone!
Afternoon Pops. Afternoon Fellas and good afternoon to all who decided to stop in and visit this thread.

So, not a lot going on for the first time in a pretty long time, this weekend. I'm kinda stoked about that, to be honest. Grandkids are coming over tonight to sleep over, got a BDay party to go to on Saturday (cousin) and on Sunday, I have not yet been told. Come to think about it...... Hell, I guess I do have stuff going on this weekend. OK..........

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all holding up well, keeping life in perspective, mostly taking care of the things that are important. Take good care of those things!

Everybody, please enjoy a safe and happy weekend. Remember, we need you back on Monday!

When I was a kid, I enjoyed going to a park and just sitting. Not drinking, not smoking, just sitting and letting the wind blow on my face in the summer or breathing in the cool air in the fall, watching the snow fall in the winter or letting the rain fall on me in the spring. Just liked being outside and usually, by myself. Same deal in the woods or on a lake or on a river bank, I would just do it to enjoy what nature had to offer. I'd give a lot to be able to do that now. Seems like such a long time ago. But I can still remember the time spent. Anyhow, here's a quick little tune from The Dobbie Brothers to kick off your weekend. This tune is called Another Park Another Sunday.


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