FEATURED Morning Pops!


Red, White and Brew...
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
:starspin::starspin::starspin: - I have so many wonderful, lasting memories of Weldon (Pops). So many of which I could never post all of them here in one thread. I remember when Pops first came around. I knew immediately he was a class act and a living Dallas Cowboys encyclopedia. He was always willing to share his memories. He lived for it. Just loved to talk Cowboys. He was a joy. A true joy.

As many of you know, I spend most of my time on this site in the morning hours, as did Weldon, and that is when we really got to know each other. We would get to chatting and posting (as did Winky and Yeags and others) every morning. We were ultimately referred to as "the morning crew." Well, in short order, Weldon made it known that he was, let's say "older" than most of us. He would say "wiser"...and he was correct. Anyways, one morning, I happened to say, "Morning Pops" and the name Pops was forever more. Who would have known? That is how Pops got his name. He got his reputation however, from just being himself, E. Weldon Parkkhill Jr. One of the sweetest, kindest, people I have ever had the the pleasure of knowing. It saddens me beyond words that he is gone.

On occasion, Reality and/or Hos will ask us, "how can we make this place even better?" - henceforth, my response will always be, "we could all strive be a little more like Pops!"

I raise my coffee cup to you my friend, my mentor. May God Bless you, good buddy....and until I get there...........one more time...

Morning Pops. :)
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Well-Known Member
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Sarge I never had a chance to chat with "Pop's" but your post about him makes me proud to be on this board God bless you for sharing that post and God Bless Pop's. I don't drink coffee Sarge so I bow my head and say a prayer for Mr. Weldon and his family. He is probably in Heaven answering Gods questions about the Cowboys.


...Abbey someone
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Wonderful tribute Sarge.

Hey Sarge, remember the rooster we had as AV's for the morning crew?

Mornin' Santiago.


Dr. Freakasaurus
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Mornin' Pops.

It's really something how you can develop a connection to these people you've never even met. I'm proud to be a part of this board.


Just taking it easy
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Sarge;2883928 said:
:starspin - I have so many wonderful, lasting memories of Weldon (Pops). So many of which I could never post all of them here in one thread. I remember when Pops first came around. I knew immediately he was a class act and a living Dallas Cowboys encyclopedia. He was always willing to share his memories. He lived for it. Just loved to talk Cowboys. He was a joy. A true joy.

As many of you know, I spend most of my time on this site in the morning hours, as did Weldon, and that is when we really got to know each other. We would get to chatting and posting (as did Winky and Yeags and others) every morning. We were ultimately referred to as "the morning crew." Well, in short order, Weldon made it known that he was, let's say "older" than most of us. He would say "wiser"...and he was correct. Anyways, one morning, I happened to say, "Morning Pops" and the name Pops was forever more. Who would have known? That is how Pops got his name. He got his reputation however, from just being himself, E. Weldon Parkkhill Jr. One of the sweetest, kindest, people I have ever had the the pleasure of knowing. It saddens me beyond words that he is gone.

On occasion, Reality and/or Hos will ask us, "how can we make this place even better?" - henceforth, my response will always be, "we could all strive be a little more like Pops!"

I raise my coffee cup to you my friend, my mentor. May God Bless you, good buddy....and until I get there...........one more time...

Morning Pops. :)

Well said and exactly right--Good Morning Pops --Hows the coffee


Well-Known Member
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Morning pops from all of us. I'm having coffee right now. How about I have a sip for you? Go with God. :pray: