Has Dak Prescott shown enough for Dallas to sign long term?


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Understood, but everyone else has to do their part. Our biggest problem is our defense and our offenses inability to run the ball. Yes, those turnovers don't help either.

Which makes one further questions the validity of re-signing Dak as the OL is a fraction of what it was a few years ago and needs to be rebuilt....the defense needs players especially up front.


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You're trying too hard. Having a historically bad defense may have something to do with our record no?
No no no no no.

See, when the Cowboys were winning his first few seasons, wins were a TEAM thing and Dak was holding them back because he could not match the numbers of other Top QBs because he clearly lacked the arm talent.

Now that Dak is breaking records after they said he couldn't throw for 200 yards a game, but the Defense is historically bad, it's Dak's fault that the team does not win.

I find it so comical how "Wins" have switched from a team thing to a QB thing (and vice versa) when it comes to whatever side of the Dak argument you are on.

I believe the QB holds more influence in winning or losing than any other position, but ...... seeing how bad our defense and special teams have been for the past couple of years, it is hard to completely blame Dak for losses.

But since I don't have a dog in the fight, other than attacking stupidity, I can sit back and objectively see that if the offense, to include the two best players Dak and Zeke, clean up their turnovers, the offense is fine. But that defense .... I don't know. A 3rd string RB with a career 26 yards since 2019 came into this game and made them look silly.

But shhhhhh, don't acknowledge that if you don't like Dak. It does not help your cause at all.

America's Cowboy

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Which makes one further questions the validity of re-signing Dak as the OL is a fraction of what it was a few years ago and needs to be rebuilt....the defense needs players especially up front.
Good question.

Dak has a choice to make:

Accept $32-$33 million per year to help the team have some extra $$$ to shore up other positions of need and keep the team competitive...


Go follow that $40 million per year contract elsewhere.

Dak knows he will easily make up the difference in millions every year in endorsements simply for being the star QB of the Dallas Cowboys, so we will all find out by season's end how much Dak truly wants to remain a Dallas Cowboy or not.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It's this teams identity. Pay top pay to guys who don't deserve it and hope and pray the draft pans out.

The defense will take 3-4 drafts to overhaul, just in time for our offensive line to be completely void of talent, which will take 3-4 drafts to rebuild, which in time our skill players will be gone, which will take 3-4 drafts to rebuild, and now our defense is lacking talent which will take 3....

Absolutely. Rinse and repeat. Its like the front office never learns.

We actually need to swing some trades. I love Michael Gallup, but we aren't resigning him while paying Amari and with taking CeeDee Lamb in round 1. Lets trade him for second round pick before we lose him. These are the kinds of moves we haven't done since the Jimmy Johnson era. I honestly question whether we don't trade our expiring chips b/c our FO isn't familiar enough with the rest of league to make phone calls.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
For the record I want him signed.

But I'm not sure this defense can be fixed anytime soon. LVE is a huge question mark, DE's are a huge question mark this and next year. Secondary is green/bad, and we have 3 guys who eat up snaps as soon to be UFA in Chido, Lewis and Woods.

This year, only way I can see any chance is D-Law gets healthy/motivated, LVE can find his 2018 mojo, Gregory/Aldon play at their peak, and some guys in the secondary make some progress. Even then, I think it's highly unlikely. Front seven can't stop the run, can't pressure the QB and the back 4/5 are beat like a drum on 2 second passes.
I was agreeing with you. Apologize if it sounded different


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Dak and his agent would be foolish to sign a long-term deal with the Cowboys.

If they’re smart, which I think they are based on how they have valued his worth, they will only play for the Cowboys under the tag again next year and then sign a long-term deal with a team that is well-managed.

New England would be a perfect fit.


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I was on board with letting Mike M work with him then see what he wants to do, there is no doubt he wants Dak now, as some have pointed out, Dak may not want the Cowboys much longer. I got an idea lets put together the worst defense in the NFL historically and tank for T Lawerence who is obviously a no brainer sure fire HOF QB in the NFL.....if only the Cowboys would have the balls enough to actually have the worste defense in the NFL HISTORICALLY....no balls!!!


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Good question.

Dak has a choice to make:

Accept $32-$33 million per year to help the team have some extra $$$ to shore up other positions of need and keep the team competitive...


Go follow that $40 million per year contract elsewhere.

Dak knows he will easily make up the difference in millions every year in endorsements simply for being the star QB of the Dallas Cowboys, so we will all find out by season's end how much Dak truly wants to remain a Dallas Cowboy or not.

If Dak really cared about the rest of the team being competitive and knowing he would easily make more in endorsements he would have already signed the deal instead of forcing the Cowboys to tag him.

America's Cowboy

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If Dak really cared about the rest of the team being competitive and knowing he would easily make more in endorsements he would have already signed the deal instead of forcing the Cowboys to tag him.
Cared like Zeke and D-law cared when they sat out for top positional pay overall?


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Well, his stats are not leading to team wins so that is all that I am trying to say.
Dak Hater Alert @USArmyVet

But Dak is only 2nd to Russell in Wins since 2016...

BUT of course Dak Haters will only select a historic sample point that support their agenda

@USArmyVet why did you arbitrarily select 28 Games?

Pay him for what? Yes, he is putting up personal stats but this year Dallas' record is 1-3.....last year Dak put up great personal stats but Dallas' record was 8-8.

Over the last 28 games, the Dak led Dallas Cowboys have a record of 12 Wins and 16 Losses.

While his personal stats may jump out the team record does not and ultimately the job of a QB is to help lead the team to Wins, not personal stats.

Why did you select last 28 Games?

Is this how NFL capability is determined? By 28 Games?


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Pay him for what? Yes, he is putting up personal stats but this year Dallas' record is 1-3.....last year Dak put up great personal stats but Dallas' record was 8-8.

Over the last 28 games, the Dak led Dallas Cowboys have a record of 12 Wins and 16 Losses.

While his personal stats may jump out the team record does not and ultimately the job of a QB is to help lead the team to Wins, not personal stats.

In fairness to Dak, he's not exactly been helped by the defence, and, frankly, I don't think there's a QB in the draft that can help us with this defence. So, I'd keep Dak and extend him on that basis. Keep him, June 1 cut DLaw, and try to work some trades in to get some additional draft capital. Then, go straight defence with maybe 1 olineman in the next draft. That would be the best way to fix this team imo.


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hes worth keeping for sure but at what price now? how many years is the line in the sand changed ? i mean if 5 years were too long last year how does 4 work this year because it the same isnt it so what demand this year 3 years 120mil all guaranteed?

this all matters.. might be a Non exclusive tag and possible playing under his last tag or a trade?
I like Dak but been onthe side that 40plus is far too much with all the other holes we have to fill on this team..

dak went from bus driver to Romo 2.0 big stats but still losing .. im not sure now Romo was my favorite but games like that are now just not accpetbale..so investing in a qb at 40+ when a rebuild is needed?