Why do I keep reading Jerry better pay Dak now?


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You look on twitter & on the media you see players and fans that Jerry better pay Dak now.

As if its Jerry's fault Dak didn't sign a long term contract. Like the Cowboys didn't offer him a 5 year deal making north of 37 million a year & 110 + million in guarantees.

Reports are week 1 last year both sides agreed to a verbal "handshake" deal and it was Dak & his agent that backed out of that deal.

Dak & his agent bet on themselves & now it looks like they lost. I wish Dak didn't get hurt. I think that is obvious nobody wanted that but now that he did this should help out the Cowboys.

Is that fair? Yes! Absolutely its fair. And Jerry & the Cowboys should use this injury to their advantage.

Just like Dak was using the franchise tag to his advantage. Dak had no issue holding the Cowboys franchise hostage. "this is just business". How many times did we hear that.

Well now Cowboys should be in the driver's seat & they should play hardball. They should have a backup plan going into the off-season. A plan that lets Dak test the market because no team is paying Dak 40 million a year... in a year the cap shrinks. Not after this injury. By the time Dak can do football stuff, free agency will have already began. Teams will be spending cap & I cannot see teams paying out a massive contract when they do not even know the health of Dak.

My hope is Dalton plays good & wants to stay in Dallas. Doesn't mind being a backup. Dallas can get Dak on a cheap 2 or 3 year deal to prove he is healthy.

But what Dallas doesnt need to do is over pay him now because they should have zero guilt on Dak getting injured. The game Dak & his agent played can backfire and it did. And Cowboys should reep the rewards of it backfiring because if it played out Dak's way, they had all intentions of reaping those rewards.


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The only scenario where Dak wouldn't get paid is if the doctors deemed a 100% recovery unlikely. Dalton is going to win enough games to keep us out of the Justin Fields/Trevor Lawrence lottery. So, Dak in 2021 still makes sense. Ladanian Tomlinson had this injury, recovered, and had a great career. Dak isn't even a running Qb. So, I doubt this injury is going to prevent him from being effective.


Intramural Legend
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Dak still has the exact same amount of leverage, because it's not a career-altering injury. Literally nothing has changed.

There is no backup plan that will influence Dak's negotiations, because there is no comparable player who is going to be available.


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Dak still has the exact same amount of leverage, because it's not a career-altering injury. Literally nothing has changed.

There is no backup plan that will influence Dak's negotiations, because there is no comparable player who is going to be available.
I don’t think you can say nothing has changed. Dak just experienced firsthand how quickly a catastrophic injury can happen. He may be (and probably should be) more risk averse now.


Intramural Legend
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I don’t think you can say nothing has changed. Dak just experienced firsthand how quickly a catastrophic injury can happen. He may be (and probably should be) more risk averse now.
Ok fine.

His price hasn't changed.


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You look on twitter & on the media you see players and fans that Jerry better pay Dak now.

As if its Jerry's fault Dak didn't sign a long term contract. Like the Cowboys didn't offer him a 5 year deal making north of 37 million a year & 110 + million in guarantees.

Reports are week 1 last year both sides agreed to a verbal "handshake" deal and it was Dak & his agent that backed out of that deal.

Dak & his agent bet on themselves & now it looks like they lost. I wish Dak didn't get hurt. I think that is obvious nobody wanted that but now that he did this should help out the Cowboys.

Is that fair? Yes! Absolutely its fair. And Jerry & the Cowboys should use this injury to their advantage.

Just like Dak was using the franchise tag to his advantage. Dak had no issue holding the Cowboys franchise hostage. "this is just business". How many times did we hear that.

Well now Cowboys should be in the driver's seat & they should play hardball. They should have a backup plan going into the off-season. A plan that lets Dak test the market because no team is paying Dak 40 million a year... in a year the cap shrinks. Not after this injury. By the time Dak can do football stuff, free agency will have already began. Teams will be spending cap & I cannot see teams paying out a massive contract when they do not even know the health of Dak.

My hope is Dalton plays good & wants to stay in Dallas. Doesn't mind being a backup. Dallas can get Dak on a cheap 2 or 3 year deal to prove he is healthy.

But what Dallas doesnt need to do is over pay him now because they should have zero guilt on Dak getting injured. The game Dak & his agent played can backfire and it did. And Cowboys should reep the rewards of it backfiring because if it played out Dak's way, they had all intentions of reaping those rewards.
People on social media, particularly Twitter have a hard-on for athletes "getting paid" for some reason.
I don't think he lost any leverage.


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Jerry's reputation will take a severe plunge if he doesn't pay Dak. I've already come across multiple fans that have already said they will be done with Jerry and possibly the Cowboys if he screws this up. Past players, current players, players across the league, fans across the league, and possibly owners will be digusted and disappointed in Jerry if he screws this up.

Jerry and Stephen has already stated nothing has changed on their view of him and him staying here in Dallas, but just in case it's all talk, I hope they know their reputation is still at stake.

Although Dak is injured for the time being, not much leverage has been lost.


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Jerry's reputation will take a severe plunge if he doesn't pay Dak. I've already come across multiple fans that have already said they will be done with Jerry and possibly the Cowboys if he screws this up. Past players, current players, players across the league, fans across the league, and possibly owners will be digusted and disappointed in Jerry if he screws this up.

Jerry and Stephen has already stated nothing has changed on their view of him and him staying here in Dallas, but just in case it's all talk, I hope they know their reputation is still at stake.

Although Dak is injured for the time being, not much leverage has been lost.

They're Businessmen.... It's all talk.


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I think Dak's mindset will completely change. If we tag him and he gets hurts again??? It's a two way street on injuries now for Dak. Before, he was durable and never missed a game. Now that is not the case, and Dak may soften his salary needs because one more injury while on the tag changes everything IMO.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Jerry's reputation will take a severe plunge if he doesn't pay Dak. I've already come across multiple fans that have already said they will be done with Jerry and possibly the Cowboys if he screws this up. Past players, current players, players across the league, fans across the league, and possibly owners will be digusted and disappointed in Jerry if he screws this up.

Jerry and Stephen has already stated nothing has changed on their view of him and him staying here in Dallas, but just in case it's all talk, I hope they know their reputation is still at stake.

Although Dak is injured for the time being, not much leverage has been lost.

You are assuming Jerry is the reason Dak isn't signed. But, the fact is that Dak was offered a contract that would have put him behind only Russel Wilson at the time. Dak and his agent chose not to sign it. Why? B/c they they got greedy and wanted a shorter deal so they could get to the next contract faster. Pretty sure that's not on Jerry.


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Dak still has the exact same amount of leverage, because it's not a career-altering injury. Literally nothing has changed.

There is no backup plan that will influence Dak's negotiations, because there is no comparable player who is going to be available.

Though I agree, do you believe he will be able to perform at the same level he was performing at before this injury? I think he will, just curious to know your opinion, mostly because this injury is serious and a lot of people are saying things amongst the lines of "he won't play the same" or "he will only be 75% of what he used to be"


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Jerry's reputation will take a severe plunge if he doesn't pay Dak. I've already come across multiple fans that have already said they will be done with Jerry and possibly the Cowboys if he screws this up. Past players, current players, players across the league, fans across the league, and possibly owners will be digusted and disappointed in Jerry if he screws this up.

Jerry and Stephen has already stated nothing has changed on their view of him and him staying here in Dallas, but just in case it's all talk, I hope they know their reputation is still at stake.

Although Dak is injured for the time being, not much leverage has been lost.
The Joneses will pay him. They have even paid and kept people they shouldn't have.
They are kind of like the Browns in their sentimentality but they have money.