Brett Favre on MM and the Cowboys


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He's exactly right.....some serious leadership issues here. Quite frankly, we now know, we only had one. The bottom fell out when we lost him ......

BTW....notice the MM props as a disciplinary. I know I'm a minority, but MM will get this right if we give him time.



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He's exactly right.....some serious leadership issues here. Quite frankly, we now know, we only had one. The bottom fell out when we lost him ......

BTW....notice the MM props as a disciplinary. I know I'm a minority, but MM will get this right if we give him time.

Mike is going to get that chance.

A good start may be to get rid of his DC buddy and hire someone where we dont need 15 new players to run a reasonably OK defense.


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Mike is going to get that chance.

A good start may be to get rid of his DC buddy and hire someone where we dont need 15 new players to run a reasonably OK defense.
Even with the right guys the Defense would be average at best. You have to stop the run. It is odd we can’t do that when we know every game they are going to run the ball.

I want to see him start to get it going right before the end of season. Get guys giving full effort.


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his saying about the core group...”jerrys hand picked core”...not taking to coaching and missing “something” is very important! it is obvius that there is some thing very wrong with this core like i have been saying. it start with your jaylon smith and demarcus lawrences. the “leaders” on defense. haha! more interested in their brands...#cleareyeview and selling hot boyz merch,


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We have a crap culture Brett.

We treat our players like rock stars and pay them top dollar for giving us mediocre results. That's our standard.

You win 1 playoff game and you buy yourself 5 years as a Cowboy and a big contract.
This is the same culture that won 3 Super Bowls. That culture thing is a excuse. Cowboys need to hire a real GM.


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his saying about the core group...”jerrys hand picked core”...not taking to coaching and missing “something” is very important! it is obvius that there is some thing very wrong with this core like i have been saying. it start with your jaylon smith and demarcus lawrences. the “leaders” on defense. haha! more interested in their brands...#cleareyeview and selling hot boyz merch,

+1 Exactly's an indirect shot at Jaylon and DLaw leadership. They are paid to play at a high level and make plays in any scheme. It's not happening.....this is why I don't both of them back for 2021. MM will reset the D with his own core guys during the offseason.


Forum Architect
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We have a crap culture Brett.

We treat our players like rock stars and pay them top dollar for giving us mediocre results. That's our standard.

You win 1 playoff game and you buy yourself 5 years as a Cowboy and a big contract.

Parcells worked hard to change that culture here, and we knew Jerry would wash it away the second he left. And he sure did.

You all mention the word culture, and that's it in a nutshell. We can't have a tough-nosed, disciplinarian as the principal when all the students know they can rush to the superintendent and complain every time they don't get their way.

Either Jerry needs to be in lock-step with his hard-nosed head coach, or he might as well go back to hiring pushovers.


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I'm not sure you understand what culture is.

The Chicago Bulls are the same team that won 6 titles. I promise you their current culture is nothing like it was in the 90s.
The Bulls are not the same team. Jerry Reindorff for starters is dead.

I just don’t buy the culture stuff. We hired guys who got fired from their previous stop. So Green Bay had a bad culture? Sure seems to be ok now.


Forum Architect
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The Bulls are not the same team. Jerry Reindorff for starters is dead.

This isn't the same team either. Which is entirely the point.

Jerry remains at the helm, but the culture of this organization is far, far different than when Jimmy Johnson ran things.

In fact, one could argue Jerry and Jimmy clashed because Jerry wanted the very culture that is in place today.


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This isn't the same team either. Which is entirely the point.

Jerry remains at the helm, but the culture of this organization is far, far different than when Jimmy Johnson ran things.
That I disagree with. Jerry coddled those guys. He coddled Irvin and Deion. Difference is those are superstars.


Forum Architect
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That I disagree with. Jerry coddled those guys. He coddled Irvin and Deion. Difference is those are superstars.

He coddled them, I agree. But look back at psychological edge Jimmy instilled through his coaching tactics, the accountability he put in place, the fear that mid-range to bottom-of-the-roster guys had of losing their jobs.

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